Chapter : 9

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I wake up to find my dads portrait in front of me .
I stay there in my bed , staring at it .
I always store at it but never this way.
Never with hundreds of questions in my mind at once .
I sigh and get out of the bed .
I stand in front of my 8 feet mirror , staring at myself .
I make up my hair into a messy bun and stare again .
There stands my dad .
The dad I saw when I was 12 .
The dad who didn't have a tattoo. Who didn't have beard .
He comes near me and hugs me from behind .
I smile and turn to hug him .
When I open my eyes , he's not there .
I smile sadly at my reflection.
I seem so weary now .
Wearing my pajama shorts and my dads loose shirt that hid my shorts so it seemed I didn't wear shorts . My smile , it DOSENT even seem real . It's so... Fake . The loose strand of my hair falls on my face . I let out a whoosh of air so it flies back . I shake my head slowly and walk out of my room , leaving my bed messy for the first time . At Least Jeanine , the cleaner of my mansion would clean the room.
I slowly walk down the stairs . When I reach level 2 , meaning where mom sleeps, I see that her room door is open . I walk up to it and see that she's not there .
And so I pick up my pace . Dad's room door is open too .
Why would they wake up at 6 ?
When I am at the second last step , I hear voices .
Not anyone else , but dad and moms .
So I hide behind my hiding place .
Thank god for this giant pillar that hides me , a potato.
" So , how do u think she is ? " Mom asks .
I roll my eyes .
Dad takes a second before replying .
" Gorgeous . "
I smile .
" She is my daughter after all . " Mom says .
I can imagine dad rolling his eyes .
But dad just sighs.
" When will she know it's me ? "
I know dad . I know .
And that's when it hits me .
It's 21st July .
Father's Day .
" Is she , umm.. U know... Erm... In a ..... Dear lord this is so hard ! Is she in a relationship ? " Dad asks awkwardly .
I cover my mouth with my hand to stop a laugh .
Mom DOSENT reply instantly .
" I guess. " She says.
" U guess ? " dad says .
" Yeah . " Mom flips her hair and shrugs .
" And who do think with ? " Dad asks .
As his back is faced to me , I can't see his expression . But Ofcourse , I can imagine him massaging his temples , disturbed his little princess has grown up .
" Ben Hyde . "
Dad leaves out a heavy breathe that dosent exactly sound tense now . Maybe he's relived I'm up with my own bodyguard !
" Ah he's a good boy , he is . " Dad says .
" Yeah . " Mom says , moving her arms side to side .
They stay quiet for a very long time and I wonder if the conversation is over .
So I move my head to my right and see Ben lying over the couch .
Why would he sleep there ?
Ben had the ground floor to himself . Though it contained 2 bathrooms , a large living room and kitchen , there was a large room , about the size of my own room there where he slept .
It was made for Veronica , our maid that died of cancer 6 years ago .
I smile at his sight .
His curly hair are the most attractive feature in him .
I turn to face my parents , who are now not here .
So I approach to him .
I kneel down , smiling and move a hand through his hair . They are pso tangled they get stuck in my fingers .
I chuckle and stare at him . I find peace staring at him . Even though he lied to me, the lies weren't as big as my dad Alive . As dad - or whatever that person -


That person .

That burnt man .

He wasn't dad !

But ,

But when dad went missing ,

Dads brother also died .

Suicided to be clear .

No one thought it was a coincidence .

What If ?

What If the burnt man was Uncle Kyle , my dads brother ?

What if someone murdered him instead of dad .

But wha about that suicidal note ?

What if that was fake too?

Geez , I have to discuss this with Ben .


Yaaaaas .
Finally the girl gets some cues !
Would talking to Ben even help ?

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