Chapter two

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The bus smelt so bad, I don't know what the hell it smelt like but all I can say is, it was bad, like a mix of pee and vomit maybe someone done both on that thing, I don't know but it smelt like it. Anyway it's the first day of the week and I headed in to school " Brookehill high". Kat ran up to me and gave me a hug, she always does this on a Monday after not seeing me for two days, I mean I can't help being so awesome, just kidding, but she's my bestfriend so it's nice. " okay so I copied Ryan's work, so you can copy mine" she smiled, " thanks" I giggled. We headed to class, ugh maths... I hate maths, it's one of the worst subjects, it could be because I can't do it or that I think it's completely pointless or both! I mean when are we going to use algebra in life? Most likely NEVER, unless you want to become a maths teacher... Miss Jackson also makes me hate the class, she's such an ass honestly, she picks on me for nothing! During this mind- numbing class we was interrupted by the principal entering the class room, with a new kid, to be honest this guy was super cute, I observed his face very carefully, he was tall and had a nice style with beautiful short brown hair (in a quiff style) and hazel eyes, with a cute button nose and average sized but very kissable  pink lips. " miss Jackson, there is a new student in your class his name is, Tyler Gorman" he says as he points him to the front of the class. I was pointed to the front of the class when I moved here 3 years ago when I moved from being bullied by some low life's in my other school, I'm not popular here but I'm not bad either. it's so nerve wrecking though, why can't we just slowly find a seat without being forced to the front for everyone to gawk at? " Ok Mr Montgomery, Tyler go and sit behind Skai" miss Jackson replied. Wait what?! The hot new guy is sitting behind me? Oh my god! I noticed Katie give me a smirk, it was obvious she knew what I was thinking; from the way I was eyeballing Tyler. He walked past me and the smell that came from him was breath taking he smelt so good better than the smell of freshly baked donuts at a fun fair. Yeah, I know what you're thinking... Is she a big girl? I'm actually slim for the amount of food I eat, Kat says I'm a foodie, I won't miss any deals at a good restaurant! Anyway the smell of his fragrance and the smell on his washed clothes just smelt so good!

As he sat I turned around and introduced myself with the typical " hi I'm Skai" I'm so lame I could have at least said something a little cooler... He replied with "I'm Tyler as you already know" the tone of his voice made him sound rude, he could have been a little nicer. Miss Jackson suggested for someone to "be nice" and to "show him round" obviously my hand shot up, I'm not letting the opportunity to potentially actually get a boyfriend for the first time since forever to pass by, other girls hands rocketed in the air but seeing how my desk was in the middle of the class room I was the first one miss Jackson saw, so I was picked! Again I saw Kat smirk and giggle at me.

Class was dismissed thankfully, 2 hours of maths is NOT what I signed up for on a Monday morning. I met up with Tyler in the hallway to show him where his next lesson was, he looked at his schedule "I have English" he huffed " that should be on B floor" I told him, I took the sheet from him to find out which exact class room it was "B12. Okay it's this way"   I totally played it cool but I actually had knots in my stomach the whole time I was looking and speaking to him... "So where did you come from?" I asked, " New York" he replied "so why did you move to Florida?" " My mom got a new job over here" he explained "oh, so what does she do?" I questioned, " Sweet Jesus why do you ask so many questions?" He yelled, " one, that was only 3 questions and two, I'm only trying to get to know you a little, no need to be rude." I confronted. We arrived at the class room, "sorry about that and thanks for showing me to my class" I replied "don't worry about it and no problem, I'll meet you here at lunch, I'll show you to the cafeteria and you can sit at my table with us." He nodded and went into his class. Next lesson, biology...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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