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   Mr. Okumura pointed at Rin.

   "Ugh, fine," He scoffed. Standing up, he put his case in front of his and leant on it. "My name is Okumura Rin. I'm seventeen years old. My favourite things would be sleeping and cooking," You chuckled. Rin gave you a quick glare. "Shut up. My least favourite things are homework and show-offs. I came here for my own reasons."

   Rin sat down and crossed his arms, swinging his legs onto the desk. Yukio glared at him until he put them down.

   "You next." He pointed to you.

   You stood up and sat on the empty desk behind you.

   "My name is (L/N) (Y/N) and I am seventeen years old. My favourite thing is singing and the thing I hate are people who lie for their own good. The reason I came here... is..." You slowly sat down and didn't answer the last question. Burying your head in your hands, you tried your best not to cry. Rin stroked your head.

    "My name is Kamiki Izumo. Your questions do not concern me, so do not ask again." And with that, the purple haired prick sat down.

   "He's Nemu Takara." A small boy spoke through a puppet, his eyes closed. "We don't have anything to say to you. If you want to find out, poor you, you punks!"

   "My name is Konekomaru Miwa, but most people call me Kone. B-But you could call me whatever you want, I don't mind." An even smaller, cuter kid said from the back of the class. "I like listening to sermons, and I guess the thing I hate the most is being cold. I am here for my parents." He sat back down and looked to the floor.

   "I am Ryuji Suguro. I am seventeen years old. I like people who work hard and so far, I think my least favourite thing would have to be Rin." He pointed at the boy next to you. As you turned to look at him, you covered your mouth to stifle a laugh when you saw he was asleep. Drool was seeping out of his mouth as he dreamed about God knows what. You nudged him and he woke with a start, spinning his head around in many different direction. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and saw you laughing. "I am here to avenge the damage to my temple!" He sat down heavily on his chair.

   "Which one, the building or his head?" Rin muttered. You burst out laughing and started to laugh too.

   "Wassup everyone? My name's Shima Renzo!" A tall pink haired man jumped up from his seat. "I am seventeen and, yeah. I like going on dates with cute girls and the thing I hate..." He shivered. "Bugs. I am here to help my friends Bon and Miwa to pick up some chicks!" He slapped the back of the two boys next to him. They both hid their faces as the pink-haired male grinned.

   You had to admit, he was pretty good looking. The way his hair was just messed up on his head was cool and his clothes were so casual that they were unique. 

   His eyes caught yours as his smile dropped. His grin was replaced with a blushing face as he saw you. He dragged a hand through his hair and sat down, avoiding any eye contact with you. You blushed and fiddled with your hands.

Simple, Right? (Shima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now