Sagittarius #3

383 12 6

Warning: It's a spoiler on the fourth paragraph

He gets a little annoyed when people mistake him for Centaurus.

Centaurus is another centaur constellation that is not too far from Sagittarius.

People believed that in Sag's myth, he was known as Chiron, the centaur that was accidentally shot by Hercules. However, that myth was actually Centaurus' myth.

Sagittarius' myth was that he was a satyr, named Crotus. Crotus was the son of another satyr named Pan, who happened to be Capricorn. (So yes, Sagittarius was the son of Capricorn... Which is why I don't ship SagCap.)

However, Crotus and Chiron were said to have a lot in common. Like now, Centaurus and Sagittarius are still alike, they could be mistaken for twins.

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