Chapter 1 - Alex by the side---->)

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'Elyza Aubry, get up!' my best friend Alex yells.

'Two more minutes' I mumble tightening the duvet on me.

'No! Classes are about to start in ten minutes and we're still in our rooms, Elyza I swear if we miss breakfast, I'm gonna eat you alive." That's when I got up and rushed to the bathroom, Alex missing breakfast meant half of you being eaten. We missed 2 days last week and I had to give her the entire snack I bought from the shops outside when I escaped.

Well let me tell you a bit about myself. There's one thing I don't believe in anymore. HOPE and LOVE. Okay maybe it's not one its two anyways, I'm a 17 year old girl who goes to a boarding school. Alex is my best friend, we grew up together and she is a friend that would go anywhere even if it means leaving home. She means the world to me. She supported me when my dad died and put the pieces of my heart back together like jigsaw.

I came out of the bathroom and put a simple purple top on and black skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun.

'Oi Alex! Do you want breakfast or not cause I'm going now,' she started chuckling and punching the air like she just completed a mission. 

That's when it hit me, I looked at the time it was no way near breakfast, Breakfast started at eight and classes started at 10:00 and now is 7:00.

'Alex, what on earth do you think you're doing? You woke me up at 7 o'clock and breakfast is at 8 o'clock (sigh) there is 1 hour left and what am I suppose to do?' I screamed at her.

She gave me an innocent look and replied; 'I knew you wouldn't get up later so I thought I should wake you up and besides you haven't done Mr. Harris' homework so get a move on.' 

She had a point there so I couldn't argue. I gave her a small smile and sat on the desk and began doing the biology worksheet that he gave us a week ago. As I was doing my work I got my iPod out and put the song on full blast.

My favourite was on -Blind by Jason Derulo 

I started singing along with chorus - 

.........I was like oh, oh, oh never wanna let you go, go, go 

Cause I was open before I was open before but 

Now I know... That love made me blind so I couldn't 

See all the lies you told were right in front of me 

Since love made me blind you made a fool of me 

You made it look so perfect when it wasn't meant to be 

Your love made me blind, love made blind, love made me blind, 

Your love made me blind.......

This song became my favourite when my first boyfriend cheated on me. I remember exactly what he told me just before he left me; "Elyza you're not that attractive, you another girl who couldn't capture my heart, you're not worth it." The second he said that my heart broke into 1000 pieces I was completely speechless. I really thought that someone loved me; sadly it wasn't true! 

See this is what I mean, LOVE DOES NOT EXIST. All boys do the same thing. Their jerks and heartbreakers! For nearly 3 months I locked myself in my room just like Romeo when he got rejected by Rosaline.

Ever since then Alex couldn't stand him, whenever she sees him she tightens her fist and tries to show him her hatred without spelling it out. She was the only person there for me when that happened, my only strength and luck. But now I'm tough and strong I would never ever let anyone play with my heart just like that rascal.

When it was finally 10:00 Alex and I headed towards our first class which was biology.

'Elyza, have you heard there are two new guys starting our school? The bitch Diana was babbling about how her looks is going to win one of their hearts at least, Anyway THEY'RE SUPER HOT!' Alex said in a dreamy voice.

I spoke up to snap Alex out of her thoughts; 'Alex, I want to buy sweets, would you mind escaping with me?' I asked. I really needed to change the subject. Boys were never my favourite topics.

Just before I entered the class I looked through the window when I realized, the bell went about 10 minutes ago and everyone was already in class. Did I forget to tell you I'm the type of girl who blends in the background and is unnoticed? I took a deep breath and opened the door to my biology class and was followed by Alex.

Miss Aubry and Miss Peter, what makes you late to my lesson?' Mr. Harris asked us in a polite manner. 

'Sorry sir, we won't be late again?' Alex said saving me from talking.

I gazed at my feet as I walked toward my seat that when I noticed one of the new boy who had just started at our school was sitting in my seat.

I stiffened when I saw the familiar brown eyes meeting my small eyes.............................................

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