Chapter 4 (Diana)------->

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'Elyza, seriously I'm going to leave you' Alex yelled at me.

'Alex I think this dress is too short for me' I replied complaining.

I had a navy blue dress that was tight at the bottom and baggy in the top with a matching ribbon in my long wavy hair However Alex was wearing a long turquoise dress that matched her shimmering blue eyes.

Having no time what so ever to admire myself in the mirror and be complemented, I was dragged out of my room and within minutes I was in the room where the party was being held. Yeah I know it's a bit small but if the school can't organize it for us what can we do. Plus I only came here for one thing. Information about Nate. I wasn't planning on drinking and flirting.

As I entered Astons' room it was so full! He is really popular so everyone who was any one was there. Diana was giving me the dirtiest look ever. HAHA now she can't say anything to me, what comes around goes around Diana! Diana looked really beautiful; however her personality totally ruined her. She thinks that everything goes her way and the world revolves around her but she really has to come and join reality. Only if she was a nice person. Obviously how could you expect someone who is so snobby, spoilt and rich to have the manners to be polite and courteous to others?

Anyways back to the party.

I scanned the room for Nate. And there he was; in the back corner by himself. It was unbelievable, I thought that Nate was one of those big players in the school who thinks he got every girls attention but maybe I was being a bit judgmental. He was wearing an orange check shirt and blue denim jeans. The second our eyes met he turned around and left the room. Not waiting for another second I dashed out the room to catch him and ask him why he told me not to talk to him.

Unfortunately before I could follow him Alex walked up to me, she always chooses the most inopportune moments to talk to me.

Turning around I snapped at her immediately. 'What, Alex?"

'I thought you said we were having fun tonight?' Alex asked innocently.

'Well I meant you can have fun tonight,' I told her. "Now can you excuse me, I have some important business to attend to?" I snapped again. Like I said, she just has really bad timing, most of the time I would love to party and have fun with her.

'Fine fine, keep your hair on, well as we ain't celebrating together I might as well drink,' She said.

'No you're not, you told me not under any circumstances can we drink,' I fired back at her.

'Maybe I did, but as I said we're not celebrating so I might as well drink,' she said while sticking her tongue out at me.  

'Fine but not too much, I don't want to carry you,' I conceded before I rushed out of the room.

Now where has that boy gone? I thought to myself. Looking down the long quiet narrow corridor, there was silence; all I could hear was my breathing and my own footsteps. Just as I was walking further into the corridor, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. The sudden noise startled me and I screamed before I turned to face the noise.

'You scared me to death, I thought I was about to have a heart attack,' I said in a frustrated tone. 

'Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,' he replied.

Getting straight to the point I asked him what I wanted to know; 'Why did you save me from Diana if you never want me to talk to you?'

A flash of guilt crossed his face but it was almost immediately followed by a look of frustration.

'I can't tell you," He said matter-of-factly as though it was an acceptable answer. Is it just me or is this boy the definition of irritating?

This boy always ruins my mood. 'I'll ask again; why did you save me from Diana because I sure as hell deserved it, I'm not wanted.'

My statement seemed to infuriate him. 'You are wanted, don't ever say otherwise. Like I said I can't tell you, I don't want to ruin your first year here; I might tell you when the time is right.'

Now this was the second time he left me gaping. He smirked at me and turned the corner; leaving me alone. Does he really think I am going to leave him alone and accept 'I can't tell you' as an answer? Well then he defiantly has mistaken me!

By the time I went back to my dorm room, Alex was already sleeping. I felt so bad, I had totally forgotten about her. I'll have to find out who brought her back here and thank them I thought to myself.  


I woke up to Alex screaming; 'OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME!' When Alex is on a hangover is just the same as her being in a labor or being murdered with a rusty butter knife.

'Alex would you stop screaming?" I yelled out from under my duvet 

Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up and went to get her two pain killers and a glass of water. While walking back, I was so stuck in my own world thinking of how I'm going to get a laptop to catch up on all the drama's I missed that I accidently bumped into a wall. I stumbled backwards and start cursing under my breath 'Stupid wall'. Just as I was walking the other way I realized it wasn't a wall that I bumped into but a person.

'Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to,' I gushed not even paying attention to who it was. 

'It's okay, no need to be sorry, I wasn't looking either so I guess is should say sorry,' the boy replied. 

I recognized the name as well as the face but it took me a few second to put a name to them; it was Ashton. The sexiest, hottest boy in school and the biggest player going around.

'Hey Elyza, fancy having a meal with me, seeing as I owe you?' He asked with a big smile on his face showing off his perfect teeth.

Snapping out of my thoughts and coming to my senses I replied to his offer; 'No I'm sorry I can't, Alex is waiting for me I have to get to her, maybe another time?' I suggested.

'Alright, see you around,' Ashton said and with those words he walked off and I headed back to my room. With all sorts of questions running through my mind.

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