Chapter 4

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Before I go to try and find Derek’s house, I’ll ask some of my neighbors and see if they saw anything. Before I even thought about where I was going, I was on old Mr. Jenks front porch. He never sleeps, not in the seven years since his wife passed away. He says that there was a van outside my house at around 2am and they sat out front for about thirty minutes, then left. He didn’t see anybody. He saw the van though, it was white and had red lettering on the side. He said it was a locksmiths van.

Sure enough, after a quick Google search, I found a locksmiths company only eight miles away.

Now I’m on the road keeping a careful lookout for the police. As far as I can tell, they aren’t looking for me, yet. “Oh! There it is!” I exclaimed. ‘There’ is a shabby little building, with white trucks parallel parked in front of the building. One in particular looked out of place among the rest of the spotlessly clean vans. This one was off towards the back of the building, the sides were streaked in mud, and the tires caked with dirt. I decided to go check it out because no one would see me back there.

It’s unlocked so I slide open the door and, while climbing inside. I find a GPS, it’s already programed with an address, that looks to be out in the forest. This must be the van that Derek used. I’ll go inside and see if they know anything about him.

The man at the counter looks like he hasn’t shaved in few days, or bathed. He doesn’t seem to care.

“Can I help you miss?” his name tag said ‘Nick’ in a loose, messy scrawl handwriting. He looks to be about nine-teen. He’s tall and scrawny, His voice is just as hoarse and scratchy as I’d imagined it to be. His voice is almost sarcastic, but not quite. So I’m left to wonder, is he mocking?

“Um, yes. Who was working last night?” I asked in as perfectly an even voice as I could, with his starring critical gaze.

“Me. Why?” He sounded bored, and like he wanted to argue.

“Did you make any runs last night? at about two am?” I asked hopefully. He seemed honestly confused as to why I would ask this. Surely he didn’t. But how did Derek get a van? He answered with “Well no. Normal people would be asleep at that hour. Why do you ask?”

“My friend scar was broken into, and my neighbor said he saw one of your vans outside my house. So I just wanted to see if you knew anything about that..?” I said hoping he’d give me something to go on. His face was starting to turn an ugly shade of red red, as if he was embarrassed. “Are you accusing me of something?” He demanded rather angrily. “Only if you did something” I replied evenly, holding his gaze. “Well, last night, a man came in a little after one-thirty, he said his car broke down, and he need to make a delivery just down the road. He payed me $100, so I gave him the van. A little later, I went out there it was back with the keys left in the ignition, the same other than the mud he go on it.” He said nonchalantly, he had no idea what he’d done, or hadn’t done to prevent this.

“Okay! Well, thanks. Bye.” He wasn’t going to be anymore help to me. I’m positive that this was Derek. He used the van to take Lilly, and it’s his GPS, with hopefully his address. It’s muddy because his house is in the middle of the woods. I hope I can get there in time to rescue her. Before he kills her.

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