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The contact name read: Raven


Eve's pov

Luke and I looked at each other.

"Dont" He spoke. Rolling my eyes I picked up the phone, luke tackled ripping the phone from my hand.

"Luke-" I started before he shoved his chest on to my head.

He was physically killing me.

I could hear my phone being thrown.

I tapped his side.

Luke got up off of me.

Lukes pov


Third hour rolled around, I'm tired, and Eve's here, but she's not.

She's not in third hour.

I listened as the bells ring.

She still wasn't here.

I tapped my pencil on the desk, the teacher giving me a glare.

I stopped when the door flung open.

"Eve?" He questioned.

Eve pushed the hair from her face, handing him a note.

I could see the lump in her throat, she's going to cry.

She held a tissue on her nose, walking over to her seat.

My eyes watched as she got closer.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Seasons are changing" she spoke, turning away from me.

The seasons aren't changing.

And Eve doesn't get many nose bleeds.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked.

There was a bruise on her forearm.

"I don't know" she spoke mumbling.

Eve's pov

The bruise formed from yesterday, when Raven grabbed me.

The nose bleed wasn't from Raven punching me.

It was from Raven slamming me into another locker.

pushing the throbbing pain from my forearm i focused on the white board 


jolting pain filled me, i wrote with my right arm, and she happened to hurt my right arm.

when the bell finally rang i gathered my things and, stood up only to be stopped.

Luke grabbed my arm, int e same spot raven grabbed me.

i pushed my hair from my face looking at Luke.

"Please stop lying to me" he spoke letting me go.

"but im not" i smiled.

"whats happening to you?" he asked.

"Luke, im fine, just drop it" i spoke.

"i want to go eat" i spoke lying.

"that was a full on lie" he spoke huffing following behind me into the hallway.

As soon as i stepped into the hallways i was greeted by Calum and his smile. His smile made me happy.

i felt his warm soft lips touch my cheek, followed by him wrapping his fingers in mine.

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