What a Croc

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Back in the apartments, Haru was making tea for everyone and handing out cups, as the entire massive gang of gamers watched the tournament.

So far not much footage of Kirito's group had been shown. But they were able to take a glimpse at Hoodlum sneaking around and knocking out many players, reducing their health to zero with sheer fighting skill.

"I'm just saying!" Klein exclaimed, talking with Kuroyukihime. "I mean, she must have some sort of military training! I've seen those moves in movies done by weird Black Ops American dudes!"

"And they're movies.. a real far cry from real life." said Kuroyukihime  serenely. "It could be a Brain Burst avatar whose utilized the skills of a well trained legion member.."

"Hey.. I'm in your legion.. and I've got no real life fighting skill." said Lizbeth, raising an eyebrow.

"Have you tried utilizing your fighting styles in real life?" Kuroyukihime asked.

"Eh.." Lizbeth shrugged. "Maybe not. But I'm just saying, there's a line between reality and VR, especially when it comes to the laws of the human body and physics."

As the group continued to speak happily about the tournament, Haru walked over to Keiko (AKA Silica) and handed her a cup of tea. "Hey.. are you okay Keiko-chan? You seem distracted.."

Keiko blinked with slight fright, taken by surprise. "Uh.. s-sorry.. it's.. just well.. usually I'm used to Pina.. my cat being with me.. "

"Yeah.. I get it.." said Haru. "Is Kuroko okay? I'm glad you made it out of the hospital at least.."

"Uh.." Keiko looked out the window again.. It was pouring and raining hard.. outside it was already getting dark.

"What's the matter?" said Haru.

"Ummm.. I.. th-thought I saw something moving out there.. something big.." Keiko whispered.

"Probably just the dog from next door." said Haru. "He loves the rain for some reason.."

Keiko shivered. "It.. looked much bigger than that.."

"Don't worry Keiko." said Haru. "You're perfectly safe in here.."

A Haru moved off to watch the tournament footage with the others.. Keiko looked out the window.. was it true? Was she imagining things?

Then.. she saw something through the dark rain.. something, was moving unusually close to the window...  like a large wall just shifting past.

Keiko narrowed her eyes.. it looked like.. leathery scales..

That's when a pair of glowing yellow eyes.. appeared.. they turned, and met her own.. reptilian and inhuman...

"AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!" Keiko screamed and fell off her seat.

"Keiko!!!" Lizbeth ran over and helped her friend to her feet. "What's wrong!? Are you okay!?"

"MONSTER!!! BIG MONSTER!!! OUT THERE!!!" Keiko screamed, pointing frantically out the window.

"Sure it wasn't Kiri visiting?" said Klein.

"But Kiri spends most of her time sleeping at the top of the tree in ALO.." said Chiyuri. "I can't picture her coming out of the VR world right now unless she wanted Mikoto to rub her belly or something.."

"Well.." said Fuko (Sky Raker) looking outside. "I don't see anything out there now..

Suddenly, as Fuko turned around.. outside the window.. a massive scaly leathery arm, with large webbed claws reached out from the dark.. the light of the window splashing onto it.

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