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MoMo couldn't get that figure out of her head. It was strange that one thing could take over her mind. She decided to talk to Kc about it until:


Everyone turned to Michi.

"Yes lady Michi?" Purple asked shaking.

Laurance held Purple by the shoulders to stop her shaking.

"I think I finally know how to find out how to finally confirm what relics that Kc and MoMo have, me and Kawaii wiped up a potion to create an elemental potion, all you need to do is drink it and you go into a slumber for a couple of minutes and the relic pops out of you and shows what type of element you have." Michi explains.

"Exactly so who's first?" Kawaii asks.

This is the perfect way MoMo can get her mind off things!

"Can I go?" MoMo asks.

"I don't see why not." Michi says.

"Follow us." Michi says.


When MoMo, Kawaii, and Michi left the room Purple was so glad.

"Thank god they didnt find out about the tower incident which reminds me did the water stop?" Purple whispered to Laurance.

"Yeah about that I came back to the tower and now there is a huge hole outside with water spilling out..." Laurance whispered.

"A HUGE HOLE!" Purple screamed whisper.

"Yeah..." Laurance said embarrassed.

"We are so dead." Purple and Laurance whispered.


MoMo had the potion held from her hand.

"You ready?" Kawaii asked.


MoMo air drank the potion and started to feel sleepy.

"Here lye down on this." Michi said giving her a pillow.

MoMo fell to the floor having enough energy to put the pillow on her head.


MoMo was inside her old bedroom when she was 7. She saw all her little teddy bears and her pink flowered walls. She hated the colour but her mom didn't let her change it.

Just then a little girl with pig tails with blue trousers. It was little MoMo but it seems like she didnt notice her.

"Mom!" Little her yelled.

"Yes!" Her mom yelled back.

"I don't know what to wear for my birthday party!"

Now MoMo remembered she didnt know what to wear so she said she would wear whatever she had on.

"I will wear whatever I have on!" Little MoMo yelled and went downstairs.

MoMo followed her young self downstairs and saw her mom. Its been awhile since MoMo saw her mom but she looked younger of course since this was nine years ago. Just then there was a doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Little MoMo yelled.

MoMo followed her younger self to the door. She jumped to reach the doorknob and opened it but this part of her day was different instead of her friends being outside the door it was the same figure that MoMo saw yesterday.

"Who are you?" Little MoMo asked.

The figure went down to her knees.

"MoMo I came to give you a gift its your birthday." The figure said pulling out something.

It was an orb that was black and grey.

"Here." The figure said handing it to younger MoMo.

"What do I do with this?" MoMo asked.

"Oh here."

The figured stabbed the orb in her and young MoMo fell to her knees.

"Dont worry." The figure said touching young MoMo's shoulder.

When the figure touched her she was healed all standing up and happy.

"What was that?" 7 year old MoMo asked.

"Heh so many questions, but I cant answer today." The figure said.

"Why?" Younger MoMo asked crossing her arms.

"Because you wont remember this." The figure said touching her head.

MoMo didnt know what the figure was doing but when the figure lifted her hand away from her head. The figure disappeared.

"MoMo?" Mom said coming.

"Uh yeah?" Young MoMo asked scratching her head.

"Who was at the door?" Mom asked.

MoMo looked at outside then back to her mom.

"No one." Young MoMo said and closed the door.

MoMo finally knew what the figure did... It took away her memory.


"MoMo!" Kc yelled.

"Huh?" MoMo said getting up from the floor.

"You definitely have the demon relic of Amomo." Michi said.

"Oh."MoMo sighed.

"Yeah your relic was black and grey." Kc said giving her a hand up.

MoMo grabbed her hand and pulled herself up and MoMo finally knew that her nightmare was true.

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