School finished quickly that day and I was still nervous about going to Zayn's house, even though literally all I had to do was to get my jacket and maybe work on our project a little bit.
I was just overreacting as usual.
So as soon as the final bell rang to announce the end of the day instead of being happy about it, I had sweaty palms.
I needed to find someone to offer to drive me there, and Zayn was completely out of the question because he came to school on his motorcycle.
He has a motorcycle
Jesus Christ
"Hey can you maybe drive me over to Zayn's today?" I asked Jake when I found him in the hallway talking to Sophia and Max.
"Oh sorry bae but I promised Max I'd give him a ride home and then I'm on babysitting duty for my annoying sister."
"Oh okay sure. No problem. Thanks anyway." I answered and shot him a look that was supposed to be an innuendo. He caught it and nodded, before mouthing 'later'.
At least one of us was having sex.
I did not just think of that
Oh my God
I spotted Harry in the parking lot, leaning against his black Audio, arms crossed as he talked to Louis. They seemed to be having a pretty secretive conversation because as soon as I neared them they stopped talking completely.
"Hi." I said to no one in particular.
Harry was the only one to greet me; Louis just looked me up and down without saying a word. I felt so bad and shitty that he seemed to dislike me because I hated it when people didn't like it. On one hand, I wanted to be liked, but on the other I agreed with them because there wasn't really anything to like about me.
"I was um, kind of wondering if you could maybe give me a ride after school?"
"Yeah Harold, could you give her a ride after school?" Louis asked in a sarcastic tone.
Why are you so rude to me
What did I do to you
Harry blushed and looked away from him.
"I'd love to. But Louis' coming with us too because I have to drop him off at work."
"Oh, where do you work?"
"In a record store outside the mall."
"I know that one."
"Yeah. Pay is okay although they need to find someone else to look after the cash register because I'm tired of having to work the aisles too."
I was surprised by the fact that he actually talked to me nicely. We got into the car after that; Louis and Harry in the front and I in the back.
I didn't really talk for the whole ride to Zayn's house because it was too fascinating to listen to them talk about literally everything from school to peeing in the shower.
"Everyone pees in the shower don't be ridiculous Harold.""I've never peed in the shower for your information."
"You know, there are two kinds of people on this planet. People who pee in the shower, and liars. You're the second one."
"I never lie.""You lie everyday." Louis said seriously and Harry gripped harder into the steering wheel.
I didn't have time to look into it too much because he'd already driven up Zayn's driveway and stopped by the fountain.
"Thanks Harry. Bye Louis."
"Bye." They said at once and I shut the door once I got out of the car.
I watched it drive away and after a few moments on inner pep-talk, I finally walked up to his giant double door. I rang the doorbell and waited approximately three whole minutes until it was opened.
Zayn was looking down at me with eyes rimmed red and disheveled hair. He looked like he'd been either crying or smoking pot. I had a gut feeling that it was the second one.
He didn't bother to invite me in, he just turned away from the door and walked towards the stairs. I ended up closing it and following him.
"I need to um-get my jacket? It's in-where is it?"
He groaned and turned around, motioning for me to follow him into the room he'd placed the coats on Friday. I immediately found the black hoodie.
"Thanks. I guess." I said awkwardly. I hated awkward silences with people I had nothing in common with.
"You need anything else?"
"We could maybe work on the project in English for a bit? I know you don't want to but I really need a good grade because I want to go to Uni and get rid of my parents and-"
"Stop rambling, I get it. We can work in my room."
"Okay then." I said in a high-pitched voice, trying to keep cool about the fact that I was about to go in his room. A room that many girls at our school had seen and done not so PG rated things in.
As expected, his room was the one of a typical teenage boy: clothes thrown everywhere (except of the bed), an open pizza carton on the dresser, a paused Xbox football game on the TV and the weird smell of weed. So he'd been smoking pot, not actually crying.
The metal box was on his desk by the window, right next to an open MacBook Air. He was on Facebook-of course he was.
"So which is the book again?" he asked and sat down at his desk.
"Uh...just a minute." I mumbled and quickly fumbled through my backpack, trying to find it.
"Catcher In The Rye."
He took it out of my hand before opening a new tab and quickly typing the title in the search bar, adding 'chapter summaries' after.
"What are you doing?" I asked confused and stepped closer.
"Using the Internet for homework, like any other normal teenager."
"Yeah but this way you won't learn anything."
"Are you serious?" he asked looking up at me.
I shrugged and he rolled his eyes, turning his head back to the screen.
"Here it is. All chapter summaries. We just have to copy paste them on PowerPoint and learn the whole thing. Easy peasy."
"Lemon squeezy." I mumbled.
I'm such a weirdo
I awkwardly stood as he worked on the laptop, so after a few minutes of him copy and pasting, I decided to walk around the room. He didn't seem to mind; actually, he didn't even seem to notice.
He had a lot of posters on his wall, most of Sleeping With Sirens, My Chemical Romance and Kate Upton. He seemed to have a thing for...big breasts.
Oh God.
"You like Arctic Monkeys?" I asked when I saw the album lying on his dresser.
"Yeah they're cool."
"I like them too. I think they're coming to Manchester next year in February. But the tickets are only on sale in November."
"What artist puts tickets on sale three months before the actual concert?" Zayn asked, not looking up from the laptop.
"They're going to sell out anyway so it doesn't matter."
Zayn hummed in agreement.
Wow we actually had a normal conversation like two normal people
"Okay it's done." He announced five minutes later and I frowned, walking over to him.
He pointed at the twenty-eight slides on the screen.
"I don't think Mr. Grey will actually believe that we know words like 'marred' and 'preening'." I said as I quickly read through the first two chapter summaries. "And we need character development too."
"No we don't."
"Yes we do, he told us that today in class."
"He said it was optional. If a teacher says something is optional you never do it. Unless you have nothing better to do."
"And what do you have to do? Get high?"
"Maybe." He answered, not even bothered by my rude remark.
I rolled my eyes and he went through the slides once again before inserting a flash drive into the laptop.
He opened up his Finder after he saved the PowerPoint.
"Is that folder named gay porn?" I asked.
"Didn't know you were...into that. Boys, I mean."
"I like both."
"Is that a problem?"
"No, I mean I'm not like a homophobe or anything I have the gayest guy in the world as a friend so."
He laughed and shook his head.
"So did you like...have sex with a guy from our school?"
He nodded.
"Who? Wait, you don't have to tell me-"
"Renee, it's okay." He snorted.
Ew don't call me Renee
"I fucked um-"
"So you're a top."
Jesus who the fuck asks that
"Do you get off on stuff like this?" he asked and I blushed, asking him to continue. It was a bit weird because he was sitting so he had to look up at me as he talked.
"I fucked Sean is year ten, not Sean Black from year 12, um two other guys from the swim team and Harry."
"Harry Styles?"
"He's gay?"
"Duh." Zayn laughed.
"I didn't-what? I wouldn't have guessed."
If I didn't think something was up with Louis and him
"Not even his hair is straight." Zayn pointed out and I laughed because he was right about that.
He handed me the flash drive two minutes later.
"Here you go. Learn the first thirteen chapters and I will do the rest."
"Will we rehearse or something? To make sure it goes well?"
He looked at me questioningly. "You just want excuses to see me besides school don't you?"
"Don't flatter yourself. I just want a good grade 's all."
"Okay then. We'll talk some other time. C'mon I'll walk you to the door to make sure you don't get lost."
I rolled my eyes as he stood up.
Rich people
"Wait tell me the address so I can call a taxi." I asked him when we were finally at the door.
"I'll call the taxi for you."
"Okay then. Thanks."
I opened the door and walked out, not even looking back as I held onto my jacket. I was a bit disappointed about the fact that nothing really happened, but then again, I was only flattering myself.
Zayn would never even think of making out with someone like me, he only went for skinny girls...and boys from what I could see. And that only happened in movies anyway.
"Are you coming to the game tonight?" was the first thing Jake asked me that morning when he came to pick me up for school.
"Good morning to you too dear friend." I said sarcastically as I buckled up in the backseat. Sophia was already in the back seat because Niall was in the front one and I was a bit offended that they went to Starbucks without me.
"And before you go all victim on me, yes be bought you your Latte." He said and handed me my cup.
"So what game is tonight?" I asked a minute later when I'd taken a sip and felt better.
"First game of the England Senior League duh!" he said as if it were general knowledge.
"Um...okay? I don't really think I'm going though."
"There is no such thing as 'not going' Renee. You'll be there."
He shot me a look through the rearview mirror and I rolled my eyes before nodding.
"Ugh, fine. I'll be there. What time?"
"It starts at eight but be there at latest half past seven so you can get good seats in the front. Or the very back. And I already made a Jake is number one sign for you two to hold and pretend that you went to the trouble of making a banner."
I snorted. "You're literally your biggest fan."
"Biggest and only fan." Sophia added and Jake flipped us both off.
We got to school ten minutes before classes started and Jake parked in his usual parking lot. I tried my best not to roll my eyes when I spotted Zayn in his usual spot, leaning against his motorcycle as he chatted up some skinny blonde girl with long brown hair.
"Oh my God what is this." Jake muttered to me as soon as Mr. Flack entered the classroom, wearing only a pair of dark jeans and a button up. "I'm literally going to have an eyegasm."
"That's not a thing." I told him before Mr. Flack started calling attendance.
He rolled his eyes at me.
"So how did it go with Zayn yesterday?"
"Nothing happened."
"Nothing happened? What do you mean-"
"Mr. Horan is there anything you'd like to share with the class?" Mr. Flack asked and Jake went silent.
"No Sir."
"Well then. Please turn to your own desk and leave Ms. Parker alone."
Jake nodded and did as asked, not forgetting to shoot me a wink though. He had serious problems.
It seems that the whole school would be attending the came tonight, because literally all I heard on the hallways was 'game tonight', 'can't wait for hot dogs' and 'Zayn is going to slay'. The last one may or may not have started from Jake.
"I'm starting so it's a pretty big deal." Jake praised himself at lunch, stuffing his mouth with salad and bread at the same time.
Who eats salad with bread
"Hey so um, you're going to the game tonight, right?" Harry asked me.
I nodded. "Yeah. Jake is kind of forcing me to go so."
"Do you want me to pick you up?"
"Sure." I said. "Will my cousin also fit in the car? Because my mother will most probably force me to ride with her."
"Sure. I'm picking up Louis and Eleanor first. I'll be by your house at fifteen to seven because Lou and Eleanor have to warm up."
"You seem to be really good friends with him."
"We've known each other since we were little."
That explains why they're so close
They're probably not even attracted to each other
"Why so interested Rey, hm?" Jake teased and I wanted to bash his face in.
He was so annoying sometimes.
"MOOOOM!" I yelled from upstairs as I looked through my closet. Harry was going to pick me up in twenty minutes and I couldn't find any jeans.
Then how the fuck did you hear me when I called you
"Where are my jeans?" I asked as soon as I entered the living room. She was on the couch with her laptop on her lap, typing away.
"Which ones?"
"Any of them! I'm going to the game tonight and I need jeans."
"Wear shorts then."
I can't wear shorts because I have fat legs
"I can't wear shorts because it's autumn and it's chilly and I don't look good in shorts."
"If you laid off desert from time to time you'd look good in them. Stop bothering me now, I need to finish this email."
I rolled my eyes although my stomach dropped at her words and I couldn't help but agree with her. There was no way I couldn't go to the game, so it was either shorts or skirts and there was no way anyone would ever see me in a skirt.
So I ended up dressing with some peach colored shorts (the longest ones I owned), a red plaid shirt, and (of course) matching red Vans.
I had about ten different pairs of Vans in my wardrobe, much to my mother's horror, who would've preferred if I wore heels and flats.
Don't get me wrong though, if I had the body for it I would probably dress like a slut everyday.
"That's what you're wearing to the game?" Katherine asked me as soon as she saw me coming down the stairs.
"Yes, why?"
"You'll be really cold, you know that?"
"All my jeans are in the washing machine."
"You could borrow one of mine."
I was about to accept her offer, but a honk was heard from outside, which meant that Harry was already here.
"I don't have time, let's just go."
I quickly went over to my dad, who was watching TV and asked him for some money. So after he handed me a twenty-pound note (not without insulting me of not having a job-KATHERINE DIDN'T HAVE ONE EITHER!), I followed Katherine out of the house.
Louis and Eleanor were in the back together, and because Katherine called shotgun, I had to sit in the back next to Louis.
His hand was on Eleanor's thigh but he wasn't even listening to her story because he kept his eyes on Katherine, who was now talking to Harry about the game.
I didn't really understand why people were so excited about it, I mean, I knew it was the first game of an important high school league in England or whatever, but still. People need to chill.
I knew that Louis was going to start tonight, and Katherine and Eleanor would cheer for the team. As I played with the money my dad gave me in my pocket, I realized that maybe I could get a job at the record store Louis worked. Maybe I could ask him about it once we got out of the car so he couldn't reject my idea in front of everyone.
Harry parked in front of the school at 6:55pm. The parking lot starting to fill up, just like it was during the day at school, which meant that a lot of people would be attending the game. Which also meant that a lot of people would see me in shorts for the first time ever and they'd think I was even fatter than before. Great.
"Hey Louis I was wondering if I could maybe apply for a job at that record store you work? I know you don't really like me and all but I really need my father to stop pestering me-"
"It's fine." He said smiling. "I'm going to ask the manager tomorrow and see what I can do."
"Really? Wow, thank you."
I'd never thought he would actually agree.
"And I never said I didn't like you, yeah?" he assured me and patted my shoulder before he turned right to go to the changing rooms.
Harry and I walked towards the door at the end of the hallway, which would lead us on the field. The bleachers weren't full yet, but it was getting to it. Harry found a place at the very top, next to Luke who was already there.
Sophia texted me five minutes later that she'd just left home and was going to arrive in about fifteen minutes so I should save her a seat.
"Do you want anything to eat? I'm going to get some food now because people start to arrive and then we'd have to wait a long time in line." Harry said and stood up, looking down at me.
"Uh...some popcorn please. I'll pay you back."
"Nonsense." He smiled and started walking down.
I crossed one leg over the other, rubbing my knees because it was really cold.
"Should've dressed with something else, you're going to freeze your ass off." Luke pointed out as he looked at me.
I didn't bother to tell him that I didn't have any clean jeans. It was none of his business anyway.
Thirty minutes later, the teams came out on the field for quick warm-ups, as did the cheerleaders. Sophia and I were sharing a giant bucket of popcorn and Harry was eating his third hot dog. I kind of envied his metabolism.
The game started with a whistle and one of the students from the school radio started announcing the players through the speakers as they lined up. Zayn was the last one to be announced because he was the captain of the team.
As his number was being announced he looked through the people sitting on the bleacher as if he was looking for someone.
He seemed to not find who he was looking for because his eyes drifted back to his shoes. The game started shortly after and I was actually enjoying it because the atmosphere was great; people were cheering and rising to their feet every time there was something close to a goal or an actual goal.
We ended up winning three to one; Jake scoring the last shot. Sophia and I screamed until our lungs were dry. Although I wouldn't admit it, I was proud of him. If there was one place he was completely serious, that would be the football field.
"What are we doing after this?" Sophia asked Harry once we were back in the school, waiting for the boys to come out of the changing room.
"We usually go out for a drink at the pub."
"You going?" she then asked me.
I shrugged. "Uh, I think so. I mean my parents probably wouldn't mind me spending some time somewhere else other than my room."
"Okay then!" Harry said, clapping his hands.
Fifteen minutes later, almost all of the boys exited the locker room, still high off victory.
"Did you see that?" Jake asked me and I nodded.
"You're not going to let me forget your goal for the next ten years, will you?"
"Nope." He said and crossed his arms over his chest.
Everyone on the football and cheerleading team seemed to be going to that pub after the game. Perrie, Sophia, Harry, Luke and I were the only ones who were going but weren't on any of the teams.
Sean made a rude comment about the way my legs looked in the shorts as we walked, and I turned red because everyone heard it. It made me sad because I knew he was right.
There was an Irish pub one block away from our school and as soon as we got there, the place filled up. The booths were for twelve people, each made out of two semi-circle couches. There was a small coffee table in the middle, which was now occupied by everyone's phone and wallet. Our group (Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, Liam, Sophia, Jake, Niall, Perrie, Katherine, Luke and I) took the one closest to the bar, due to Niall and Jake's requests. I was sat between Harry and Luke.
The waiter came over to us with a small notepad in hand, ready to take our order. Everyone seemed to already know what they wanted, and when it was finally my turn to order, I had no idea what to order.
"Aren't you a minor?" Zayn asked, probably wanting to tease once I ordered the first drink that I saw on the menu.
"We don't serve to minors." The waiter said and I blushed because this was so embarrassing.
"I'll have orange juice then." I told him and wanted nothing but to go and curl up in a black hole. Thank God no one laughed at me; that would have made me cry.
Zayn also ordered two cherry flavored hookahs for our table which-great.
"You can drink from my glass, I don't mind." Harry said once we got our drinks. "I'm driving anyway."
I thanked him and we swapped drinks. I saw Louis and Zayn give us curious looks.
"You trying to steal my bae?" Jake asked Harry.
"No I-"
"Because if you then we might have a problem." Jake joked.
"I already have a bae." Harry said.
Niall and Zayn smirked, turning their heads to Louis unnoticed, Louis smiled fondly, and everyone else was confused.
They know something
What do they know
"And who's your 'bae' exactly?" Liam asked, sipping on his drink.
"That's a secret."
"Is it that girl you keep talking about?" Luke asked. "The one with blue eyes and great ass?"
I almost face-palmed myself because come on people.
"She plays football at another school."
"She plays football?" Jake asked surprised.
"She plays for both teams." Louis said, obviously trying to hold down a smile.
"Well she's more into the men department, but yeah."
I wanted to bang my head against the table.
"Have you ever fucked?" Zayn asked and I could tell he knew what was going on.
"Yeah. Gives amazing blowjobs."
"Bet you're better at eating her out though." Louis continued.
"So I've been told." Harry replied.
I'm done
The conversation was interrupted by the waiter bringing us the hookahs over and placing them on the table, right in the middle, one or each couch.
My phone started vibrating in my pocket and oh God I had to stand up in front of everyone and go outside to take a call from my mother while wearing shorts.
"I need to go and answer this." I told Luke so he could let me out of the couch. He moved his feet and I clumsily walked away from them, pressing the phone to my ear once I found the door to the back exit.
"Renee? Where are you?"
"Oh hi mum. I'm at a pub with some friends and we'll probably be here until like, eleven. Is that okay?"
"Uh...sure. Is Katherine with you?"
"Okay well then take care. How are you getting home?"
"Harry will drive us home since he picked us up." I said and turned around when I heard the door opening, just to see Zayn closing it behind himself. He sat down on the stairs and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up.
"Well then. See you at home. Bye."
"Bye mom."
I pressed the red end button on the screen and turned to look down at Zayn, who was now smoking.
"You shouldn't smoke that much." I told him and crossed my arms over my chest.
"You shouldn't wear shorts when it's cold outside." He observed and looked my legs up and down, making me feel self-conscious.
"So what's going on with you and Harry?" he asked after he blew out some smoke.
"Well...uh. Nothing actually. People just assume that something's going on. But I'm pretty sure he has something going on with Louis."
He laughed. "Finally someone caught on."
"What? They do?"
"I can't tell you anything."
"You can't just start with that and then leave me hanging!" I exclaimed.
My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything besides a little popcorn.
"You hungry?" he asked.
"Uh. Not really. I mean-a bit. Can I have one?" I asked, pointing to his cigarette. I'd never really tried one because I didn't see the point, but I read that they were appetite suppressants so maybe I should give it a try.
"You want a smoke?"
I nodded.
"Have you ever even smoked before?"
"No, but I want to see how it is."
"Here." He said and held the cigarette out for me to take. "You can try one of these but don't choke on it."
I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him on the step, taking the cigarette between my fingers. I didn't really think it through before I just took a drag, inhaled (like I knew Jake usually did) and exhaled the smoke, not even choking once.
"It's not that bad." I said and looked down at his palm to memorize the type so I could buy them in the future. Marlboro.
"I read that they're good appetite suppressants." I told him, not really sure why.
Fuck. He's going to think I'm an idiot now.
"Why wouldn't you use as an appetite suppressant?" he asked and handed me the cigarette once I held out my hand.
"Because not all of us have your metabolism."
"What's wrong with yours?"
I didn't answer; I chose to blow the smoke out instead.
"So how many guys have you kissed?" he asked out of the blue.
"What kind of question is that?"
"You asked me if I was a top with guys, I think this is a fairly innocent question."
"Fair enough. But you can't laugh at me."
"Why would I laugh?"
"Because I've only kissed two guys. And one of them is my gay best friend."
I nodded. "I don't think I have another gay best friend."
"Have you ever kissed a girl then?"
"No I haven't Zayn."
"You should try it. It's great." He said and took the cigarette back, dragging one last time out of it and then stepping on it.
"So hey listen I hate to bring this up right now but when are we rehearsing our project one last time before Friday?"
He shrugged. "Your house or mine?"
"Mine, I guess." I said. "Your house is really big and I get lost in it."
"Rich people, right?" he scoffed and I couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic or not.
"You do know you drive a Bentley, right?" I asked him as we made our way back to the booth.
He didn't answer and I sat back down in my place. He definitely didn't hate me.
"Hey I can't come to your house today, only after five because I have practice." Zayn told me the next day right after French.
"Okay. I'm gonna wait then I guess."
"You could give me your address?" he suggested.
"It's fine, I can wait. Besides, I wouldn't mind taking a ride in a Bentley."
"You sure it's the Bentley you want to ride?" he asked in a suggestive tone.
"See you later Zayn." I said and turned around before he could see my embarrassing blush.
I stood after school to watch their practice since we didn't get any homework that day, thank God. Harry also joined me in the bleachers and I found it kind of cute that every time the coach praised Louis, Harry would get this fond smile on his face.
Which left me wondering why they weren't together, since they seemed to really like each other. However, I didn't ask him about it because that would've been really rude and inappropriate.
Zayn seemed really pissed off during the two hours of practice and even more so when we met up by his car after it was over.
"Why are you angry?" I asked him once we got into his car. And holy shit, the seats felt so good to sit on and everything was so shiny and leathery.
"Had a test in algebra today and the teacher threw me out for cheating."
"Did you actually cheat?"
"No I didn't. I hate it when people misjudge me."
The rest of the ride was silent, the silence only interrupted by me giving him directions. Soon enough, we were in front of my house and he was parking on the sidewalk.
None of my parents were home yet, only Katherine was in her room. She greeted us once she heard Zayn talking and then want back to her room because she had some math homework.
"Okay so did you learn your part?"
"Partly." He said and I didn't take it as a pun. "Can't we read off the slides as we show the project?"
"I think Mr. Grey will want us to turn to the class and speak."
He rolled his eyes and sat down on my bed, putting a leg under himself. My fat cat emerged from under the bed and jumped on him, startling him.
"What the fuck." He protested and held her up to look at her.
"That's my cat, Charlie."
"Does she bite?"
"Not unless you make her mad."
He placed her on the bed next to him and stroked her back as we quickly went through our project lines. He seemed to have actually made an effort and learn what he had to say because half an hour later we were done, and had already rehearsed three times.
He was about to say something, probably about leaving, when my mom opened the door and stopped in her tracks when she spotted him laying on his stomach on the bed. She then looked at me, who was sitting at the desk.
"Why is there a Bentley in front of our house?" she asked me, not looking away from Zayn.
"That would me mine."
" this is Zayn. We were just finishing a project for school."
"That's great! Listen, I was just coming to ask you, did you eat all the cookies your grandma brought over yesterday?"
"Uh. No?" I said, heart starting to beat faster because I knew where this was going.
"I hope not because you're starting to get obvious cellulite." She said and smiled at Zayn once more before excusing herself.
I felt like I could cry because she insulted me in front of him, and now he probably thought she was right. Zayn didn't say anything but stared at me until I was getting really uncomfortable.
"Well...I guess this was it. I'll uh-see you tomorrow at school. Rehearse at home one more time and it should be fine."
He nodded and got up from the bed, annoying Charlie as he did so because she was taking a nap on the back of his thighs.
It wasn't until he was completely gone that I realized he'd forgotten his black beanie. I put it in my schoolbag so I could give it to him tomorrow at school.
It was dark in the room when my phone buzzed on my bedside table and woke me up. I groaned, thinking that it was yet another message on a group on WhatsApp (Jake, Sophia, Harry and I had a group called 'bitchez', obviously made by Jake) but then I saw that it was a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: im outside. Come on the balcony for a bit
My heart started beating faster because this was really creepy.
Rey: who's this???
Unknown: Zayn
Rey: where did u get my number?????
Zayn: harry
I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed before I walked over to the balcony door, sliding the doors open. I saw Zayn leaning against his car on the sidewalk.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, whisper-yelling so I wouldn't wake anyone in case they could hear me.
"I forgot my beanie and I need it." He said.
"At half twelve in the morning?" I hissed. He nodded.
"To match my outfit." He answered and gestured over to his body. He was wearing a black hoodie, black jeans and black Converse.
"For what?"
Was he for real?
"I need to break into school and I can't without something black on my head."
"Are you out of your mind? Why would you do that?"
"To teach my algebra teacher a lesson."
"You're crazy."
"You can either throw me the beanie or come with me."
"You want me to come with you to break into school in the middle of the night." I stated.
"I didn't say I wanted you to. I said that you could if you wanted to."
I snorted and shook my head before looking back down at him.
"Give me ten minutes."
