Exorcist Cram School

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   You looked down to see a small dog tugging at your leg. Bending down, you pat its head and look at its collar. Nothing. In its mouth were two keys. Jumping up on your lap, the dog let go of them and ran off.

   "Hey, Rin?" You caught his attention. He was searching the map for any sign of the cram school, but he found nothing. Humming in reply, he looked at you. You stood up with the keys and gave one to him. You flipped over in your hands before studying the handle. "I think this is a key for the cram school." You told him.

   You recalled the time that your father told you about the keys that, no matter what door you put it in, would take you to a specific. You looked around and saw a locked restaurant. Running over, you stuck it in and opened the door. The place that opened was not a restaurant, but a multi-coloured corridor.

   "(Y/N)! What're you-" He stopped when he saw the corridor. You smiled and stepped in, pulling him after you. When you were both inside, you closed the door and pulled out the key. The corridor slightly smelt of blood and metal, but, again, you were used to it. You didn't react as much as Rin.

   He pinched his nose and frowned.

   "It doesn't smell that bad." You shrugged. He stared at you and let go of his nose.

   "Fine. Now where's this class?" He wondered. You both began to walk down the corridor, when you heard talking coming from one of the classrooms. 

   You ran to the door and opened it, making everyone stop their conversations and look at you.

   "Hey everyone!" You called and waved at them all. A few of them waved back, but a purple haired girl gave you a death stare. When she wasn't looking you stuck your tongue out at her. Everyone carried on with their conversations.

   Rin stumbled into the classroom, knocking you onto a desk. You laughed and helped him off the floor. Leading him to a seat, you both sat down and prepared yourself for the lesson. After a couple of minutes, the door opened and the teacher walked in. Standing at his desk, he set some papers down and looked at you all.

   Rin stared at him with his eyes wide open. As the teacher looked around, his gaze stopped at Rin and he smiled.

   "Good morning class, my name is Okumura Yukio and I will be your exorcist teacher."

   "Yukio! What the hell!" Rin called out. He slammed his hands on the desk and stood up.

   "Sit down, you idiot." A voice shouted from the back of the class. We both turned to see an irritated man with brown hair and a blonde streak going through it. Rin stared at him for a while but moved his gaze back to Yukio.

   "Now then, I want you all to introduce yourselves. Your name, age, favourite thing, least favourite thing and why you came here." He told us.

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