chapter 4

34 3 3

friday night
Homecoming Game
6:45 pm

julie ♪
"Ugh, can you please hurry up? The football game is going to start soon. Out of the both us, you're the one that always has to get ready for events that aren't even that big.", Erin said annoyed.

"It's our first homecoming game. It sort of is a big event and plus, don't rush me. You know how I hate being rushed.", I said and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever. Lemme guess, trying to look all cute for the football players especially Blake? You're such a hoe.", she said and laughed.

"Shut up. Hey, when is Malia coming? She's our ride.", I said.

"Um, hold on I'll text her.", Erin said.

( E= Erin M= Malia)

E- Hey when are you coming?
M- I'll be there in a few. Imma pick up some starbucks for us. It's chilly out there.
E- Alright thanks, bye <3
M- Bye gurl :)

"She said she'll be here in a few. She just has to pick up some Starbucks for us.", Erin said.

"Alright. I'm almost done. I just need to find what to wear.", I said.

"You're obviously not going to wear a cute shirt during this type of weather. Here I'll help you.", she said.

We looked through my closet to find something cute but also comfortable for the game. Erin chose a white fuzzy sweater, a military jacket, a maroon infinity scarf, dark washed jeans, maroon knee socks, and my riding boots. Jeez, that was long.

As I put it on, we heard a honk from the front of my house. It was Malia.

We both grabbed our stuff and headed out.

Once we headed to the school, we parked in the back and walked to the football field and entered. I sat in the middle of the bleachers to get the perfect view of the game equally.

— game started —

The football players were walking out to the field. Blake saw me and smiled. I waved and he waved back. For some reason, he looked nervous.

"Yo, what's up with your boyfriend over there? He seems nervous", Malia asked.

"I don't know and he isn't my boyfriend also I mean, it's the homecoming game. Who wouldn't be nervous?", I said.

"Good point.", she said and left to sit with Erin.

* time skip to an hour because BORING AF *

There was only 10 seconds left to the game. Is was a tie 2-2. Everybody was screaming and biting their nails. Hunter threw the ball at Lucas who threw the ball to Blake. Blake started running to score the touchdown.


Everybody started screaming while a player from the other team threw their helmet on the grass. Damn.

I was so happy that Blake made that touchdown.

The principal picked up the mic and said, "Students please hold your cheering until after this quick announcement... Can we please have #18 in the field?"

Wait, #18 was Blake.

There were cheerleaders who came out to the field as well with a huge poster.

It said : "This touchdown was planned and was meant to be passed to me. I wanted this touchdown to be meant for you. Julie, will you go to homecoming with me?"

I was shocked. I stood there until Erin and Malia pushed me to walk to the field. Once I walked over there, Blake had flowers in his hands.

I walked toward him.

"Julie, will you go to homecoming with me?", he said while shaking.

"Yes, of course I will.", I said and kissed him.

All surprised, he kissed back.

It was a long kiss but it was a passionate one and I didn't care who saw.

The crowd cheered except three jealous cheerleaders. You know who. Oh well.

After the game, Blake and I walked over to Malia.

"Hey where's Erin?", I said all concerned.

"I don't know. After Mr. Blue Eyes here asked you to homecoming, she just sort of disappeared.", Mal said.

"C'mon let's look for her.", Blake said.

After 15 minutes of searching, we found her.

She was under the bleachers making out with .. HUNTER ?!

"Woo Hunter! That's mah boy! GET IT!", Blake yelled.

"I have got to put this on Snapchat", Malia said and started filming on her phone.

They turned around and saw us. They backed away from each so fast and fixed their own hair and clothes.

"Oh umm h-hey you guys", Erin said with an awkward smile while Hunter scratched the back of his head.

"Who's the hoe now?", I said and chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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