Chapter 5

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     After losing my darling Genieve, we all decided to move out of Meadow Springs and move to a place far away from there. Since Brie and I were both pregnant again, we didn't want Sarah to show up and take our children again. To think five years ago we lost our beautiful daughters to a lady who drowned herself in the lake over hundred years ago. We couldn't believe Sarah looked exactly like her and was working together with her.
​     We moved to beautiful countryside houses next to each other in Louisiana. We wanted to start a better life and finally be happy. I had twin boys named Blake Daniel and Markus Dean. Brie also had twins named Alistair and Atticus. My boys were a few days older than Brie's because I found out before she did. Brie and Alex were both in the delivery room when I had the boys.
     Alex let me squeeze his hand tightly without fighting or squeezing tightly back he took it like a man should. Tears welled up in his eyes as he held Markus for the first time. I started to cry just because he was crying. He was happy to have 2 boys after losing his little angel. She's with her best friend now after all. Finally I was able to hold Blake and he looked just like his daddy.
      There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss my little girl. I miss her everyday and it feels like I miss her more as time goes on. Our house feels so empty without our little bubbly girl hopping around and giggling. Every day I go over and pick up her Disney Frozen coloring book and open to the page that holds the most memories, the Ana and Elsa pages. Looking at the Elsa page I cry, and I can still imagine her dancing around and giggling. The way she would touch her nose to mine and said she loved me, and how she would jump on my back for a piggy back ride. Losing a child is never easy. Neither is trying to move past it.
      Depression has definitely taken its toll on me and still continues to even five years later after her death. I've always had it, but it just got even worse.
​      Blake and Markus are five years old now and it gets kind of chaotic here, but it keeps things interesting. We would go outside and play in the backyard and climb trees in the woods. They would climb higher than me to show off, but I was 26 so I could catch up to them. I could if I wanted to but I didn't want to get stuck. Knowing my luck I would get stuck and the fire department would have to come and get me down from the tree.
​      Some days we go over to Brie's house next door and some days they come over to our house. Alistair and Atticus love playing in the woods with Blake and Markus and playing football in the backyard. They became best friends and go to kindergarten together. Moving to a new place was what we needed. We all needed to get our lives back on track after losing our daughters in the old town. Louisiana was our fresh start and finally we were happy together.
      We still suffer with the loss of Genieve and Madelynn, but we know that they are together now and aren't alone. They can run, play, and have fun together in heaven. Genieve is now our guardian angel and will always watch over us and the same goes for Madelynn.
      As they grew up and reached 11 years old, I told them about Genieve. They would've had an older sister if she wouldn't have been dragged in the lake.
    "Mom, how old was Genieve when she died?" asked Blake curiously.
     "She was only 3 years old. She tripped and fell in a lake and couldn't get back up." I couldn't tell them what happened. They would think I was crazy and wouldn't believe me. I had to lie about her death to not make my kids think I lost my mind. All that I'm concerned with is that they know about her. Blake and Markus went out for a bike ride with Alistair and Atticus and didn't get home until 8pm.
    "Boys, make sure you get here before 8 because I don't need you guys riding out in the dark. It still worries me especially since we don't really know this area yet" I said concerned.
     "Ok mom we will" said Markus with a smile on his face. I finish cooking dinner and 10 minutes later I call the boys down. We all sit down together and talk about our days.
     "How was your day baby?" Alex said to me after taking a sip of coke soda.
      "It was good," I said smiling. "Just sat down and read my book for a while then went out for a run. How was yours?"
     "It was ok. People were idiots, but it didn't crush my whole day today." Just looking into Alex's eyes made my heart melt he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. There was this girl at the store who was hitting on him and I think I scared her. I told her that if she doesn't want to get stabbed and thrown in the ocean to get away from my husband. She walked away quickly and kept looking back. Alex laughed and brought me closer. We finished shopping and the boys thought it was hilarious that their mom got in a woman's face and threatened to stab her. When we got home, we all helped put the groceries away as Markus and Blake argued about whose cereal is which. Finally I went over took both boxes and switched them.
     "There. You have this one Blake and you have this one Markus. Problem solved" I said hugging both of them.
The next day we all went outside and Brie and her family came over. As they walked over I heard Anthony yelling about his catapults. All I could do was laugh and almost fell out of my chair. Alex heard it too and looked confused.
     "Why catapults?" he asked confused. I laughed and then fell out of my chair and laughed even harder.
     "You wouldn't understand. That's just Anthony being Anthony. He was doing that when Brie and I first met him," I said trying not to laugh. Finally they got over and Brie's face was red from laughing and I was crying because it was so funny.
     "I have an idea!" Anthony exclaimed. "Let's make some catapults!" We all laughed and kept wiping our eyes. Knowing him he would try to make catapults and end up failing miserably. Alex just sat there confused and not as amused as we were because he wasn't there when it happened. Soon Alex and I were wrestling and Brie and Anthony were wrestling and ticking each other. Soon our boys jumped on us.
     "Dog pile!" yelled all four boys as they jump on top of us. We all laughed and tickled them until they got off. The end of the day was approaching and we said our byes and planned out our day for tomorrow and went home. The boys went to their rooms and Alex and I cuddled on the couch watching movies and eating popcorn. Soon I fell asleep on his chest and he carried me to bed after turning off the TV and lights.
In the morning I heard a cry for help and it sounded like Blake. I run to his room and I see Markus sitting on him.
     "Markus, really? Get off Blake please," I asked nicely. He got off and hugged me then walked out.
     "Morning mom," said Blake smiling.
     "You ok bud?"
     "Yeah I'm ok," he said. "He sat on me because I apparently took his phone when I didn't touch is phone." I went to Markus's room and he was looking frantically.
     "What are you looking for?" I asked.
     "Have you seen my phone mom?" I lifted up his pillow and it was under his pillow.
     "Oh. Thanks mom," he said embarrassed.
     "Go apologize to Blake please."
     "Ok mom." He walked over to his room and I followed him.
     "Blake, I'm sorry I accused you of taking my phone and for sitting on you," said Markus hugging his brother. I smiled and hugged both of them as Alex walked in. He joined in our family hug and smiled. This was our family and we were happy.

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