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The world around me is an illusion, nothing is what it appears. No one knows my pain or feels my loss the way I do. Tim is dead. The love of my life is gone-I just don't want to go on living anymore. For one moment, I was happy. We weren't together for very long, Tim and I, but I will treasure those memories until my last breath on earth.

Tears stream down my chubby cheeks as I press my face against the toilet. It feels cool and comforting against my skin. My hair is plastered to my face. I can feel a thick layer of sandy grime on my teeth. I feel everything and feel nothing at the same time. Some would call it food poisoning, but I would call it grieving.

I'm not sure how long I've been shut up in this bathroom-and I've lost count how many times I've been sick.

After what felt like an eternity, I knew I couldn't stay in here forever, plus, it smelt really awful. Despite my broken heart, I still had unfinished business to take care of.

"I'm so sorry," Nicole started.

I carried up my hand, signaling her to stop, to allege no more, there was naught she could say that would make me feel better. My best friend is telepathic, part of the Illumaniti, and a shadow hunter. It was the pity in her eyes that brought tears to mine.

I tried to speak, but I could only croak like a toad.

"We will find Victoria," Nicole promised.

"We are depending on an ordinary human female child to save our species and she can't even stop crying. What we are is doomed," the female vampire stated.

"Luna, now is not the time."

She stopped dead, her face contorted painfully as if a hundred horrible things flashed before her eyes. White foam dribbled from her lips, she was rabid with fear as she spoke rapidly in a foreign language. It was horrible to witness.

Time stood still and we were entirely lost in a sea of hormones and craziness. Luna wiped her lip with the back of her hand and pretended as if nothing happened.

"We don't have time for this. Every second we waste, the future changes. She isn't the only one that's lost someone," Luna hissed.

Even though I didn't know Luna for long, I could tell that she was scared.

"The longer we delay, the more likely our plan is to fail. I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but time is not on our side," she excused.

"What did you see?" Nicole demanded.

Her eyes darted back and forth across the room. She was visibly shaken.

"Why do you keep looking at Amber? What did you see?"

Luna looked like she was going to cry. She seemed so frightened.




"Say it again," I purred.

Tim held me in his arms and if felt wonderful. I erased all of his memories and started anew.

"I love you," he said.

He hadn't mentioned Amber and that alone made me puff up with happiness.

"I'm hungry again," he complained.

"You're insatiable," I laughed gaily.

I could barely control myself, I was so giddy. Amber had made so much drama between Tim and me, it only seemed fitting that she dies a slow and painful death.

It will be so wonderful. Tim will kill the human, not realizing who she is. It will be the ultimate, most satisfying betrayal.

I was hesitant to take Tim hunting with me, but things couldn't have worked out better. We hunt, kill, and eat together, as husband and wife.

"There is a human girl that has hurt me," I started slowly. All the while, I gazed into his eyes to see any recognition of her name. His face was blank, and then angry.

"Let me kill her for you," he snarled.

I smiled wickedly, "you would do that for me?"

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for you Victoria. Take me to her and I will kill-what did you say her name was again?"

"Amber," I whispered fearfully. I was playing a dangerous game and I knew it.

"Amber sounds familiar. Who is she?" He asked innocently.

"She's a nobody," I snapped.

"I'm curious, what did she do to you?"

"She's a threat. She knows what we are. No human can know Vampires exist. That is the law. It's been that way for centuries."

"How did she find out? Did someone tell her?"

"You did," I explained.

Tim almost paled when I told him the truth-the partial truth.

"What will happen to me? I broke a sacred law."

"Hush now, nothing bad will happen to you. The way the system works is simple. Either she dies, or you both die. Either way, she's dead. By killing her, you will be fixing a mistake. You didn't know what you were doing at the time. I'm here for you and I will help guide you. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

"Of course not."

"It's settled then. Tomorrow, we will track her down and you will execute her."

"Sounds good. Can we go hunting now? I'm starving to death. I need my strength to satisfy you in the bedroom," Tim joked lovingly.

Enjoy tonight Amber because it will be your last, I thought happily.

Hello Reader's,

I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to give you something.  High fives/E for effort?  Thank you so much for your votes and comments.  What did Luna see? Um-what is the plan? Will Tim kill Amber? I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D until NEXT time....

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