I Made it to the Castle- Chapter 6

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It had been five hours since the announcement of my decision to be the queen.   Apparently it wasn't as easy as me going "I'll do it", there a process. First, the queen, who was me, and the king, who was god-knows-who, had to get to know each other. Well, technically we weren't king and queen yet, we were prince and princess. We were going to become king and queen on coronation day, which was the day of the younger spouse's birthday. In the span of a day my whole world had been flipped upside down and I was numb.

            This, too, shall pass.

            I wasn't the most religious person out there but that bible quote always got me through the toughest situations. It was what I told myself in hospital rooms after my mom...well you know. I told myself it would be a distant memory one day and the hardest part would eventually pass. I knew this train ride was going to pass. I knew the months leading to coronation day would pass. Most of all, I knew my days in Sergii were limited because I was already beginning to form a plan.

            These people—sergs worked seriously fast, a hair and makeup team had come in after Kelly had made some calls and instantly transformed me from freaked-out-after-life-changing-experience to red-carpet-acceptable. They had explained to me that from here on out I had to wear formal attire as they bought in every single thing from my closet and dumped it in front of me. I had sorted through everything making a keep-pile and a trash-pile. I was now in a sleeveless red maxi-dress that I had modeled for a prom collection.

            We had gotten on a train that was actually inside the building we were in. Hospital, jail and train station. Wow. Three women were assigned to help me adjust to Sergii. One of them explained that we were in the Serg utility building that was literally built to have every resource someone could use while on Earth. Interesting.

            The train went through a black wall (what is it with Sergs and going through walls?). Then the world fell silent and dark, my back tingled, my fingers twitched, my head felt like it was lifting the weight of a skyscraper and my ears wouldn't stop popping. It was the strangest form of agony I'd ever experienced, and then it was over and we were on the other side.
            One of my ladies (yeah, I just used that phrase) gushed over how handsome Harold Aaron iii was and how lucky I was. Oh yeah being married off to a non-human prince to save your father was so lucky! I tried to resist the urge to punch her. I was doing this all to take my dad out of a horrible cage...by ironically putting myself in one. I wondered if Sergii had divorces. I always thought I was going to marry well into my 30's and my husband would resemble Nate Archibald from Gossip Girl. Dreams do not come true kids.

            The very talkative lady was now discussing that the main transportation used in Sergii were trains. She added the fact that it was more advanced than human trains with a smirk. Well girlfriend, humans could literally fly, also our trains had windows. She also told me how unlike humans, Sergs focused greatly on bettering individuals and looked down on technology so the trains were the most advanced thing they had. In other words, my cell phone would be useless here. It also meant I had to communicate using letters and messengers, not that I had anyone to contact except my father.

            After hours of traveling and listening to the lady who I learned was actually named Zarmeen, we finally reached our destination. Stepping out of the train was like walking onto the set of Reign. A beautiful castle looking like it came straight out of a storybook greeted us. Other than the train and castle, grassy hills stretched out as far as the eye could see on each side.

I wanted to stay and look at the sight forever but I was being dragged by Zarmeen towards the inside of the castle. We passed by guards who just glanced at each person coming through, not bothering to check for weapons as I expected would happen. Kelly leaned in and whispered "They are seekers, they can see through any surface, we don't do ridiculous things like body searches here." I had almost forgotten she was here.

I didn't get a chance to respond as I couldn't stop staring at the inside of the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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