We all drop our cigarettes and run after Jake back into the school. We take the first corner of the hallway where we see a big crowd yelling and screaming.
Zayn elbows his way through the people to get closer to see what is going on, and I follow close by.
When I finally get in the middle of the fight, I can see Liam straddling Mr. Grey and punching his face in so hard that he is already bleeding.
It doesn't last long though, because Principal Brooks starts yelling and swearing as he gets in the middle of the circle where Liam and Mr. Grey are located. He pulls Liam off and another teacher helps Mr. Grey up.
"Mr. Payne! What in the world is this nonsense?" he yells at Liam, who still has a look on his face that could kill.
"He fucking made a move on my girlfriend!"
"Sophia! Sophia Smith! I saw them through the door in his class, he tried to kiss her!" Liam yells back, still not able to calm down.
"This type of behavior isn't tolerated by either of you." Mr. Brooks says and looks at Mr. Grey, who is now clutching his bloody nose. "I will see you in my office Mr. Grey. As for you Mr. Payne, see me after classes are over. Now everyone, go back to class! It's five minutes 'till the next period starts!"
People start to scramble away with hushed whispers, and Zayn goes over to Liam to calm him down.
"You okay bro?" he asks Liam, who finally turns his gaze away from Mr. Grey to look at Zayn.
"That fucking pedophile. Yeah, 'm fine. He didn't get to hit me."
"Where is Sophia?" I ask him after I looked around and couldn't find her.
"She's in the bathroom with Eleanor."
I immediately leave them there and walk up to the nearest bathroom, to find Sophia fixing her wet makeup.
"Were you crying?"
She nods as she turns her face to me. Eleanor shakes her head and crosses her arms over her chest.
"What did he do to you?"
"He tried to kiss me again."
"Again?" Eleanor and I both ask at the same time, surprised and angry at the same time.
"Yeah. It's not the first time he's made a move on me but it's the first time someone ever saw it."
She's obviously shaken up about it so I hug her from behind.
"How long has this been going on?" Eleanor asks in a serious voice.
"He's been flirting with me ever since the school year began but I never said anything because I didn't think it was important." Sophia says and then turns on the faucet.
"Of course it's important!" I say in disbelief. "It's sexual assault!"
She shrugs and turns the water off after she's washed her hands.
"Just don't tell Liam yet okay? He thinks it's the first time this has happened."
"He gave Mr. Grey a bloody nose."
"Really?" she asks, incredulously. I nod. "And is he okay? What happened?"
"Well he was punching Mr. Grey but Brooks interrupted them and told them to meet him in his office."
"Oh dear God. What if he gets expelled because of me?"
"What are you even talking about?" Eleanor exclaims. "It wasn't your fault that this gross pedophile assaulted you. Nor Liam's for reacting the way he did. I probably would've done the same."
"Exactly." I reassure her by stroking her back.
"Well, I guess it is sort of my fault for being so unbelievably attractive." She tries to joke but the laughter doesn't reach her eyes. She knows that assault isn't something to joke about.
We wait for her to pack her makeup kit back into her bag and then we leave the bathroom.
Liam is leaning against the wall across from the bathroom with Niall and Zayn, and as soon as he sees her, he walks over.
"Are you okay?" he asks and she replies by kissing him.
When she pulls away, she looks at his bloody knuckles.
"Jesus, Liam. I'll walk you to the nurse you need to put some ice on that."
The late bell rings and Niall offers to walk Eleanor to her next class since his class is on the way, and before I know it, Zayn and I are the only ones in the hallway.
"What a fucking prick Grey is. Never liked him." Zayn says, shaking his head in disgust.
"It was brave for Liam to do that."
Apparently, talking to Zayn seems to be more important than getting to class on time. Then I remember that we have the same psychology class, so if we both arrive late the teacher will probably only scoff at him. They always do, and I don't like that.
"I would've done the same. Probably would've given him more than just a bloody nose though. What a cunt." He scoffs and leans back against the wall, crossing his arms.
"Oh, bad boy Zayn is rising." I laugh and he smiles.
"Shut up, you know it turns you on."
"Me?" I ask innocently, and inside I'm wondering if this is my way of flirting with him. How pathetic.
He bites his lip and smiles.
"You know we are already late to psychology right?"
"Does it look like I care?" he asks and crosses his arms, leaning back against the wall.
"Do you even care about anything?"
He shakes his head and then extends an arm to place his hand on the back of my neck and bring me towards him.
Our lips meet in a soft kiss, before he turns it dirty by prying my mouth open with his tongue. I wrap my arms around his waist and he finally pushes off the wall to bring our chests closer.
He pulls my arms off his waist and wraps them around his neck so he can put his around my waist. Unfortunately I have to stand on my tiptoes to reach his lips this way, but he doesn't seem to have a problem with it.
One of his hands wander away from my waist to the front of my jeans and he slips it inside.
"Zayn." I say in a warning voice because after all, we're still in the middle of the hallway at school, where everyone could walk and see us.
"Skip with me." He suggests as he toys with the hem of my panties.
I don't answer. Instead, I begin kissing his neck and sucking on it. He pulls his hand out of my panties and places both of his hands on my ass, pulling me flush against him.
"I fucking love it when you do that." He breathes into my ear so I continue my actions with a shiver of adrenaline running down my spine from our current location and his hot words.
He suddenly lifts me up effortlessly, spreading his giant hands over the back of my thighs. He finds my mouth with his again and we resume our sloppy kissing.
That however, doesn't last long, because we hear someone clearing their throat and turn our heads to see Mr. Brooks.
"Mr. Malik, Ms. Parker. Get to class immediately."
Neither of us moves, but I'm sure I'm the only one furiously blushing from the embarrassment.
"Alright." I squeak and then he turns around and walks the other way.
Once I make sure he's out of earshot, I turn my head back to Zayn.
"We should really get to class."
"But this is so fun." He whines in a cute way that makes me want to kiss him again. But I can't. I don't want Mr. Brooks calling my parent and causing me even more problems.
He sighs and begins to walk towards our psychology class, without even bothering to go to our lockers and actually get our stuff.
"You know you're still carrying me right?" I ask and he squeezes my ass in recognition.
"Okay. Just checking."
He stops next to the door we're supposed to be entering, kisses me hard once more, and then lets me down on the ground.
I knock on the door and we enter. Everyone is staring at us with smirks on their face, but the teacher doesn't find it too funny.
"How nice of you to join us Mr. Malik."
It's like she's not even bothered by the fact that I'm also late, so I just slide into my seat without saying anything, and Zayn does the same.
Apparently, everyone's been discussing the fight that went on a few minutes ago. Sophia and Liam still aren't back yet, but the teacher is well aware that they're at the nurse.
Louis leans over to me while someone speaks about sexual assault and how it can affect someone.
"Had fun?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
I roll my eyes. "Get your mind out of the gutter Louis."
He smirks. "That's quite a generous hickey he's got on his neck."
I glance over at Zayn, to see that he does indeed have a giant mark on his neck that I left a couple of minutes ago.
"Wait until Jake hears about this." he smiles and it's suddenly obvious to me that Louis still doesn't know about Jake and Harry. And it makes me fear the moment when he's going to be told because I have no idea how he'll react.
The class passes by quickly and as homework we have to write a thirty-line essay about sexual harassment and how it can affect people until tomorrow, which a lot of people complain about.
"What are we doing for Harry's birthday?" Zayn asks later that day at lunch, when we're all at our usual table with food-filled trays in front of us.
"I was thinking of having a small get-together at my house?" Harry suggests with his mouth full of pizza.
"You know that this 'small get-together' will be with about 40 people right? I tried having a close-knit party last year and about fifty people ended showing up." Niall tells him.
"Yeah, but that's because Zayn invited them."
"Either way, it's probably just going to be you guys." Harry continues, ignoring Eleanor's remark. "And I have big news."
"Can't you tell them now?" Louis asks, and I turn my head to Jake. I know what the big news is, and to be honest I'm dreading the announcement because I already know it's going to ruin the entire mood.
"No." Harry says just as Liam and Sophia enter the cafeteria. Everyone turns their heads towards them. Liam has a bandage around his knuckles and Sophia looks relieved.
They sit down at our table, and that's when the chatter in the cafeteria picks up again.
"Everything alright?" Perrie asks and looks at Liam's hand. He nods.
"Yeah. Hurts a bit but it was worth it."
And then the subject changes to the fight, Harry's birthday get-together forgotten.
Harry's birthday get-together is on Saturday night and we're supposed to sleep over, since his actual birthday is on Monday.
I'm currently at a hair salon with Katherine, who got the idea to dye her hair blue and of course she asked me to accompany her. Everyone treated us like royalty there of course, since my mother was a well-known client there.
"You sure you don't want anything?" Katherine asked, obviously referring to the fact that I could try out dyeing my hair.
"No. Well, I could dye my tips a bit blonde. Would look good, don't you think?" I say, running my fingers through my hair.
"Yeah. C'mon, get in the chair next to me."
I stand up from the couch and walk over to the empty chair where we are supposed to get our hair washed. It's 9 in the morning so the salon is going to empty until at least 10.
I get a message on WhatsApp as soon as I'm done with washing my hair and I'm sitting the chair with aluminum foils in my hair.
It's from Zayn, so of course, my heart jumps.
Zayn: what type of alcohol do you want for harry's party?
I think about it, and then finally make a recording.
"I'm not to keen on drinking but I guess some tequila or wine will do. Why though? We're supposed to bring our own drinks."
The microphone icon turns blue to indicate the fact that he's currently listening to my audio.
Zayn: I'll buy it for you I'm already @ tesco
Zayn: where r u?
Me: at the hair salon
Me: getting my tips dyed
Zayn: the one on John Dalton Street?
Me: yeah
Zayn: I'll come over there after I get the alcohol
Me: please don't :))
Zayn: why not?
Me: because I look like an alien with this aluminum in my hair
Zayn: don't care
I smile at his last text and place my phone on the counter in front of me so the hairdresser can continue working on my hair.
I try to remember what I'm dressed up with, since there is a giant black cape hanging from my shoulders that covers my entire outfit.
I remember that I'm wearing a white Ramones shirt, skinny jeans, Vans, and thankfully I brought that blue varsity jacket with an R on it because it was cold outside. I regret not bringing anything to cover my ears with though.
The hairdresser is just taking the last piece of aluminum out of my hair when Zayn comes in with a Tesco bag.
"Damn, I missed your alien look." He jokes and Katherine turns towards him at the sound of his voice.
"Zayn." She smiles, throwing me a knowing look that I shake my head at. "How come you're here?"
"Was bored at home so I came over. My parents are fighting to I just thought I'd get out of the house."
"Where are your siblings?" I ask, taking in his appearance.
He's wearing black skinny jeans, converse, a black jacket and a grey beanie that makes him look extremely attractive.
"They're at home, but I couldn't take them alcohol shopping with me or else they would've wanted to drink from it. They're going to be raging alcoholics when they grow up."
"Just like their brother." Katherine jokes and Zayn smirks, shrugging.
"You're done." The hairdresser informs me and finally tilts my head towards the mirror. I was so caught up in staring at Zayn that I didn't even notice the result.
"Looks good." Zayn says and stands up to come behind me.
The hairdresser is obviously aware of his presence, smiling at him, but he doesn't even notice her. Which obviously makes me feel good about myself but sorry for her.
"Where are you going after this?" he asks me.
I look at Katherine questioningly. She's far from done with her hair.
"Well I'm going to be a while, so you two go ahead doing whatever. I'll meet you at Harry's tonight."
"Do you want to come over then?" Zayn asks me, placing a hand on the back of my chair.
I blush. "Won't your parents mind?"
"I don't think they even noticed I went out. They usually don't."
"Alright then." I agree, thinking about the fact that I haven't shaved yet. I was planning on doing it tonight before Harry's, but my plans have apparently changed. I just hope Zayn won't try to get me naked since I won't feel good about it. But of course, I don't flatter myself.
I pay the hairdresser and then look for my bag but then I remember that I didn't bring one since the walk from here to my house is a short one.
We say goodbye to the hairdressers and Katherine, before we exit the building.
"Hungry?" Zayn asks. I nod, since I haven't eaten since yesterday at lunch (on purpose), and I know that he's been watching what I eat lately, even though I have no idea why.
He pulls out a bag of Cheetos and sits down on a small brick fence that is supposed to circle a park. I sit down next to him with difficulty but I manage. My ears are freezing and there is still snow on the ground, so wearing Vans and no beanie has turned out to be a horrible decision.
Zayn notices that my ears are cold though. "You cold? Because your ears are red and look like they're about to fall off."
I nod as I take a handful of Cheetos and stuff them in my mouth. He takes his beanie off and pulls it over my head until it reaches under my ears.
"Much better." he smiles and then looks for something through the Tesco bag. He pulls out a brand new Marlboro pack, which he opens. I ask him to give me one cigarette since I forgot my pack at home because I didn't think I'd need it.
"If you eat while smoking it increases your chances of getting lung cancer. So after you've finished eating I'll give you as many as you want. I'm not short of cigarettes."
"Must be nice. Not being short of cigarettes because they're expensive. Nine pounds for twenty cigarettes, that's crazy."
He shrugs. "I don't worry about how much it costs. And although I don't want you to get cancer, I can buy them for you if you really need one."
I finish the rest of the Cheetos by myself, to my horror. I discreetly check the calories on the back of the bag to discover the fact that it's almost four hundred calories a bag. When I lift my head up I see Zayn watching me with furrowed brows, but he doesn't say anything.
I crunch the bag and throw it over my shoulder. He hands me the promised cigarette and lights it up for me. We smoke in silence after that, until I finally decide to ask him if we'll go to Harry's party together.
"Yeah. I'll drive us over there. We have to pick up Jake, and Niall on the way though."
Zayn waits for me to finish my cigarette and then we start walking in the direction he's guiding us. As we walk, he wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him. He's warm and smells so good I can't even believe how much I like him.
I put my arm around his waist, and then he pulls me again him so he can kiss me shortly. I smile against his lips and he pulls back then so we can begin walking, neither of us pulling our arms away.
"Wait a minute." I say and stop when I realize that we're not going towards Tesco. "Are we actually going to walk to your house?"
"It's like two kilometers away."
"Ugh." I groan.
"Do you want me to carry you there?"
I laugh because he's obviously joking.
"I'm serious."
Apparently not.
"Wha-really? You can't carry me back to your house, don't be ridiculous."
He cocks an eyebrow to provoke me, and then crouches down to let me know that I can jump on his back. I do so, and he hands me the Tesco bag so he can grip into my thighs to hold me up.
And then he begins walking like I'm not even on his back.
We get to his house about fifteen minutes later, and he lets me down so he can unlock the door. The house is quiet when we enter, which means that the fight has probably finished. I can see Eddie and Lilly on the couch in the living room, watching cartoons that were turned up to the highest volume.
"Why are they watching it so loud?"
"Whenever my parents fight I give them earplugs and tell them to play a game I invented. They have to wear earplugs and watch the cartoons with high volume and try to understand whatever they're saying. It's stupid but I don't want them to hear their parents yelling at each other."
It's the way he says 'their parents' and the sincere look on his face that makes me want to cuddle the sadness out of him.
I watch him as he walks over to his siblings and lowers the volume before he steps in front of them and motions for them to take out their earplugs.
"I understood everything!" Lilly excitedly tells him, and Eddie elbows her shoulder.
"No, I did!"
They begin fighting and Zayn stares at me helplessly before he takes a step forward and lifts Eddie up so he can't slap Lilly anymore.
"Never hit a girl." He tells Eddie, who looks at him with a sorry expression as he crosses his arms over his chest and pouts.
"Sorry Z."
Zayn ruffles his hair before he puts him down. "It's alright little bro. Just never to it again okay?"
Eddie nods and hugs his knees, and then goes to hug Lilly, who hugs him back. I give Zayn a thumb up and he smiles, leaving them to watch more cartoons, this time with a normal volume.
We walk together upstairs, and as soon as we're in his room he takes his shoes off and collapses on the bed.
"My back hurts." He mumbles into the pillow as I carefully untie my Vans and slip out of them.
"I told you I am too heavy." I say, staring at the floor.
"Oh, that's not what I meant. You weight nothing." Zayn's quick to assure me. I smile, feeling better, and then I walk towards his bathroom to wash my hands.
When I came back out, Zayn was missing his shirt and jacket, and was now naked from the waist up. He winked at me as I took off my jacket and placed it on the back of his desk chair, but that was as far as I went with the undressing.
"Why are you being shy?" he asks in an amused tone when I sit down at the edge of his bed.
"I'm not being shy just because I won't undress to my underwear like you do."
While I talk he proceeds to take off his jeans so he's in his boxers and I try my hardest not to stare at the outline of his shaft through the tight material as he walks over to his desk.
"I'm just saying, I won't try anything but you'll probably me more comfortable in underwear and a loose shirt than jeans."
I agree with him, so I walk over to his closet to look for something big and comfortable to wear. I find a black jersey so I pull off my shirt, put the jersey on, and then take off my pants, all the while making sure I won't flash Zayn.
"You think I haven't seen naked girls before?" he asks and I pout.
"Exactly. They were all hotter than me so-"
He frowns. "That's not true."
I tilt my head, unsure whether he's telling the truth or not.
"You know I don't give compliments unless I really mean them." He tells me, coming closer. "And you look really good in my shirt by the way."
I smile and he takes me by the waist to bring me closer. "Yeah, you only give compliments when you mean them or when you want to get someone into bed."
"Babe, if I wanted to get you into bed, I would've done it a long time ago."
"Not sure whether I should take this as a compliment or insult."
"As a compliment. Because it means that I want you for more than just sex, which is rare."
"Oh, I am honestly flattered." I joke and Zayn shakes his head, before pulling me into his chest and kissing me.
I cup his face after I stand up on my tiptoes and open my mouth for his tongue. He presses me against his walk-in closet, kissing me deep and hard.
One of his hands comes down from my waist and slips under the jersey to my upper thigh.
"Remember...what almost happened on New Year's?" I ask into his mouth as he presses his crotch against my stomach.
"Of course." He whispers into my neck.
"Can that happen...for my birthday?"
I know I'm stupid for asking because he's probably going to reject me and who in the world plans their first time like this? (Sophia) And who asks someone so bluntly to have sex with them? (Jake)
"You sure?" he asks, fingers digging into my thigh.
I nod, thinking that if I can fast until then I can lose around 14 pounds, 6 kilograms.
"Fuck, okay. But if you want me to stop now, you should probably not kiss me anymore."
I pull away and he sighs, before stepping back. "Want to go out on the balcony for a smoke?"
"I'm nearly naked."
"So am I, but my balcony faces the backyard."
I agree eventually, so we both walk out on his balcony. He lights out both of our cigarettes at once, and then blows out the smoke in my face.
I remember him telling me that blowing smoke in someone's face meant that they wanted to fuck that certain person, so I smile and look at his covered-up pool.
He starts talking about the student exchange trip we're going on in a week, and how we're supposed to get the letters from our partners on Monday. As he talks, I can't help but travel my eyes all over his body.
He's too beautiful to put in words.
Then I notice the faint while lines on the insides of his wrists, almost unnoticeable if you didn't stare hard enough. My stomach drops and I swallow.
But I know enough to know that I shouldn't bring them up unless he feels comfortable enough to talk to me about them on his own.
He comes up behind me to press his chest to my back and kiss the back of my neck.
"I can't wait for your birthday." He whispers, his cigarette almost burning out by the wind. It's cold outside, but he suddenly makes me warm, and I love that.
And before I realize what I'm even thinking, I realize that I am actually falling for Zayn Malik. Someone I never thought I'd fall for. Ever.
After we finish the cigarettes we go back inside and get into his bed. He turns on the TV and puts on a movie on Netflix to pass the time until we finally have to get out of bed and get ready.
Of course these actions don't go by without some touching here and there, and some heavy making out sessions.
"It's half past six, and we have to be there at nine so I suggest we start getting ready." He whispers into my hair and I jolt awake, not having realized that I had fallen asleep on him during the movie. The credits are rolling now and I have pathetically drooled on his chest.
I have great seduction skills, of course.
"I'm going to take the shower in Eddie's room so you'll feel more comfortable here."
"Alright, thanks."
We both get out of bed.
"Uh." I blush, thinking about what I'm going to ask him. He turns his head just as he's about to leave the room, curious. "Do you have like, a razor and shaving cream?"
"Yeah. It's in the cupboard above the sink."
"Okay, thanks."
Then he leaves, and I also enter his bathroom to shower, shave, and then put some makeup on that he gave me from his mother. I am really careful in applying everything on though, since they are all Chanel, YSL, or MAC products, which cost probably more than everything I own put together.
When I come out of the bathroom, it's half past eight and Zayn is applying cologne in the full-length mirror. His hair is up in a quiff, and he's wearing a jean vest, white V-neck, jeans, and colorful Vans. He looks amazing, as per usual.
"You don't mind me borrowing your jersey, right?" I ask him as I join him in the mirror to look at myself from all angles.
"Of course not."
He finishes spraying himself with cologne, and then puts it on his dresser.
"You ready?"
"Yeah. Let me grab my phone and then we can go.""Text Niall that we'll be at his house in five minutes." He tells me and grabs the Tesco bag.
"You know that Harry is going to tell everyone about him and Jake tonight?" I ask him once we're in the car, and on our way to Niall's house.
He nods, not taking his eyes off the road.
Niall, and Jake pile in the car as soon as Zayn stops, and I'm suddenly hit with two different types of perfume. I scrunch my nose up and greet all of them at once, before Zayn finally starts driving again.
We get to Harry's house at fifteen past nine. There are only two cars outside, which means that it will be a small get together after all.
Everyone is already in Harry's living room, with the TV blasting in the background as they're loudly laughing. We leave our coats in the downstairs bedroom, and then join the others in the living room.
I watch as Jake sits down at a careful distance from Harry, looking at Louis nervously.
We spend the next couple of hours smoking out of Niall's bong and eating pizza, until it's finally midnight so Sophia brings the cake out and we sing happy birthday to Harry. Eleanor unfortunately has to leave right after, since she'll be going on a one-week trip to the Caribbean with her parents, who don't have time in the summer to take her on holiday.
"Now, before we go back to smoking at chatting, I'd like to make an announcement." Harry says and steps up on the table with wobbly feet.
Zayn steadies him as he raises his champagne glass.
"I, Harry Styles, am in love and currently dating Jake Horan."
My eyes turn to Louis, while everyone else happily exclaims and jumps to hug the two of them. Everyone except of Louis that is.
Louis' expression changes and he pulls his head back in disbelief. He then places his glass on the table and walks out of the room towards the stairs.
I run after him and finally find him on the balcony upstairs, smoking. I place my hand on his back and stroke it up and down.
"Are you okay?"
He shakes his head and I can see that he has tears in his eyes.
"I just- I know I don't have any right to be mad about it because I've turned him down in the past." He starts. "But I can't believe he's moved on."
"You always told me that you didn't know who to choose when it came to Eleanor and him. I think it's good that he moved on, because he made the choice for you and you now have the chance to focus on your relationship with Eleanor. She deserves it."
"They both deserve it," he agrees, hanging his head and exhaling smoke.
"It's just going to be hard to get used to. And I need to come clean to Eleanor about everything until I can finally have a serious thing with her."
I nod in agreement. "You're going to tell her about kissing me too?""No, she doesn't mind me kissing other people if it's just friends and nothing more. Sex however is more intimate and important to her."
"Yeah." Louis sighs, throwing his cigarette over the railing. He turns to face me and I step forward, hugging him. He hugs me, and we break apart when it gets too cold.
"So now you have to tell me about Zayn." He gushes as he guides me back inside.
"Oh, where do I even start." I smile and he laughs, and I'm happy that he's taking the news much better than I'd expected him to.
We find ourselves in the airport parking lot of the airport a week later; sleep deprived and excited to travel all the way to Poland, and then to France. Since Mr. Grey had been fired and there was no one to accompany Mr. Andrews on the trip to Poland next week, they've decided to join the two exchanges and pick 50% of the students from each exchange and to France and Poland too.
We would be spending three days in Poland, and then the rest of them in France. Each student will spend two days with someone else and their exchange student, and then the other way around.
I chose to room with Eleanor, since both of our exchange students were really nice girls and we got along really well on Facebook. Mine was named Leigh-Anne and hers was called Nins.
"Alright listen up y'all! I don't want none of y'all to get lost on this damn trip because Mr. Flack and I are responsible and neither of us wants to spend their lives in jail. Teaching is enough!" Mr. Andrews yells, placing his hands on his waist. "Also, remember what we learned in Sex Ed! Use condoms! Or else y'all gonna get pregnant!"
Everyone is laughing, but Mr. Andrews seems pretty serious, although he's obviously trying hard not to smile himself. We're all too excited about missing an entire week of school and travelling through Europe.
Let the fun begin.
