Chapter 20: Scarlett

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I've made it to chapter 20! Up top is Leslie Mann as Carre.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Scarlett's Pov:
I slid towards him on the couch and put my hand on his arm. "Does it really matter?" I asked softly. I didn't want to explain this to him, Phoenix was the protective type and I didn't need him getting upset over something he couldn't have prevented. Knowing him, he'll blame himself for not being there to protect me. I didn't like feeling like the damsel in distress, but right now that's what I was.

"Of course it matters. That asshole first assaults you, then harasses us, and even had the balls to approach you again. I want to know what he said and where he touched you." He demanded. "You are the most precious thing to me, if anything happened to you-" He paused with a now sorrowful look on his face. I never wanted to see that look on his face.

I told him exactly what happened, I didn't leave out a single detail. 

"Plan?" He asked almost to himself. "He didn't hurt you? What the fuck is this all about?" He looked up at me. "I'm happy he didn't hurt you, but what was the point? Is he doing this just for the thrill? Is this how he gets his kicks?"

"That's what I was thinking. None of this makes sense, we're obviously missing something. What if there is a lot more to this?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm going to talk to Damon, he may have someone who can look into this." He sighed before standing and running a hand through his hair.

"I'm going to call him now because if we wait, then the police won't be able to use it if it comes to that." He explained before grabbing his phone and walking into the kitchen.

I sighed and slumped back into the couch. Of course this had to happen, just when things were looking good. Why did I have to eat that burger in the diner that night? Why couldn't I have just walked in, got a job, and left while it was still daylight? Why did I have to get lost and have some huge, blonde jackass pull me into an alley?

Its such a fucking cliche. Teenager gets pulled into an alley by a large man, he gets set free by police, said man comes back for revenge, kidnaps the girl, and her knight in shining armor saves her. Happily ever freaking after. But occasionally the girl doesn't get saved in time and she dies, but I don't want to think about that scenario.

He walked back into the living room looking quite angry, but I needed to ask him this. "Phoenix, have you ever met this "Jax" guy before?"

"Remember that bike I was working on?" I nodded. "He was the person who ordered it. I don't know if he meant to or if it was just a coincidence. That was the only other time I saw him besides that night in the alley. I didn't even know his name until Damon told me." He explained almost desperately, like he thought I wasn't going to believe him.

"I trust you, Phoenix. This guy doesn't seem so have as much interest as me as he does you." I said quietly.

He nodded. "Yeah it does." It was quiet for a moment. I really wish I knew what he was thinking, sometimes he can be quite the mystery.

"Maybe we should take a break." He said with a quiet almost broken voice.

"What?" I asked him with wide eyes. He can't be serious, things have been going so good. We can't give this up when it's barely even started. We're not going to get anywhere if he doesn't even give us the chance to do this together.

"You almost got hurt tonight, Scarlett and now we know that Jax only has an interest in you because of me. I cant let anything happen to you." He can't be serious.

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