Chapter Twenty

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As I thought more into the topic, I realized some very important things. First, I justified that I did not have feelings for Emma. She was a very nice girl, or so I thought, but I figured out that it was just infatuation, not attraction.

The second discovery was much more shocking - and disturbing, in a way - than the first. As crazy as it seems, I realized that I may or may not have feelings for Molly. I knew that I had a girlfriend, but the more I thought about it, Caitlyn's and my relationship oftentimes favored her. We never ate at any of the restaurants that I liked, or shopped at guy-appropriate stores, or watched any boy-friendly movies. It was always about Caitlyn, and I don't know why I hadn't thought about it before. Plus, she was really clingy and hardly ever let me go out with my friends without accusing me of cheating if I didn't invite her to go along with us.

But when I was with Molly, I felt happy. Not that Caitlyn didn't make me happy - because she did. They're just two different people and I realized that I needed someone more relaxed and who didn't need to be with me every second of the day to know the way I feel about them.

My feelings for Molly weren't settled yet - I still wasn't sure - but mine for Caitlyn were.

They weren't really there anymore.

I had no idea how I was going to tell her about it. How was I supposed to break up with a girl I hadn't even seen for practically a month? What was I going to tell her?

I would just have to figure that out when I crossed that bridge, but for now, I was going to settle on the whole classic it's-me-not-you ordeal.

It seemed wrong, to decide that I no longer possessed feelings for someone while I was completely fine when I saw them last. It seemed unfair to her, but I needed to do what was best for me.

And I am going to do what I have to do.


The next morning I was woken up by the sun shining directly into my eyes. I rolled over and sighed, rubbing my hands over my face. I definitely did not receive an adequate night's sleep; I knew exactly why that was, too.

A pounding headache thumped in my brain like a drummer to his base during a gig. Last night was not one of my best, I could tell you that.

I eventually decided to roll out of bed, headache and all. I changed into some clothes that Drizella had left in the chestnut wardrobe next to the window and left my room, walking across the hall to my sister's.

My knuckles curled as I softly knocked on the door. I didn't want to wake Tessa if she was still sleeping; she gets grumpy when she doesn't get a restful night's sleep.

When I received no answer, I opened the door a crack and looked inside.

There was only a pile of blankets on the bed; no sign of Tessa.

My confusion was addressed seconds later when Tessa slid across the dark hardwood floors behind me.

"Why are you up?" I inquired, crossing my arms in front of my body and raising an eyebrow. "It's barely passed sunrise; you should still be sleeping."

She shook her head, placing a hand on her hip. "No, I'm not tired. I feel really super awake."

I didn't buy it, but I let it slide anyways. She would pay for it later on, and since saying I told you so wasn't exactly the most mature phrase to say when she did become fatigued, I decided against saying anything at all.

"Anastasia made breakfast," Tessa commented, changing the subject. "It smells really yummy."

Much to my surprise, I then noticed a pleasant aroma drifting around on the air. It smelled like the bakery on Main back home. It hit you like a ton of bricks, the smell of freshly baked bread and berry covered pastries.

"Yum," I commented as Tessa grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the kitchen with all of her strength.

"You're moving too slow," she grumbled, squeezing my hand. "Hurry up, Bubby."

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I wiped my eyes with my free hand. "I'm still waking up, Tessa."

She shrugged. "So? I'm hungry."

I didn't reply; I let her pull me to the kitchen where I was met by Anastasia, Drizella, and Molly. However, Lady Tremaine was nowhere in sight.

"Where is she?" I inquired, leaning up against the island.

"I'm sorry?" Molly asked, leaning in a little closer. "What was that?"

"Lady Tremaine," I began, "where is she?"

"She has not woken up yet," she answered, slicing a loaf of bread into thick pieces and arranging them onto the glass plates. "Did you need to discuss something with her?"

I shook my head, moving my hair out of my eyes. It had grown pretty long since I hadn't cut it since we'd left home. "No, no, I was just curious."

She looked at me, an unconvincing look on her face. "I presume that there's a reason for you inquiry; however I will not pry that information out of you. Perhaps it's a personal matter."

I grabbed the plate that was in front of me, changing the subject completely. "So did Anastasia make breakfast, or...?"

She laughed. "Of course Anastasia made the food. Neither Drizella nor I can cook to save our lives!"

"Noted." I nodded my head, taking a bite into the homemade bread. "It tastes good."

"That's the result of Anastasia's hard work."

Breakfast went by far too quickly, and I was surprised when Lady Tremaine failed to make an appearance after nearly an hour.

At ten-thirty I saw her walk out of her bedroom, but when I asked her about her lacking presence at the breakfast table, she dismissed my comment.

And I have yet to know why.


Hey. What's up? School is so stressful for me right now.

I updated this only because I told livster17 at lunch that I would. So you have her to thank :)

How old are you guys? What grade (if any) are you in?

Anywho I hope that you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment!

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