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I pushed it away, and walked inside. I went directly to the kitchen and began to fill up the cup with alcohol.


Lukes pov

Hours later

I wasnt completely drunk but I wasnt completely sober.

I had to keep it together.

I stumbled my way through the house. I saw Raven.

And she saw me.

"Hey" she smiled before her lips attached on to mine.

I instantly pulled away.

"I gotta go, you should come with me" she winked.

"I cant" I looked at her.

She gave a frown, turning and leaving.

Maybe this wasn't the way.

I don't wanna do this.

Regret filled me.

Im not going to do this.

"Raven!" I yelled.

"Ya?!" She yelled.

"Can we stay for a bit before we leave?" I smiled.

Raven nodded.

Eves pov

I didn't touch not one drop of alcohol.

However Calum did.

I did touch it cause I've never had it.

I come to parties to make sure Luke doesn't fuck up.


An hour felt like a century.

I needed to find luke.

"Have you seen luke?" A random girl asked me.

"Wh-" I started.

"Cause, wait- you're Eve?" She chuckled.

I nodded.

"You need to find Luke" she slurred.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just do" she spoke. "It's not goo-" she tried before a guy pulled her away.

I was starting to panic.

What if he was hurt.

I pulled put my phone.

I called him.

He didn't answer, I called again.


When I tried to call again, he picked up.

"What?!" He spat.

"Luke?" I asked.

"Are you okay?!" I panicked.

"Why do you care?" He slurred "Don't you need Calum?" He spat.

"Lu-" I tried.

"No, don't Luke me" He paused "You don't care, you want him, not me!" He spat.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"With Raven" He spoke.

That's why.

"Where though?" I asked.

"I'll text you" He spat before he hung up

Lukes pov

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