He's kinda... hot.

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   The game Shima put on wasn't that bad, if anything, you wanted to play it. It was called Dragon Age: Origins, and it looked amazing.

   "Can I have a go?" You asked. Shima smiled and nodded, handing you the control. Once you took it, he hugged you from behind. You jumped a little from the contact but ignored it. From what he said he liked doing in class, which was 'going on dates with cute girls', you guessed that he was a bit of a player.

   You fought all of the enemies and set off to find The Morrigan. Although the character you were playing as looked like Shima, and was a boy, you wanted him to get together with Alistair. He was so cute! You found her, listened to her hag of a mother and then she was recruited. Even though it had only been about half-an-hour into the game, you were on level twenty. Well, you may have borrowed Shima's phone to look at some cheats.

   Shima watched what you were doing and gasped when you leveled up.

   "You're even better than me!" He exclaimed. You laughed and handed the control back to him. He took it and bit his tongue as he tried to level up again by killing monsters, only to be killed by an ogre. He groaned and lay flat on his back, pulling you down with him.

   "Shima!" You gasped. He laughed.

   "What?" He whispered into your ear huskily. You shivered at how close his lips were to your face. "I'm jus-"

   "Anyway, I'm going to make a start on the deal." You told him, sitting up and hopping off the bed. You waved him goodbye and opened the door as fast as you could.

   "Wait! (Y/N)! We're partners! We have to stay together, remember?" He reminded you. You rested your head on the door and sighed.

   "So does that mean that when I'm flirting, you have to be there too?" You sighed. Shima smirked pressed the off button on the console.

   "That it does." He laughed.

   "Ugh, fine. Come on then." You grabbed his wrist and he led you to the front door. Just before he opened it, he moved his arm so it was around your waist. He pushed the door open.

   "Shima, what are you doing?" An angry voice sounded from in front of you both. You looked away from Shima to see Rin standing there, his blue eyes clouded with irritation. Shima and you both blushed as he reclaimed his hand.

   "N-Nothing." He stuttered. Rin looked at you. You blushed and raised your hands as if to say, 'It wasn't anything to do with me'. Rin snarled and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him.

   "Rin! What're you doing? Let go!" You yelled. Rin let go of your hand and turned to look at you.

   "You didn't look very happy with him touching you. Plus I don't want you getting mixed up with the likes of him." He growled, looking back at the door. You twisted your head to see Shima looking out of the window at him.

   "Listen, Rin. From what I've seen so far, Shima is a nice guy. He's kind, funny, I'm not sure he's smart, but he's kinda... never mind." You blushed at what you nearly said. Rin took a small step closer and raised an eyebrow. You shook your head. "It doesn't matter!"

   "Tell me what you were going to say." Rin smirked. You face palmed and slowly slid it down your face.

   "He's kinda hot." You whispered as quiet as you could. Rin leant in a bit.

   "I didn't hear that, again please, a little louder as well." He claimed, although his widening grin told you that he had heard it. You sighed and said it a little bit louder.

   "I think he's hot." 

   "Are you sure?" Rin asked. Jealousy tugged at his grin.

   "Yes, I'm sure. I'm going for a bath now." You told him. The embarrassment was too much to bear with Rin, and so you just left. Even though your dorm was for boys, the girl's showers were in there.

   As you opened the door to your dorm, you could smell both curry and strawberry shampoo. Okay, so Ukobach was cooking, but what was that other smell?

   You hurried to your room and got out your necessary things. Of course, you weren't going to bathe naked, so you brought your bikini. As you made your way to the showers, you could hear talking.

   "So, what about that new girl?" A delicate voice asked. You stopped and leant against the door to listen in.

   "Bitch." A familiar voice answered.

   You growled...


Simple, Right? (Shima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now