chapter 2

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monday morning
7:10 am

"Yo dude, let's prank Mrs. Glasgow during 3rd period", Hunter said.

"Nah dude. I wanna see which girls coming in that I should bang.", I grinned and laughed.

I turned to see Hunter rolling his eyes at me so I playfully punched his shoulder. Next thing I knew, we were brawling in the halls.

We got off each other and laughed our asses off. When I turned, Hunter and I saw "The Queens". The girls in it were McKenna, Layla, and Jade. McKenna was the leader of the clique. She's hot.

"Hey babe", I said leaning against the locker.

hunter ☁︎
McKenna started walking toward Blake. They make out all the time but aren't dating.

I couldn't look at them flirting because it was nasty. She would do that weird hair twirling thing that girls do and honestly, I don't even know why Blake would want to bang this sheepdog.

I prefer the shy girls. I saw online that they're the ones that are lowkey the most freaky. Ha. Now that I would hit. 😏

"Dude! Imma blast. See you in first period.", I said.

He didn't even hear me. Wow. Time to get a new bestfriend. Nah, I'm playing. I left them alone and walked around the school. I met up with Lucas and we both trashed the halls like we always do in middle school.

"Dude catch up! Slow poke", I yelled at him from behind.

I ran around the hall and suddenly I crashed into someone. Shit.

Julie and I finally reached the school. We both headed to our lockers and put our pennyboards away.

After that, we grabbed our stuff and walked together to first period. As we walked, we both talked about the clubs and stuff that we're going to join. Right when I was about to talk about the school's dance team, some curly headed psychopath crashed into me.

I toppled to the ground. My bones were like Jenga blocks; fragile and delicate and this dumbass decided to tackle me down. Great.

"Damn, that must've hurt.", the kid said.

"Are you being serious? It's only the first day and I get knocked over by some idiot.", I said annoyed.

"Oh damn. Sorry babe.", he said and winked.

I rolled my eyes and Julie helped me up.

"I gotta blast!", he said and dashed off running.

"YEAH GOOD! LEAVE!", Julie yelled and rolled her eyes.

"Jeez. This school is filled with idiotic psychopaths.", I said.

first period —

Erin and I walked in late because this school was honestly just its own huge country. We ran and once we walked in, we slowed down a bit.

Everybody was staring but I just stared at one person. He was blonde and had crystal blue eyes. He was hot. Oh shit. He looked at me and smiled. Act natural Jules. I walked over to the teacher's desk with Erin and suddenly tripped over a cable. Everybody laughed. Good thing I didn't fall on my face.

"Names?", the english teacher said.

I stated my name and Erin did as well. Then we both sat down at a table with a really pretty girl.

"Hey, do you mind if we sit here?", I asked as nicely as possible.

"No, of course. I would actually enjoy the company.", she said.

She seemed nice. Thank god. Someone who is actually normal in this school. The teacher started to talk about the guidelines in the classroom. BORING. So Erin and I just talked to the girl.

"So, what's your name?", I asked.

"Malia. Malia Brooks but you can call me Mal if you want.", she said.

We had a really good chat about the school, who to stay away from, and the nasty food that we shouldn't eat. The next thing we knew, Erin and I just made a new friend.

time skip to lunch —

Erin, Malia, and I walked in a huge cafeteria and tried finding a table. On the way to finding an open table, some girls waved at Malia and said hey.

"Damn, are you popular?", Erin asked.

"Eh, I wouldn't call myself that. That's only meant for snobby people like "The Queens" and the cool kids.", she replied.

We fell silent for a moment and as soon as we sat down, we chatted about the clique apparently called "The Queens."

"Stay away from them at all times. They think they're all that just because their family is rich especially McKenna. She says her dad owns a company but in reality I know that her dad begs for money from other companies.", Malia said.

"How do you know this?", I said.

"Me and her used to be best friends. We drifted and then she bullied me. We decided to stay away from each other but we have each other's deepest secrets.", she said.

Wow. This school is full of everything. There's so much to know but first, I want some food then I'll listen.

As we all grabbed our lunch, I walked back to our table until some kid bumped into me and made me fall forward towards some girl. Once I stood up from the wet and sticky floor, I looked up to see the so-called popular, McKenna. Well I'm fucked.

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