Meine Prinzessin~Nightcrawler~ Ch.1

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A/N Hey guys so this is my chapter for kurt💙 let me know if you like it and also if I should continue writing it here or a separate book! :)

Nicht die Schönheit bestimmt, wen wir lieben, sondern die liebe, wen wir schön finden.

I sit atop the suitcase sitting on the pale sidewalk. Look left, look right, check my watch. 2:26. The bus should be here in about 4 minutes or so. I hear the yelling of my parents in my...scratch that, what used to be my house. I'm trying my best to focus on their words, blocking out the noise around me.

"I don't want one of them in my house." My mother yells, the anger and hurtfulness is very evident. "She is our daughter." That's my father. "No that's not. Our daughter was normal, not someone with freakish powers." A salt filled water droplet rolls down my cheek. The iris of my eye starts turning a dark black mixing with my pupil.

"Pam they aren't freakish. I mean it's just invisibility. It's harmless." Maybe my father actually gets it. Although he always ends up siding with my mother. "Haven't you seen what these mutants can do. How do you know she can't do something even more dangerous."

All of this may sound a bit confusing to you, I bet. Why don't I fill you in about our recent, what you could say, incident.

I swing my legs off the edge of the comforter of my bed. I fade back from invisibility to my normal appearance every couple of seconds. My iris' are a bright blue, almost Aqua, with excitement. I'm finally ready to share my new gifts with my parents.

They've been happening all week. Most recently the eyes. It's been quite hard controlling my emotions the past couple of days. I usually keep my hood up in public because I don't know people's reactions to that sort of thing. I hop off the bed with excitement, jogging to the door.

As I start to reach the stair case to the kitchen and living room, my pace becomes slower. I start to get nervous, my palms start sweating. What if this isn't such a good idea? But I'm their daughter. I mean of course they'll be in shock at first but then they'll think it's cool.

I've been reading and trying to do research on these mutants. The ones I'm reading the most about is Magneto and Mystique. Mystique is almost a role model to me. I love how she finally embraced her mutant qualities. Something  I'm  about to do. One thing I haven't really read about is mutants with multi abilities.

Does that somehow make me special? Are there other mutants with more than one power like me? Whatever it is I still have them. "Hey mom, dad." I holler. I stand in the middle of the living room, the coffee table just brushing against my calf. "What is it dear?" Both of them now stand in front of me.

"Well, you know how people have special abilities?" I'm starting off a bit slow. "Yes." I take in a deep breath. "Well..." Slowly I start to cloak myself with invisibility starting with my feet, until I'm entirely gone. "Oh my." My mother holds a hand to her mouth before loosing consciousness. She's back in a few seconds.

"Get out." She says in a simple voice. "What?" Why would my mother tell me to get out. "Get out of my house!" Slowly rage starts to fill me as tears spill out. I dash to my room packing my suitcase as quickly as I can. I storm out the door without even looking back.

*Back To Present*

I start to see the front of the bus in the distance. It lets out a puff of smoke as it stops in front of me. The two door swing open, as I pause on the steps. I think about looking back but I don't. "Where to Miss?" The driver grunts. "Uh, Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

A/N I know this is a bit short but I just wanted to establish a backstory. Kurt will be in the next chapter. And a second question I would like to ask is should this be OC or X reader? Thanks!
-✌🏻️❤️ Scarlett

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