Fixing The Door

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   After you finished, you noticed Amaimon was still behind you. As you were putting your suitcase back under your bed, you turned to him and sat on the floor. He was day dreaming out of the window as he licked on his fourth lolly. 

   "Amaimon?" You asked. He looked at you and gave you a look to carry on. "Why are you still here?" 

   He shook his head and pulled his lolly out, inspected it, and shoved it back in his mouth. Looking into your eyes, he lay on his stomach and kicked his feet in the air just like a child. He rested his head on e of his hands as he reached out to you with the other. You moved away slightly only to be caught by Amaimon grabbing your face and turning it from left to right. He smiled lightly.

   "I like to see your face. It reminds me of a doll." He said. He stood up, not seeing your now-red face. "I must be going. I need to tell brother something." And with that, he opened the window and jumped out. You stared at it for a while before running over and looking out. There was not one sign of him anywhere.

   "Hey!" Rin yelled, walking right in. You smiled and jumped onto your bed. Patting the space next to you, Rin sat down. "So, are you done?" He asked you.

   "Yeah, I am." You said, still quite dazed that Amaimon jumped out of the window like that. Shaking your head, you smiled brightly and linked arms with him. "Are you?" You asked.

   "Yeah, I am too. How about we go and explore?" He suggested. You shook your head.

   "I'm going to stay and fix the door. You go ahead!" You jumped up and ran to the door. Searching the dorm, you found an old janitor's room. You found a dusty tool box and ran to the broken door. Picking it up, you set it to the side as you changed the hinges. When you had done, you put the door on them, tightened the screws and dropped the tools. You lay down on the floor outside and closed you eyes.

 You were used to repairing things; living with your father meant that Demons and such creature kept breaking down doors, windows and even walls. You had gotten used to fixing things, and so basically you were a pro. You lay there for a while and relaxed.

   "(Y/N)!" Rin called, running up to you. You opened your eyes to see Rin with two ice lollies in his hands. You smiled as he offered you one. Taking it, you sat up and dragged him down with you.

   "I finally finished..." You said proudly. Rin looked from the door to you and his jaw dropped.

   "The hinges are so bright! You did this by yourself?" He asked. You nodded and stood up, licking the cherry ice lolly.

   "Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep. It's getting darker by the second." You explained. Tapping your chin. Yawning, you pivoted towards the door. "Goodnight!" You waved him goodbye and headed for your room.

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