Our tongues touched before our lips even did, rubbing back and forth against each other, sending shivers down my spine.
He was such a good kisser because he didn't only focus on the kiss, but also on running his hands down my sides and around my back, pulling me as close as possible into him. One of my hands was still gripping into the chain of the swing so we wouldn't topple over in the snow, and I couldn't believe I was actually doing this.
I was kissing Zayn Malik, someone I'd never though I would ever get to kiss.
Our mouths latched together was the only source of warmth I had at that moment, so I tried deepening the kiss by tilting my head and kissing him harder, faster.
He smiled against my lips and slid his hands back up to cup my face.
I pulled away after a few minutes (or hours, I don't even know) and he smirked, lips red and puffy from the bruising kiss we'd just shared.
"You're a good kisser." I told him and he pressed a kiss to my jaw.
"So I've been told." He snickered and I rolled my eyes.
"Don't get cocky now."
He laughed and I wrapped my arms around his neck right before he stood up, taking me with him as he did.
"What are you doing?"
"Let's go back, my ass is numb and freezing."
He let me down and I grabbed my clutch before I followed him back to the hotel.
"I'm gonna go check on Luke."
"I'm coming with you."
I smiled at him and we started walking towards the elevator. We found Sophia and Liam making out quite disgustingly right by their door.
"Um...you know there's a hotel room you could use, right?"
"Jake's got the key and he's inside. And we can't quite fuck in the hallway, right?"
"Here. Have my room." Zayn offered and handed them his card.
"Where will you sleep?" I asked him.
"They have thirty minutes to fuck, that's it."
Liam nodded and thanked him, before he pulled Sophia two doors down from their room. Once the door slammed shut we entered Luke and mine's room.
"Fuck, he threw up." was the first thing Zayn said when he turned on the light.
"It stinks." I whined and he walked over to empty the bucket into the toilet.
"I'm not sleeping here tonight." I told him. "Let's go to your room and wait on the balcony until they're done."
"And sleep where?"
"In the bed. It's big enough for four."
"Okay." He shrugged and put the bin back to Luke's side, before we exited the room.
I laughed and soon enough, the door was opened with a half naked Liam that had an obvious raging boner.
"We're just going to stay out on the balcony until you guys finish. Just...don't get it on the sheets okay?" Zayn asked and I gave Sophia, who was already naked under the covers, a thumbs up as I walked towards the balcony.
"Close the door and let us in once you're done."
Liam muttered something and closed the door behind us.
"How loud do you think Sophia's going to scream?" I asked him and sat down on the ground, leaning by back against the wall. He did the same, and pulled out his cigarette pack.
"I don't know. We'll have to wait and see."
He hands me a cigarette and then lights both his and mine.
"So today was fun."
"Yeah?" he smirked. "What part did you like most?"
I knew what he wanted me to admit, but I remained silent, just to tease him.
"You know which was my favorite part?"
"Hm?" I asked and he smirked.
"This one." He responded and then leaned in to kiss me again.
I began laughing against his lips because it was the worst pickup line I'd ever heard.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because it's the worst thing you've ever said."
"Made you laugh though didn't it?"
I smiled and he pulled back, returning to smoking his cigarette.
"So when was the last time you fucked someone?" I suddenly asked him.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Just making conversation."
"Well it depends."
"On what?"
"On what will happen tonight."
"With whom? Us? Yeah right." I laughed.
"Why?" he pouted.
"Because I have a boyfriend in case you forgot."
He rolled his eyes. "Then break up with him."
"I'm not going to break up with my three month boyfriend just to have sex with you."
"Not to have sex with me, but because he makes you unhappy."
"Oh and you figured this out how?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.
"You're uncomfortable when you're around him."
"So are you like a psychologist now?"
"Your arms are always crossed when you talk to him or about him."
"So you did your homework in psychology, good for you."
"And you wouldn't have kissed me if you liked him."
"You're such a twat, honestly."
"I'm right."
"Shut up."
He was interrupted by Sophia's moan and then a low groan from Liam. We looked at each other and for a moment I wanted to laugh but then I remembered that I was supposed to be mad at him.
I hated the fact that I couldn't stay mad at a person for longer than an hour.
"So you're mad at me now?"
"Yeah." I answered and stood up, throwing the cigarette over the railing, and then crossing my arms.
"Because you're a prick."
"The truth hurts baby."
"Don't even call me baby after you shit on my relationship and pretend like you know how I feel."
"Why are you getting so mad if you know I'm wrong?"
"Because you're annoying! Ugh, I hate your face."
I knocked on the balcony door and shortly after, Liam came to open it with the blanket wrapped around his waist. He was sweating and had a big smile on his face.
"Hey. Goodnight."
Sophia waved at me from the bed, already half asleep, and Liam walked me to the door, with Zayn on his heels.
"Where are you going?" Zayn asked, following me out of the room and down the hallway.
"To my boyfriend's room."
"It reeks of puke."
"Then I'll sleep in front of the door."
"You're being childish right now."
I rolled my eyes and slid down the door, and he did the same.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm staying here with you."
"Have I told you you're annoying?"
"Countless times." He smiled.
We sat in silence after that for a while, until I yawned.
"So are you really going to sit here all night? Or are you going to come to my room so you can sleep like a normal person?"
"I'm not moving from here."
"Fine then, I'll carry you if I have to."
"You can't."
"Ha, try me." He cockily answered before he stood up and put an arm around my knees and one around my back.
He lifted me up with no effort and I let out a small yelp of surprise, wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Put me down, I can walk."
"Too late." He smirked.
"If you hit my head against the door I'm going to strangle you."
"How? You can't even reach my neck."
"Fuck you."
"I'd be honored to."
"UGH!" I groaned. He was so tiring.
He opened the door that wasn't even properly closed and carried me in without slamming my head against the doorframe. What an accomplishment.
Zayn placed me on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp. I turned my head to look at Liam and Sophia, who were already sleeping, cuddled up really cutely.
"What are you doing?" I asked Zayn when I saw him take off his blazer and unbuttoning his shirt.
"Undressing? You're not going to sleep in that dress right?"
"What else am I supposed to sleep in?"
"You can take my shirt if you want?"
"Is it sweaty?"
"No, it smells good."
"Okay then. Turn around though."
"Go to the bathroom."
"I'm too lazy to get up."
"It's not like I haven't seen naked girls before."
"That's why."
He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"
"I don't want you to compare me to those other girls you've seen naked, who are probably skinnier and have bigger boobs."
He rolled his eyes and proceeded to pull of his pants, and then hand his shirt to me.
"Turn around!"
He turned around I quickly removed my dress and shoes, before I put his shirt on, trying to button it up.
"My hands are sweaty, I can't fucking get the buttons done."
I wiped my palms on the sheets but it was useless.
"Do you want help?" he asked and I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Yes please." I admitted and he turned around.
I sat up but then stood up properly so he won't see my fat rolls.
He kneeled down because he considered himself too tall to reach the bottom button without actually having to crouch down, and began to button up the shirt.
"You know if you sat down on the bed I could eat you out but you're too tired right now."
I bit my lip and he stood back up once he was done. I got under the blanket we had to share with Liam and Sophia, and he got in right next to me. Surprisingly, all four of us fit perfectly into the king sized bed.
"Alright?" he asked, turning on his side to look at me.
"Mhm. A bit cold."
Then I got an idea, so I pulled my knees up to my chest and slid my feet under Niall's warm thighs.
"Ah, better."
"Your nails make me uncomfortable."
"Shhh. Deal with it."
He snorted but didn't say anything after that, so I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I eventually did, with him breathing on my neck.
The next morning Liam woke me up by accidentally slapping me across the face with his giant arm. I opened my eyes and rubbed them, only to see that Zayn was already gone.
"Good morning." Sophia mumbled and I could hear the smile in her voice right before Liam kissed her.
"Last night was amazing." He told her and I coughed, to let them know that I was there.
"How did you get in here?"
"I slept in here because Luke threw up in our room and it stinks. And also, you're the ones that shouldn't be here."
Sophia laughed and leaned over Liam to kiss my cheek.
"Where's Zayn?" Liam asked.
"I don't know, probably went to get breakfast."
I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep until we had to check out.
It was only a week later that we finally began winter recess.
"There's a hockey game tonight." Zayn said during lunch on Friday, the last day of school of 2014.
"Who are we playing with?"
"When's the game?"
"At seven. We can go out afterwards."
"Okay." I agreed. I had nothing better to do on a Friday night anyway.
"Can you even believe how much homework we have in English? It's ridiculous." Harry said and everyone began talking about how much we had to study, even during winter break.
After lunch we had history, and Mr. Flack started telling us about a student exchange program that was going to take place in February.
"You have to choose between Poland, Germany, and France. There are twenty places for each exchange. Mr. Andrews and I have signed up for the France exchange, Mrs. Flack and Mr. Andrews for the Germany exchange, and Mr. Grey with Mrs. Green for Poland. The first twenty people to bring 150 quid after the break get a place in the exchange of their choice. It's not mandatory, but whoever chooses to attend will get a good grade at both of the subjects involved."
I turned my head to look at Jake, who was already looking at me.
"France?" I mouthed at him, already knowing that he wanted to go with Mr. Flack. He nodded and winked, before Mr. Flack let a list go through the class so we could sign our names under the country we wanted to go to.
When I finally received the list, I signed my name in the France column, and then read the other people that wanted to attend. Sophia, Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall, Jake, Perrie, Katherine, and Zayn all wanted to go to France. Luke, Sean, and Kylie signed their names for Germany.
I gave the list back to Mr. Flack, just as the bell rang.
"Where did you sign up?" Luke asked me as soon as we were out of the classroom.
"Why not Germany?"
"Because I've never been to France."
"But I'm going to Germany."
"So...I thought you wanted to go together."
"Yeah but I'm not going to change my mind because you don't like the country."
He frowned, somehow looking angry at my statement.
"You know, we don't need to do everything together. It's kind of frustrating if you think that."
"Wow, okay. Don't get so angry out of nothing." He said in his defense.
"You're getting on my nerves right now." I honestly told him and opened my locker to get all my stuff out and put them in my bag.
"Why are you like this right now?"
"Like what?"
"So angry. Are you on your period?"
I felt anger bubbling in my stomach as I slammed my locker shut.
"Wow, fuck you."
"Where are you going?" he yelled after me as I walked as quickly as possible towards the exit.
"Away from you!" I yelled back and slammed the door behind myself as loud as I could.
Zayn offered to drive me home a few weeks ago since my house was in the way, and he was already waiting for me there, leaned against the door with a cigarette between his lips.
"Why are you mad?" he asked.
"Luke thinks everything revolves around him. Sometimes he's so annoying, fuck."
"What did he do?"
"He went ballistic over the fact that I didn't pick Germany for the exchange, since he's also going there."
He rolled his eyes. "Seriously? It's like he's five years old."
"I know right? Ugh, whatever. I don't want to start my winter vacation angry."
I opened the passenger's door and got in the car, and a few seconds later he did too. He then started the car and drove out of the parking lot.
"So are you two breaking up now?" he asked me once he stopped in front of my house.
"I don't know. He's been really getting on my nerves lately. Thanks for dropping me off, see you tonight. Bye."
He waited for me to get inside before he drove away, and I walked up to my room to pick some clothes to wear for tonight.
It was half past six when Zayn stopped in front of my house once again to come and pick me up for the game. Harry, Louis, and Eleanor were already in the back.
"Hi." I said as soon as I got in the car, and they all greeted me at the same time.
When we arrived at the stadium there was already a long line for the tickets, but luckily Zayn had already bought tickets for everyone so we gave him the money after we found our seats.
It was kind of freezing, even though I had my parka on and all that.
"Imma go get some nachos. You want some babe?" Jake asked Harry, and I looked at Louis, who was staring at the ice rink with a very concentrated expression.
"Sure." Harry answered and I asked Jake to get me some too.
When the game finally started, I had nachos in my lap and I was actually interested in the game.
"You okay?" I asked Louis when I saw that he couldn't concentrate on the game.
"Yeah. Not really. Just a lot on my mind. Where's your boyfriend?"
"Uh...we got in a fight. So...we're fighting right now I guess. It's weird."
"Let's go outside so you can tell me about it."
"Where are you going?" Zayn asked me and Louis told him that we were just going for a quick smoke but we'll be right back.
He guided me to an exit that was for those who wanted to smoke during the breaks. We got outside and he leaned against the wall.
"So why are you fighting?" he asked after he lit up his cigarette. I didn't ask for one, since he was probably going to offer me his.
"He got mad because I didn't sign up for the Germany student exchange. It's like I have to do everything with him. He's so exhausting."
"Are you guys going to break up?"
"I don't know honestly-"
"Do you love him?"
I remained silent. Did I love Luke? I had no idea.
"I don't know. I mean...I don't get butterflies with him. Never did."
He looked at me with a sad face and handed me the cigarette.
"So are um. Are Harry and Jake together?"
"Not that I know of. Did you figure out who you want to be with?"
"It's always been Eleanor but now that Harry might be taken I want him more. I know I'm such a twat for saying this."
"We all want what we can't have."
"That's true."
He pouted sadly and I smiled, going in for a hug.
"Remember when you couldn't stand me at the beginning of the year?" I mumbled into his chest, carefully holding the cigarette so I wouldn't burn him.
"When was that? I never hated you." He laughed, placing his chin on my shoulder.
"Yeah you did. When I would hang out with Harry, you were so jealous."
"Was not."
"Was too!" I exclaimed, pulling my head back to look up at him. "But then you helped me get a job and discovered what a cool person I am."
"Very cool. The coolest." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me quickly on the lips.
"Why do you keep kissing me?"
"Because it's fun."
"So I'm like a toy to you?" I asked, fakely offended.
He shut me up by kissing me again, and this time I continued it out of fun. It was nice kissing someone that I didn't have any feelings for.
We were both humans who wanted nothing more than to feel someone else's lips on ours without any complications.
We pulled away when there was a loud noise that announced the end of the first period, and everyone began piling out the door for a smoke break.
The rest of our group came soon enough, including Eleanor, so I walked away from Louis and went to spend the break with Harry and Jake.
"So where are we going after this?" I asked Zayn once we were back at our seats.
"A club?" Jake suggested.
Zayn shook his head. "'m not in the mood tonight. Let's just buy some beer and walk around."
"You are not in the mood for clubbing?" Eleanor asks, surprised. "What the hell?"
"Yeah no they're packed tonight because it's the end of the term so I'm really not up for sweaty hours waiting in line just to go inside and not even find a table."
"That makes sense. Alright then. We'll go buy a bottle of Vodka from the store across the street and then we'll go be hobos in a park." Katherine laughed.
The game started after that, and it was really funny watching the boys get worked up every time the Monarchs were close to scoring.
They scored two goals in the third period and the game ended 2-1 for us, so the whole stadium was ecstatic as fuck.
We left the stadium shortly after, and the first thing we did was go across the street to the supermarket to buy a bottle of Finlandia. I already knew the moment they bought it that I probably wouldn't drink from it since I didn't like the taste anyway and I definitely didn't enjoy the burn on my lips and throat.
"Where's the nearest park?" Jake asked as we started walking towards the parking lot so Niall and Zayn could get their cars before they started drinking.
"There's one near my house." I suggested and then that was that.
Soon enough, Zayn and Niall parked their cars in front of my house and I guided them to the small park two minutes away.
When we got there, Perrie, Sophia, Katherine and I occupied the swings, and the rest of the boys with Eleanor sat down on the ground, Eleanor on Louis' lap.
"So what are we doing for New Year's?" I asked once the bottle had been opened and everyone was passing it around.
"I think I'm going to throw a party at my place like usual." Zayn answered and took a giant swig from the beer, not even flinching after. What the fuck?
"Won't your parents be home?"
"Nah. They're going to some charity gala bullshit."
"And your siblings?"
"They're probably going to stay at my grandma's, I don't know. Wouldn't be the first time they attend one of my parties though."
I shook my head and Zayn frowned at me, not saying anything though.
"Do we have to bring alcohol?" Louis asked.
"When did you ever have to bring anything at my parties?"
Louis winked at him and then Zayn passed him the bottle. Once both Eleanor and Louis took a gulp and passed it along to Niall, they began making out quite disgustingly.
"Get a room!" Liam called out and Louis flipped him off, not breaking the kiss.
I licked my lips and decided to take the offered bottle anyway, and then took a small sip, which I immediately regretted when I felt my lips and throat catching fire.
"Fuck." I cursed and passed the bottle on to Perrie, who laughed at my expression.
All of the boys and Perrie ended up getting pissed, and ironically, Zayn, who had the best alcohol tolerance, was completely mortal.
"I'm going to take Niall, Perrie and Jake home." Katherine told me.
Sophia was going to take Liam home, and Eleanor was going to make sure Harry and Louis get home safe, so I had to take care of Zayn, who was now trying to get on the slide but kept slipping because he was too drunk and was laughing too loud.
"Zayn, come on we have to go home."
"But I don't wanna!" he whined and gripped into the stairs of the slide so I wouldn't be able to pull him away.
"But you have to. Come on."
He eventually let go of the stairs and began walking next to me. I knew where his house was, vaguely though. I knew a shortcut that would lead us straight to the train station, which was less than five minutes away from Zayn's house.
"Is the sky spinning?"
"No, you're drunk."
"No, I'm Zayn."
"Oh God." I laughed.
We walked down the stairs and into the long tunnel that was very poorly lit and that I wouldn't have gone through if I were alone in a million years.
There were a lot of people walking through it though, and some homeless men sleeping on the ground.
"Wait." Zayn said after a while of walking and abruptly stopped, startling me.
"How are you going to get home?"
"I'll call myself a taxi or something, don't worry."
"But what if the driver rapes you and leaves you in a ditch?"
"I don't think that will happen."
"You never know."
"Stop being so pessimistic and always expecting the worst."
He sighed and leaned against the wall, before sliding down to the ground. I rolled my eyes and did the same. Apparently he was in the mood for a smoke, even though he was drunk and would throw up any time.
"I'm not pessimistic. I'm realistic."
"Then why do you always expect the worst in people? Why are you never happy about things?"
