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My heart was hammering in my chest, my face was flushed with raw passion, fiery anger was burning away my common sense.  Whoever this she-devil was, she was a brilliant liar.  She was beautiful on the outside, but no amount of flawless beauty could disguise the hideous monster that lurked inside her. 

“I don’t believe you.  The Victoria I know about is dead.”

“He talked about me?” She asked.  “Funny, he never mentioned you.”

The woman pulled me out of the trunk with one hand, her strength was that of a hundred men.  Her green cat eyes sparkled, if she were a mermaid, she would make any man drown, for no mortal soul could resist the desire for a closer look.  I, myself, was captivated by those mystical green orbs. 

“Who are you?” I demanded. 

“I’m your worst nightmare,” she was interrupted.

“Oh C’mon, lame. What movie did you steal that line from?”

“Do you not realize the terrible danger you’re in?”

I looked down at my feet, which were above six feet off the ground.  Perhaps, this wasn’t the best time to piss her off.  Convinced she was on the rag, I didn’t want to further annoy her.  It felt as if I were skating on cracking ice, the cold waters splashing at my exposed ankles.  And if this dragon lady was on her period, it was only a matter of time before she unleashed her wrath. 

“Can’t we just talk this out? I mean-.”

“SILENCE.  Your incessant talking is giving me a headache.”

“Tylenol would help with that-.”

“Do you ever shut-up? I mean literally, you could talk someone to death.”

“Okay, now you’re just exaggerating,” I said quickly.  I mean, the nerve of this girl. 

“Look, I’m going to kill you and there’s nothing you can do about it,” she explained, typical and predictable of a villain. 

“Why do you want to kill me? What did I ever do to you? I mean, we just met.  Talk about getting off on the wrong foot,” I joked, trying and failing, to lighten the mood. 

“I’m Tim’s wife,” she said the word wife with great emphasis, “and you’re his girlfriend.”

“Prove it,” I demanded.

“How much more proof do you need? I traveled many miles to recover you, kidnapped you, threw you in the body of my rental car, and have threatened to slay you.”

“This is good, it’s good to talk about your feelings.  Just let it all out,” I said calmly, even though I was fighting the urge to not shit bricks. 

I was clenching my butt cheeks so tightly, I could crack walnuts.  This batshit-crazy-demon-lady scared the hell out of me.  I was farting up a storm, the smell of rotten eggs lingered distastefully in the air.  And she still had a psycho death grip on me, her arm must’ve been made out of a rod of steel, that sucker was unbending.  I get tired holding the remote to change the channel.  Watching television takes some serious dedication, effort, vigorous arm strength that I do not possess. 

“You are a threat to my species and therefore, must be eliminated.”

“Isn’t there another alternative? Besides killing me?”

“Yes, I could kill you quickly or torture you, prolonging your inevitable death.”

“I choose neither of those options.  If you’re really Victoria, Tim’s Victoria, I think we should let Tim decide who he wants to be with.”

“You can’t be serious. You're human.  I'm a member of the Illuminati.  It's my duty to insure that misunderstandings like this don't happen."

“Let Tim choose, and the loser walks away.”

“I'm afraid that is not an option.  You must die.  Alas, Tim, is my husband.”

“Welcome to the twenty-first century, bitch, it’s called divorce.”

I was really starting to get annoyed with Victoria, and initially, cursing at her seemed like a great idea.  Today, with her piercing gaze, I felt like she was hexing me, and I immediately regretted my decision to address her by her rightful name, bitch.

Her face was so still, it was like looking at a photo of a really intimidating woman.  Her expression made me relive every childhood nightmare, she was the very essence of evil.  I had adjusted to defying gravity, so when she placed me back on my feet, naturally, I fell with zero grace. 

“Get in the trunk,” she commanded, as if I were some lap dog. 

“Excuse me? I’m not getting in the trunk.”

“Either you can get in the trunk and keep your limbs, or I can put you there myself, piece by piece. Your call.”

Definitely peed a little.  At least I talked her out of killing me, for how much longer, I didn’t know.  I got into the trunk and she slammed it hard, as if she could somehow crush me with the impact.  I sat there in silence, aside from my own ragged breathing, it was mostly silent in the trunk.  Really wished I brushed my teeth, or had mints, gum, jolly ranchers, something, anything.  I couldn’t determine what smelt worse, my farts or my breath.  Rotten eggs or shit, hmm, it felt like I was walking into a Yankee candle store and getting an instant migraine from all the different fragrances.  And despite experience, I will want to smell every single one, each individual overpriced candle, knowing they all smell like shit. 

Lost in my own thoughts, I did not hear all the commotion outside of the car.  Being half-deaf and having selective-hearing, it’s easy to miss things. 

As if my magic, I was blinded, and I saw a bright white light.  I must’ve suffocated from all my bodily fumes. 

“Amber, Amber, are you okay?”

My vision was spotted, I rubbed at my eyes as if to focus.   Certainly it was my own imagination, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.


“Can you move?” My best friend asked.

“What are you doing here? Am I dead? Or am I just hallucinating?”

“I’m part of the Illuminati.”

I almost popped a blood vessel, I was seconds away from having a stroke.  I’ve been hiding from the Illuminati, and all this time, one of the most feared creatures on earth was disguised as my best friend.  This was the moment I’d hope wouldn’t ever come.  I was going to die, for real this time. 

"Jesus? Is everyone in the world in the Illuminati?"

“I’m here to save you Amber.”

Picture of Victoria on the right :)

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