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21•-Go on the App Store/Google play store and find a new addicting game to play.

22•-Play slither.io or snake.io

23•-Go for a walk.

24•-Call a friend or invite them over.

25•-Realize that there's school tomorrow but it's the last week.

26•-Redecorate your bedroom.

27•-Go into the bathroom and purposely take forever when you're really doing nothing.

28•-Count to 100.

29•-Make posters and put them around your house for an election for your stuffed animals.

30•-Wait a week for the election.

31•-Eat chips and crunch them really loudly with your mouth open while your parents are trying to watch the news. (Or any show)


33•-Ding dong ditch your neighbours.

34•-Randomly start singing your favourite song really loudly with your windows open. (Sing really badly on purpose)

35•-Call your friend then blow really loudly in the microphone then throw the phone and hang up.

36•-Count how many times I said then in this chapter then comment how many I did then I will announce the winner once there is one.

37•-Stare out your window and wait for a car to pass by then yell "CARR!!!".

38•-Try to lick your elbow.

39•-Play chandelier, wrecking ball, or titanium really loudly out your window when someone walks by and see their reaction.

40•-Make an 1000 things to do when you're bored story.

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