The Deal

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   You took quick glances from the game to Shima, back to the game and then to Shima again.

   "I am not playing that." You told him. That creature thing was creepy as hell and it gave you goosebumps just by looking at it. If you played, you would have died from fear.

   "I'll play it on my own then. But! You have to watch!" He wagged a finger at you. You sighed and put his finger down, smiling. You nodded and he pressed play.

   You couldn't help but cover your eyes. There were eerie noises all the time and the floorboards creaked. You swore you could hear whispering and scuttling. Just as you were putting your hands down, the creature from the cover jumped out and killed Shima. You yelped and grabbed Shima's shirt, pulling him towards you. You buried your face in his chest to hide from the monster.

   "Uh, (Y-Y/N)?" He stuttered. You could practically hear the blush in his voice. You stayed where you were but pulled him in a bit more.

   That monster scared the hell out of you.

   Shima put an arm around your waist and pulled you in a bit more. You looked up to see him with his eyes squeezed shut as he bit his lip. You smiled.

   After about two minutes, you calmed down. Leaning away from Shima, you sat next to him.

   "So, what else is there?" You asked, coughing slightly. You didn't dare look at the T.V screen in case it was still there.

   "Um," Shima thought, scratching the back of his neck. "How about we make a deal?" He suggested.

   "Elaborate." You asked. He nodded.

   "Well, whoever can get their crush to go out with them by the end of the week first, gets to order the other person around for a whole day." He answered.

   "But what if we don't have a crush?" You asked. You didn't have one and so this deal would be entirely in his favour.

   "Then you have a week to develop one!" He beamed. He stuck out his hand to shake yours. You stared him in the eyes for a while, unsure if you should shake his hand.

   In the end, you gave in and shook it. He smiled and turned back to his Xbox. By instinct, you shuffled closer to him in case anything jumped out. He laughed and patted your head before pulling you onto his lap.

   "What're you doing?" You asked him, shocked by his actions. He slid his arms either side of you and held his control in front of him.

   "Just in case you get scared." He said. You felt uncomfortable sitting on Shima lap, but at the same time you felt safe. You stayed on his lap and leant back a bit. "Getting comfortable are we?" He whispered into your ear. You shivered and turned to glare at him.

   "Sh-Shut up." You muttered, completely embarrassed. You didn't care though, if that thing came back onto the screen, you had to be ready to hide. If you were leaning forward, you were only closer to the screen!

   "I'm only joking, (Y/N)!" He laughed, brushing your (H/C) locks to the side. He rested his head on your shoulder and inhaled deeply, smiling.

Simple, Right? (Shima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now