chapter 3

30 3 1

monday afternoon
12:16 pm

So I spilled my lunch on the most meanest and popular girl in the school. Oh that's great. Just amazing.

Julie if you die, tell Erin to tell your dog Bailey and your mom that you love them.

"Who the fu*k do you think you are?! You little bitch?!", McKenna yelled making the whole lunch room look at you and the snobby squad.

You wouldn't want to be humiliated so you said something so rude that everybody yelled "Ooo".

"I think I'm Julie and at least I don't bang every guy in this school with your $1 stripper money. So stop trying to act like you can fight me and stop wearing tiny shit that your dog can fit in. I didn't mean to spill my lunch on you but from what I've heard about you, I'm glad I did.", I said without hesitating.

Shit, I feel bad for saying that but I dont even care anymore. I can't put up with these hoes in this damn school.

I walked away with Erin and Malia. We walked out of the lunch room with people staring.

I'm surprised teachers didn't do anything. It doesn't matter since no teacher ever does anything except talk to other teachers and teach useless crap that we're never going to use in the future.

We headed to the bathroom and I plopped myself onto the sink counter and just started ranting about "The Queens".

After ranting about McKenna and her fake self, we walked to 6th period, visual arts/talent.

It was in a music room and as we walked in, to my surpise, "The Queens", the jocks, and us girls were in it. Great.

"Hey girls. I'm Sean Kyle. I'm your visual arts/talent teacher. Just call me Sean.", the strange yet sort of attractive teacher said.

We said our hellos and greetings and sat down. There was no open seats left except for the seat next to the cute jock from earlier. Okay, I guess I'll sit to Mr. Gorgeous Eyes then.

"What?", he said and chuckled.

Dammit Julie, did you seriously just say that out loud. God, I'm so embarrassing.

I just sat down and covered my face until Sean spoke.

"Okay obviously you guys are here because each and every one of you has a talent. Blondie, what's your talent?", he said and looked straight at me.

McKenna rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Good, let her keep her rolling her eyes. Maybe she'll find a brain back there.

"I'm Julie but I guess 'blondie' works too but I prefer 'Jules' and my talent is singing.", I said quietly but not too quiet for no one to hear.

"Go ahead and sing.", he said.

"Wait what?... Like right now?", I said while pointing at myself.

"Yes right now. This is called visual arts/talent for a reason right? You have to embrace your talent and show it to people. You might be unknown for now but the only reason why is because you don't show people what gift you have.", Sean said.

"Alright..", I said and stood up from my seat and in front of the room.

"Whenever your ready", he said.

I cleared my throat while McKenna faked yawned and laughed with the snob squad.

( play Human by Christina Perri cover by Skylar Stecker )
•also close your eyes and listen while you visualize Julie's character singing it•

After I sang as best as I could, It was silent for a second. Then before I knew, they all clapped except for McKenna who was still crossing those little tiny arms of her.

"Good job blondie", Sean said ,"Tomorrow, somebody else will show the class their talent and Erin, you're the one going tomorrow."

Erin nodded her head while I sat down. Then the cute jock turned his head.

"Hey, you sound amazing and you're also beautiful", he said and slipped a tiny paper into my hand. It was his number.

I turned my head to the back of the class where I could see McKenna turning red. I grinned and winked at him just to mock her.

"Maybe I'll call you and we can hang out?", I asked and looked down while blushing, "But first, I didn't catch your name."

"I'm Blake. Blake Gray", he said.

Damn, what did I put myself into?

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