Chapter Ten

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Emma took a couple steps back from us when she finished doing Tessa's hair. "You look great," she told us and clasped her hands together.

I would protest, telling her that I look totally ridiculous, but I decided against it. I didn't want to bring her down. "Yeah," I lied.

"Are you ready for dinner?" She asked Tessa.

My sister nodded vigorously. "Of course! I get to meet King Charming!"

Emma chuckled. "He's really very nice, Tessa."

"I know!" She giggled.

When Emma left, I knelt down to my sister's level and muttered quietly in her ear, "Hey, I have to tell you something, 'Kay?"


"You can't tell these people where we are from," I told her clearly. I didn't want her screwing our lives up.

She blinked while staring straight ahead. "Why not? Why can't I?"

"Because," I started to explain, "they don't like outsiders. If anyone asks you where you're from, do you know what you're going to tell them?"

She looked confused so she shook her head. "No, what?"

"You're going to say that you're from the Villainous Plains, alright?"

"What does that mean?"

"It's where the villains live, I think," I guessed because I honestly had no idea.

"Wait- that's where the wicked stepmother and evil stepsisters live!" She gasped, realization dawning in her head. "Why are we from there? In the book, that place is scary."

I nodded. "I know, but-"

"Hey, are you guys coming?" Emma poked her head back in our bedroom.

I stood up to my full stature and grabbed my little sister's hand, pulling her along. "Yeah, yeah."

"I was going to say," Emma grinned like crazy, "you don't want to be late for your big debut, do you?"

"Debut? What do you mean, debut?"

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?" I asked, growing more and more confused by the second.

"That the King's family arrived this afternoon for the ball tomorrow evening," Emma told us. "You didn't know?"

"I was not aware, no."

"Oh, well, they're having dinner right now, and if you want to impress anyone at that table, it's the King's parents," she advised me.

"Thanks, but why?"

"Previous Kings and Queens are very respected in the kingdom. Considering that you're from The Villainous Plains, I wouldn't expect you to know that, but I'd recommend that you're respectful."

"Not a problem."

"Alright," Emma nodded her head and pointed down the hallway. "The dining hall is the last door on the left."

"Thanks for your help," I told her, holding my hand out for her to shake.

She looked confused at first, but she grabbed my hand with her own and shook it firmly. "You're very welcome."

Oh God. Her hands were warm.

Why did I notice that?

She took her hand back and held it against her chest. "Well, have a nice dinner." She turned around. "Bye, Tessa!"

"Bye!" Tessa waved.

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