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61•-Knock on your neighbours door and when they open it yell "SHUT UP" then turn around, walk forward until you walk into something then dramatically fall.

62•-Realize I'll never announce the winner for the "how many times did I say then" contest.

63•-Flick your light on and off and see if it starts a fire.

64•-Be prepared to stop drop and roll because that will start a fire.

65•-Dress up your pet in doll clothes.

66•-Dress up yourself in doll clothes if you don't have a pet.

67•-Realize you don't fit in doll clothes.

68•-Realize you don't have dog clothes.

69•-Stop realizing things because it's hurting your brain.

70•-Realize it's not actually hurting your brain.

71•-Realize this book is just a waste of time.

72•-Realize number 68 said dog clothes.

73•-Feed your dog broccoli.

74•-Don't have a dog? Get one.

75•-Fix the posters on your wall that are falling.

76•-Itch yourself even though you're not itchy.

77•-I bet you're itchy now that I said that.

78•-Eat more food then sleep more.

79•-Realize you've just almost read 100 things to do when you're bored because you're bored yet you've done none of them.

80•-If you've done all of them you're amazing.

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