1.9 relief

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 "Cal?" Hailey's voice called out. Calum smiled nervously at Ashton, who was hiding.

"Over here," He called out. He waited for Hailey's small figure to walk around the bed of the truck. He was nervous, as he should be. His foot tapping eagerly against the floor.

Hailey's brown hair was styled simply but it looked beautiful, like always. She smiled when her eyes met Calum's. Calum couldn't help but smile back. Hailey was just so beautiful, he couldn't help but admire the way the setting sun was hitting her. With her smiling, Calum felt there couldn't be anything more in the world that he needed. He realized that it was his turn to talk. He quickly began to recite the speech he stayed up late just to ensure he got it perfect.

"Hailey, when we first met, we were but children. I was an idiot boy who thought I could convince you to like me by being mean. I spent years like that, teasing and bullying you in the smallest ways. However, this seemed to backfire as you began to hate me.

"I tried to distract myself from your hatred by dating other girls, going to parties that I don't even remember, and doing the most outrageous things you could possibly think of. Whatever I did, my mind still came back to you. I'm head over heels for you and have been since day one. So,"

He began to kneel, Hailey giggled at the cliché gesture. He held the roses out with one hand and grabbed her hands with the other.

"Would you do me the fantastic honors of being my girlfriend?"

"I would love to," Hailey's sweet voice rang in Cal's ears. She smiled, Calum smiled back in relief. He had been so nervous that she would turn him down. She was the girl of his dreams and now she was all his. He stood up, placing the roses down, and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Hailey smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Cal's neck. To them, this moment could not have gotten any better.


Hailey pulled away from Calum to look at the source of the sound. Cal had forgotten Ashton was there at all. Thank goodness he was, Calum wanted to remember this moment forever. Then, Calum remembered the roses.

"Oh, I also got you this..." Cal laughed awkwardly grabbing the camera from Ashton and handing it and the bouquet of roses to Hailey. Ash handed Hailey the picture.

"Cute picture.." He mumbled. Hailey looked down at the picture, smiling. Calum looked at it in her hands, Ashton was right, it was a cute picture.

"Thanks, Cal. Thanks for the picture, Ashton." Hailey looked at them in turn. Calum reached forward and laced their fingers together.

"Want to go get food?" He asked, looking at his new girlfriend. She nodded.

"Sounds good," Ash agreed. Hailey giggled and broke away from Cal to get in her car.

"See you there," She called behind her.

"Yeah, see you there, babe," Calum called back. He watched as she buckled up and drove away. He was still smiling when she was out of sight.

"Cal, mate, let's go," Ashton called from inside the truck. Calum shook himself out of his daze. He really liked Hailey, he couldn't believe she was finally his.



hello lovelies!

yes, it is I. I have returned from the dead. No, I have not forgotten about this book.

kind of.

I hope to update again soon, idk though

katie x

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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