Any Other Teacher

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Jennifer's POV
Lesson. Who cares about lesson? I don't want to go, so i'm not. Especially, History... I mean I like the subject and all but its Mr O'donoghue, it's just... if I don't see him them I don't have to face up to my feelings. I have to try my best to forget him, he is my teacher at the end of the day. The books thin sheets, slide over my hand. Running my fingers over his name. I open it to one of the pages. 'In the midst of all the pain caused throughout the world, is there as much pain as love or falling? There has to be a time when you realise its time to let go, to move on and forget something that isn't worth it. Hook, had never had a connection to anything or anyone, it was simple for him to move on...but now, now he'd began to fall, he couldn't stop.' I look at the few words that sketch into my brain. If only real life ended like fairytales, happy endings all round. Never does.

'Jen!' I look down at my feet as the football hits my feet, I laugh. Looking up at Michael. In that moment, It's easy to allow the book to fall from my fingers and to the cold hard ground. I don't drop it considerately, I throw it. pages spreading apart, No happy ending for Captain Hook, I suppose.
I look at Michael, slightly tapping the football. He laughs.
'Come on, kick the ball!' I go a little red in the cheeks, It's been a few days since I met Michael. He's great, In fact he's the first guy that's bothered to get to know me, every guy at the school hates me. except...
'I don't know how to play football... I've never learnt.' admittedly true, I've never had the opportunity to learn, I've always been an outcast. sucks right? but it was ok, I had my books and one or two friends, rather have that then snakes. Michael walks over to me. He places his foot to the ball.
'Right, like this.' He taps it, I try and mess up. He laughs. We continue passing the ball between ourselves, It's quiet on the field. Everyone else is in Lessons, History. I move back rushing after the ball... over the book, I don't care. It's nothing to me. I get the ball, looking at Michael a fair distance from me. I look at the ball, I'm going to boot it. I can do this. I swing my foot sending it flying across the field and straight past Michael, we both irrupt with laughter until the ball is stopped by a foot. I follow the leg up to the face. Brilliant.
'I thought, you was meant to be in my lesson Miss Morrison.' He looks at me completely ignore Michael. I see his eye contact shift to the book beside me, now covered in mud and probably ripped.
'Well, maybe I didn't want to come.'
'Michael, would you like to go to lesson. I understand Jennifer distracted you from my lesson.' I go to talk, Michael interrupts me.
'Actually Sir, It's all my fault. Jen, was coming to your lesson... I made her play football.' I look at them both staring at each other, I must say it's rather awkward...
'Well then Jen, I owe you an apology. Now Both of you class.' He remains looking at me again, I make direct eye contact.
'I'm not coming.' I smile.
'If Jen isn't then I'm not.'
'Michael do as you're told! Mr O'Donoghue raises his voice, shouting. echoing it around the field. I watch Michael panic, he isn't used to being told off. I nod at him, he dashes inside. Those few short moments that passes as Michael disappear out of sight.

'You going to yell at me like that?' I walk over to the book picking it out of the mud, it's a mess. I am bothered but I pretend otherwise. He walks over to me, a few centimetres between us.
'No. I shouldn't of shouted like that I'm sorry.' He keeps his face neutral, eyes glaring at mine.
'Not me you should be apologising to.' I step back from him.
'I know.' He smiles. It goes silent, nothing moves around us. I feel extremely tense like I'm supposed to have a reply but I don't.
'Why was you out here playing football with him? Michael..'  Suddenly, I realise.
'Is this jealously I'm hearing?'  I smirk. He looks back at my eyes. His face back to neutral again.
'Jennifer, why on earth would I be jealous. All I want is you.. you to be in my lesson!'
Of course, it was just me. imagining that he felt something yet again, I need to get a grip.. so what he's hot, Irish oh and a teacher... He isn't mine and never will be. pfft. I walk away from him.
'Jennifer, where are you going?' I stop turning back to him.
'Home.' I smile. Turning to leave once more. Suddenly he irrupts.
I stop, a little shocked he'd shouted at me like that. I walk up to him slamming the muddy story into his arms. I don't look him. Fine, I'll go to his stupid lesson. As for him, I'm done.
'Thought you wasn't going to shout.' I sarcastically smile, somewhat close to tears. I head to lesson.

5 minutes later.
I sit at the desk, looking out of the window. Mr O'Donoghue enters with a mud stained shirt. I hear Lana and Bex mutter. After the incident the other day, Lana was given a warning as since we have both apologised. Nothing more, No new friendship or anything.
I sit through the whole lesson doing nothing, Listening to him talk. Avoiding eye contact. There has been no disruption, Class is working fine. Even Lana, Bex and Robbie are behaving.
'Hey, you ok?' Micheal leans over his chair to face me.
'yes, why wouldn't I be?' I snap.
'I was just asking.' He seems hurt, I realise.
'sorry, I didn't mean to snap' I smile, so does he.
'Stop talking!' Mr O'Donoghue says without turning around. I roll my eyes. Luckily, the bell goes. I get to my feet.
'Footy?' I tap Michael's shoulder, But still looking at Mr O'Donoghue. His eyes catch on to mine, I can't look away. I can hear Michael talking to me but I can't listen. I snap out of his glare.
'Lets go.'
'Jennifer, may I have a word.' I look at Michael, He smiles and leaves the room. Yet again it's me and him alone in the room. Last time, He didn't say anything.
'well?' I snap.
'I told you, you don't need to apologies to me-'
'I'm sorry for shouting at you Jennifer.' I look at him, It's a genuine and sincere apology. I smile turning towards the door.
'Well, you did what any other teacher would have done.' I smile and head to the door.
'But I'm not any other teacher.' I stop, what is that supposed to mean?
'ok? but anyway I'm going to go now.' I place my hand on the handle.
'Jen, take this.' he extends his hand with the mud stained book on. I look at him.
'ye, sorry about that.' I laugh turning to leave again, I don't want the book. It's not for me.
'In the midst of all the pain caused throughout the world, is there as much pain as love or falling? There has to be a time when you realise its time to let go, to move on and forget something that isn't worth it. Hook, had never had a connection to anything or anyone, it was simple for him to move on...but now, now he'd began to fall, he couldn't stop. Sometimes moving on is the wrong thing to do' I stop, that's the page I read before. I turn back, Slowly taking to book of him. I smile.
'Thank you.'

The Irish Teacher ( Colifer story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now