Chapter Sixteen

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"Cinderella has a little sister?" Tessa spoke up, her voice quiet and nervous. "It never said that in the storybook."

Molly looked at the floor, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I know that it's difficult to believe, but Cinderella is not who she claims to be."

"We've been told that." I rolled my eyes before studying her face. "There's still something that I'm confused about."

Her blue eyes flickered up to meet mine. "And that is?"

I sighed, scratching the back of my neck. "Why weren't you mentioned in the book?"

Molly smiled meekly, exhaling through her mouth. "It's kind of hard to explain."

"We have plenty of time. Trust me."

"Cinderella is a very jealous person," Molly admitted, a frown growing on her face. "You've known that; Anastasia and Drizella told you. Our mother was a very kind soul, and when I was born about ten years after Cinderella, Mother was not showing favoritism when she took care of me. Cinderella took it that way, and because of that, she despised me. And then Mother died when I was three, and Cinderella became even colder than she already was. She blamed everyone else, especially me, Anastasia, and Drizella, for her death even though it happened naturally." She paused, taking in a breath. "When she married Prince Charming, she published a story in our world, as well as yours, under a pseudonym and changed the storyline to make her seem more appealing. She left me out of the story because she felt that I would take the attention off of her like I had with Mother."

"You're really her baby sister?" Tessa asked, staring up at the young woman with wide eyes. "You really grew up with her?"

Molly knelt down to her level, her small smile brightening the entire room, "I did, and let me say that it wasn't all that you think that it was cracked up to be." She let out a small chuckle, her arms reaching out to rub Tessa's shoulders. "In fact, I can recall the time that Cinderella pushed me into the river. She'd wanted to get to the other side, and I was in her way, and I think you can figure out the rest."


She nodded. "Yes."

"Do you believe us?" Lady Tremaine chimed in, leaning on the countertop with her fingers linked together.

My head was spinning around in circles. I had heard two sides to the same story: the one I had grown up believing, and the one that made absolutely no sense. How was I supposed to choose which one was right?

Before I had a chance to voice my opinion, Tessa did. "I believe you."

The four women's eyes lit up. "You do?"

Slowly, my sister nodded her head. "Yeah, I do. You look like you're telling the truth."

Turning to me, Molly's mouth formed into the smallest grin. "What about you, Matthew? Do you believe us too?"

"I do," I admitted after a long while.

"You're not joshing us, are you?" Anastasia asked quietly, raising her brows.

I shook my head. "Nah, I do. I had a weird feeling in my stomach when I talked with the Queen, but I just thought it was because of the fact that we are in a different dimension or something." I shrugged. "I never really thought that it could be something like this."

Drizella pressed her lips into a thin line. "No one would think of it, if we're being honest here. Everyone thinks that Cinderella is some type of hero or something, but that's only with the help of her fairy godmother."

"Now I'm not trying to be rude or anything when I ask this," I began, holding my hands out in front of me, "but why are we here? I mean, yeah, Cinderella is the villain and all, but why rescue us? Won't Cinderella notice that were gone?"

Lady Tremaine grinned from ear to ear. "Of course she will."

"Won't that be a problem?"

She shook her head, studying her nails. "Oh, no. Of course not. We have her exactly where we want her."

I sunk my teeth into my lower lip. "You still haven't answer my initial question."

Anastasia blinked. "Why you're here?"

"That would be it," I confirmed.

Nodding, she began to explain. "You fell through a mirror to get here, didn't you?"

"We did!" Tessa exclaimed, a frown growing on her face. "My Cinderella mirror, to be exact."

"That's what we thought." Molly crossed her arms. "We know how to get you both home, and you can help us get rid of Cinderella in the process."

My eyebrows raised. "You can get us home?"

"You can?" My sister clapped her hands together. "Then we're in!"

"Tessa," I murmured, placing my hand on her shoulder, "we may want to find out what they want us to do first before we agree to anything."

Drizella continued, "Well, you see, Cinderella has this necklace. She wore it at her wedding, you know. It's has five large crystals embedded into the gold plates all the way around it, and since it is so valuable, it's in the middle of a center room in the castle. It also has a glass case around it and two guards right in front of it." She paused. "Your job would be to steal that necklace and bring it back to us."

"Why?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Because we have a Cinderella mirror ourselves," Lady Tremaine told us, taking out a much older version of the hand mirror that we fell through. "Except it's missing the jewels around the outside edge. Once the two of you steal the necklace, we will put it in here, and voila! You two will be able to go home!"

"That's great, but how does this help you?"

"Oh, that's the simple part!" Drizella gasped. "The necklace, when in its spot, gives the Fairy Godmother her powers, and she's the one making Cinderella the lovable person that you think she is. However, once the necklace is removed, the public will find out who Cinderella really is. The people will take her down for us! It's fool-proof!"

Molly looked at me, a small smile on her lips. "So? Are you in?"

I looked down at Tessa before meeting Molly's eyes. "We're in."


Ahh!! Embellished With Lies hit 1K views!! You guys are the best! 😘

I gotta go, but what did you think? I'm sorry but I had to explain what was going on. Even I was confused ahaha

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Love you!😘😘

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