I'm Related to Tinker Bell- Chapter 4

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My eyes practically bulged out of my eyes when I walked into the room. The walls were metallic and a jail cell occupied the better half of the space. But the scariest part wasn't the jail-type feel, It was seeing my father in one of those cells. My legs couldn't walk fast enough as I made my way to the back of the room. To his cell.

"Oh my god what did they do to you?" I pressed against the bars trying to reach him. Other than the wheelchair, he seemed completely fine which was strange for someone was apparently shot not too long ago.

"Daddy, what happened? What is all this?" Tears formed in my eyes as I looked closely and saw only one of his legs hanging off the wheelchair. I began pulling and pushing the bars, willing them to disappear.

"Jen, listen to me", he reached out and touched my face. I forced myself to stop behaving like a lunatic and looked at him.

"I've done something horrible and the consequences have finally caught up to me"

"I don't understand", and I really didn't. My dad was the last person I would ever expect to be behind bars. He felt bad hurting insects, if one got inside our house he would catch it and then let it free into our backyard. I could never imagine him doing something bad enough to land in jail...also wasn't this a hospital like five seconds ago?

"Alright, what I'm going to tell you is going to sound crazy and ridiculous but everything will make sense when I'm done" He had the same expression before he gave me the talk of the birds and the bees, like he wanted to do anything but tell me what he was coming next (no pun intended).

"This story goes back to before you were born, the human world and our worl—"

"What do you mean the 'human world'...there is only the 'human' world" I interrupted.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"There are many different dimensions in this universe, each one is referred to as a different world. You and I are not human."

What kind of ridiculous prank was this? Maybe I was still hallucinating. Maybe he was given too many pain-killers.

"We are from a different world, our dimension and this dimension are closest to one another. There were certain feuds going on between our world and the human world. The council, a group of advisers to the royal families, decided to send the next Great Queen to Earth until the age of 14 to grow up with human culture and bring a different point-of-view.

Your mother and I were the rulers of the East Kingdom or the region humans call Eurasia. When it was discovered that we were having a girl, the council betrothed you to the 2-day old son of King Jahinder who was next in line for the Great throne. The Great rulers ruled over every other monarch and every country so we couldn't have been more excited for you.

"So we left Sergii, our dimension, upon the council's request, but things got a little complicated when we got to Earth. We began to enjoy our lives as average human individuals, your mother put you in pageants to get you accustomed to being in the spotlight. When you were offered that modeling deal, I knew you had great things ahead of you on Earth. We were all so happy and you were getting the opportunity to be a real child. Royalty in Sergii doesn't gets that chance. Your mother and I had to grow up in a strict, constricted environment, unable to trust anyone that wasn't family. You got to do everything we couldn't and we could not have been happier.

"It's why I decided to sign that contract and take you where no Serg would bother to look. In plain sight. You were in magazines, commercials and even billboards. Everyone thought we were hiding in the middle of nowhere while they probably passed by your face hundreds of times looking for their hidden queen."
At this point I was convinced my father was absolutely insane.

"Alright so let me see if I have this straight, I'm a queen that's not human despite the fact that I have every single human trait."

"Since we come from similar dimensions humans and sergs started as the same creatures except our species got interlocked with the fae world and decided to have some fun so we are technically part fae and part human.

"So daddy...you're saying that we're related to Tinker Bell?" I cracked myself up. I was seriously waiting for the punch-line of dad's joke though. Maybe I was being Punk'd.
"We are almost exactly like humans except for certain other powers." He said ignoring the Tinker Bell comment.

"Wait what kind of powers?"

"All kinds, some can fly, others can create portals, it all depends on the serg.

"Can some...read minds?" Was I crazy for thinking some of this made sense?

"Oh yes, it's very rare but some can. Those who possess mind-reading abilities are paid great amounts for their talent. Can I go on now?" I nodded.

"One day your mother came back from one of your shoots and was convinced she saw a serg. She told herself that if she...erased you, she could return to Sergii without consequences. It's when she..." He swallowed. I knew far too well what she did at that point.

"Everything had calmed down during the last few years when I noticed a serg trailing you a couple days ago. I got so obsessed with trying to protect you from Sergs that I practically invited the burglars in."

"Wait so...sergs didn't do this to you?"

"No all they did was throw me in jail, which was a risk from the beginning. They've been wonderful and the healer even healed me as much as possible"

Healer. Interesting, it certainly explained his miraculous recovery.

"So how do we get out?" It was the million dollar question.

"We don't. I bought this on myself, I knew what I was risking and I would do it all over again. Honey, I knew this is a lot to ask but I want you to move on and pretend you didn't see what you did. You're almost eighteen which means you move out soon either way. Please promise me you won't get tangled in this. Promise me!" There was this pleading look in his eyes that horrified me more than the events of the day.

I knew I couldn't leave my dad here. Plus, no one forgets the amount of information that was piled on me today, which I had somehow managed to almost-believe. Lucky for me, I didn't get a chance to reply to him because a buzzer went off and my time for seeing him was up. As I turned towards the door, my dad shouted "promise me!".

"I promise" I finally said.

We both knew it was lie.

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