Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Was it always right there?" Molly whispered, grabbing Tessa's hand and pulling her along.

I shrugged. "I'm assuming so..." I paused. "I mean, unless Cinderella's fairy godmother cast some ridiculous spell on it or something, then it had to be."

Molly rolled her eyes at my condescending remark. "Come on, Matthew, Tessa. Hurry up!" she hissed.

I grabbed my sister's hand and followed closely on the heels of Molly. The three of us scurried down the corridor, not forgetting to check behind us as we went.

"Look," Molly murmured under her breath. "Do you see it?"

I may not have done anything on the outside, but I can assure you that on the inside, I couldn't help but chuckle. I found it hilarious, as Molly always thought we were on the same page when it came to what she was thinking.

"Do I see what, exactly?" I eventually spoke, trying to follow her line of vision.

"The necklace," she urged, staring at me like I should have known this the entire time. "What else would we be talking about?"

I held up my hands in innocence. "Sorry, jeez. Kill me, why don't you?"

A small grin flashed across her face, but it disappeared almost as quickly as it had come into view. "I might have to," she claimed, her voice monotone. "Come on, let us retrieve the necklace before anyone stops us."

The three of us agreed, and we hurried towards the show room. Just as Drizella had described to Tessa and me so many weeks ago, the diamond necklace was located on a center podium, glass encasing the fine piece of jewelry. It looked exactly how it was explained.

Now it was just the matter of getting it out of the case and into our hands.

"Tessa," Molly began, "did you bring that device that Lady Tremaine told you to have?"

"Oh, um..." Tessa played with her hair, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I don't, uh... I don't have it."

"What do you mean, you don't have it?" Molly was getting stressed.

"I don't have it," Tessa repeated. "I already... I already tolded you."

Molly put her hand to her forehead. "I presume that is alright... Well, Matthew, we have got to move onto Plan B."

"We had a Plan B?"

"Now we do." She paused. "Break the glass. I do not particularly care how, as long as it is fast and efficient. We can escape before anyone realizes. Well, hopefully," She added the last part in a whisper.

I looked around to try and observe my potential resources until I remembered that I had a bag of knives on me, which made me feel absolutely ridiculous. I took out one, I didn't even glance down to see which one as they were all knives. Holding the weapon in my hand, I looked around once more.

I wasn't going to take any chances.

Without a second thought, I lunged the knife forward and connected the tip with the glass forcefully. The case shattered and fell to the ground. Molly snatched the necklace within seconds, and I didn't even realize that I was listening for something until Tessa grabbed my hand. I guess I was expecting an alarm to go off or something. You know, like when someone burglarizes a store. Typically an alarm goes off, and when I heard silence, I was confused.

Another thought crossed my mind, and I knew that it was not going to fare well for us.

"Hey," I murmured as we made a break for it, "weren't there supposed to be guards in front of the door?"

Molly looked at me strangely, her back pressed up against a wall as we heard footsteps. "Yes, I do suppose you are correct."

I squeezed Tessa's hand. "Then where are they?"

Someone tapped me on my shoulder.

I slowly turned around, coming face to face with two burly guards.

"What are you doing?" the taller one out of the two shouted.

"Last time I checked, the show room was a restricted area," the other claimed, pointing his spear at us.

I slowly pushed my sister behind me, sliding my hand into my knife bag.

Molly nodded her head not a moment later, telling me that it was now or never.

Pulling out a knife, I aimed and threw it as hard as I could. Unfortunately for me, unlike Pierre this guard anticipated the throw and was successfully able to dodge the blade.

The two started attacking us, so I told Tessa to run around the corner to assure her, and myself, that she was going to be safe.

After she was gone, I reached inside my bag once again in order to retrieve another blade. However, this time, a knife cut my hand.

"Shoot," I muttered under my breath. I ignored the blood dripping off my hand while I reached inside and got a hand on another knife. I threw it low, and luckily, the shorter guard was not able to anticipate where the knife was headed, so it hit him right in the heart. He immediately clutched his chest and collapsed to the ground.

This enraged the taller guard, and he lunged at us. He scraped my arm with his spear, causing another streak of blood to leak out from my body and onto the floor.

Molly made an attempt to grab another blade; she was not able to do this on account of the guard nearly stabbed her. Luckily, the spear wasn't quite long enough; if it was any longer, Molly would've been dead.


I never thought I would have to say that sentence.

Then, completely out of nowhere, a knife comes sailing through the air and piercing the second guard in the heart. He died instantly, falling and landing on the ground with a loud 'thud'. Molly and I looked at each other, completely and utterly confused. We took a look behind us, and there stood Tessa, her slingshot in hand.

"Tessa, was that you?"

She nodded and looked almost as shocked as Molly and I were. "I think so."

"That was so good, Tess!" We rushed over to her. "How did you do that?"

"Yes, that was rather impressive, was it not?" All three of us whipped around and saw the queen herself behind us. "Surprised to see me? Did you not expect me to notice a full-on battle in my hallways?"

Before I could even think, I grabbed a knife and threw it at her chest.

Cinderella fell to the ground.

My jaw dropped nearly to the ground. I had just killed the queen.

"Come on, Matthew," Molly urged, grabbing my hand due to the fact that I couldn't move. "We have to go."

We ran out of the castle and darted to the woods, but that thought never left my mind.

I had killed the queen.


This originally was never going to happen, just to let you know.

I know that this book isn't the best, but it's one of my first ones so if you could not hate, that'd be wonderful! Thanks

What did you think? Were you expecting this? What do you think will happen next?

It would honestly mean the world to me if you would check out my book On My Mind. I know I mentioned this last chapter but I have worked so hard on it and really want you to check it out!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you!

Also - have a very Merry Christmas!!

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