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A/N) okay the first chapter starts right before this scene where Izuku and Katsuki are at the park when they are little, and the main character is the same ages as them

"Bye Izuku, I have to take James back home now. I will see you at school on Monday!" I waved back to the cheerful boy as I walked out of the park gates, holding hands with my younger brother, James, as we exited.

With a warm smile Izuku called back, " Alrighty then, see you at school Ivy! And be safe on your way back." Sending my school friend one last over the shoulder smile I turned back to my baby brother.

"So Apple did you have fun at the park with Izuku?" I asked him. My nickname for my baby brother is apple because when he was a baby the only word he could say way 'apple', but all cutesy like with his adorable little baby voice.

James turned to me with a wide grin, with a few front teeth missing, "Yes sister my time at the park was quite pleasant, and it was nice to converse with Mr. Midoriya!" His voice was so warm and proper, but you could still tell he was a young child. The reason he was so proper is because of his quirk. His quirk allows him super speed reading and a photographic memory. And to make it even better James developed his quirk only a few months after being born, way early then most develope, so he is like a child genius. I mean he is extremely smart, and I know he will go far in life, I'm so proud of my brother. As for myself I'm not as fortunate, I don't have a quirk, or at least it hasn't developed yet. But the doctors say that I almost definitely will not get a quirk, especially since all of my classmates have already gotten their quirks. Well that is except for Izuku who also doesn't have a quirk. But I'm okay with not having a quirk, it's not like I have any reason to become a hero, unlike my best friend Izuku whose biggest dream is to become a big shot like All Might. I do feel really sorry for him-

I was cut off from my rant when I walked into someone, and stumbled back a few steps. I looked up to see an irritated ash blond haired boy. "Hello Katsuki." I stated in a calm voice looking up to my spikey haired classmate.

His facial expression grew angrier and he raised his fist as if he was about to punch me, but his gaze shifted to the small boy at my side standing hand in hand with me. "Tsk" He dropped his fist, shoved his hands into his cargo pants pockets, and stormed off towards the park growling as he passed by me. He grumbled slightly under his breath as he entered through the park gates, "I will get you later you quirkless freak."

I just stood there for a second and sighed, and rubbed my temple with my free hand. "That boy is so naive" I breath quietly. I felt a tug at my hand, and I looked over to see James curios eyes staring up at me.

"What was that all about Ivy?" James question in a cutesy voice. He was just so innocent and small.

I realised another sigh, "Oh nothing James, come on let's go home before mom gets mad at us for staying out too late." I turned to him and gave a reassuring smile, though he didn't seem to buy it he turned and faced forward deciding not to question it any further.

We continued the walk back to our apartment in silence. It wasn't till we were a few blocks away from the park that I started to feel tingly and fizzy, but just in short little bursts. 'I should probably tell mom and dad when we get back, maybe I need to see a doctor?' I thought to myself. We approached a crosswalk. I was being safe just like my parents taught me to be. I waited till the little walking man light turned green then looked both ways to make sure no cars were coming before we crossed. Not a single car in sight. Holding James' hand we began to walk. But I stopped in the middle of the cross. I felt it. A surge of power corsed through my veins, and let me tell you it was painful. Releasing James' hand I keeled over in pain. I gripped my chest and hunched over, another pulsing surge hit me and I collapsed onto my knees. I let out a ear splitting scream of pure agony, raising my head for all the world to hear. One more wave hit me then... nothing... I felt nothing. Just as soon as it came it left.

Slowly opening my eyes I saw something unbelievable. I was floating. Floating as in not touching the ground floating. I gasped in shock, what was happening to me? Looking over to my brother, he had tears in his eyes that looked ready to spill, but that changed into a look of wonder. But the thing was that James started to look further away. Then it hit me I was still floating up and up. I had no idea what was going on nonetheless how to get back down to earth and stop flying. I started to panick.

A roar of an engine seemed to snap me out of my panic attack. From my spot in the sky I could see and expensive looking electric green sports car speed around the corner. My eyes widened when I realised my brother was still in the middle of the street staring up at me in a complete daze, not realising that the cross light had turned red. My body began to move on it's own, I frantically clawed at the air, as if I was swimming for the first time, trying to make my way back down to the ground and grab my brother out of the street. But my efforts were fruitless I just continued to move up and up.

"RUN JAMES!" I screamed as loud as I could hoping that he could get out in time. My eyes widened in horror and I watched the scene unfold before me.

The sound I will never forget, the sickly sound of a loud thud followed by the wave of a thousand bones shattering at once. My heart stop, dropped, and rolled into my throat. His small pall body was sent flying through the air, only to hit the ground yards away. A pool of blood splattered in a ring around his small body and on the front bumper of the luxury car. The car stopped moving, the wind stopped blowing, I stopped breathing... and James stopped moving. The air grew thick everything was frozen and my world shattered in an instant.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" I let everything go. It felt like a flood gate just opened up inside of me as I let all of my emotions go into that powerful scream. My pain, sorrow, despair, the guilt I felt for not being able to save him, not being able to be the good big sister I always was to him, and something more, something that I kept held back for a long time. I released it all in that one scream.

Unnoticed by me, my dark auburn hair shot up and curled around my head as if I was submerged in water, my little red dress floated around me ominously as my soft honey eyes shaded over. The street started to rumble and shake almost as if there was an earthquake. Loss objects on the street started to rise, such as rocks and cars, while a huge presser built in the air. Higher and higher the debris flew until it was as high in the sky as me.

"JAMES" A colossal swell of endowment rippled out of me and all the debris came plummeting down to the ground as if it was a shower of meteors scouring the earth.Tears streamed down my face freely. All emotions replaced by pure rage. I don't know how but I released all hell on the sports car that took my brothers life. The debris rained on the car in a fit of fury breaking glass and adding dents, rapidly destroying the car. I lost all control over my body, only able to watch the destruction from a distance in my mind. Right before a boulder beside me was able to shoot the final blow at the car, an outside force tackled my right side knocking me out of the sky. The mass grabbed my body and protectively wrapped their firm arms around me as we tumbled to the ground. A ringing sounded through my head as I was able to regain control of my body, my eyes clouded over in a tear filled daze.The wind kicked out of me and my muscles raging in pain. My body was laid on the hard cement. A blurry vision of a muscular man with pointy yellow/blond hair and a sad smile came into my sight. My eyes rolled back as I caught a last glance of rocks and concrete falling from the sky in slow motion, before I blacked out.Start writing your story

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