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okayyyyy sorry i have been gone for a whileeeee, oops, but i come with a new chapter yay. i started reading the manga and i was like wow this is so good i love it why can't this be realllllll, so now i have no real direction for this story after reading that master piece but don't fret i shall continue this trash for your pleasure. enjoy itssssss bbye(• ε •).

btw the pic up top is Ivy photo creds to how ever drew this with their amazing talent.

Several weeks later, after I arrived home from my part time job, I walked into my small room to find a crisp white envelope placed neatly on my desk. As I picked up the thick letter I noticed a wax seal with the UA emblem on the fold of the envelope. I assumed that my mom put it here before she went to her night shift. A pang of anxiety hit me, I was pretty sure I was accepted but there is always that chance that I failed the test. Just wanting to get it over with I ripped the end of the envelope off and dumped its contents onto my desk, which consisted of a white letter folded over three times. I unfolded the paper and in the center of the paper laid a small metal disk. I stared at it confused, then all of a sudden a beam shot out of the disk and formed a hologram. Me, being me I was surprised by the sudden light and fell out of my chair with a loud yelp. Pulling myself up using the edge of the desk as leverage, I peeked over as a video started to play through the hologram. Regaining my calm composer, All Might appeared on the screen in a fancy suit and tie.

In a deep mighty voice he began, "Young Kubo, I am here to say that you have been accepted into the department... Of Heroics!! And I will be your basic hero skills teacher, that is of course if you accept the invitation into Yuuei Academia. I also want to congratulate you on earning the highest score on the entrance exam. On the written exam you got a high score of 90 out of 100 questions correct (sorry just made up a random number :/ ). But even more impressively you earned first place in the practical skills with 51 villain points and 55 rescue points leaving you with 106 total!! This is a very high achievement that is worthy of praise. Your friends Young Ochako and Young Izuku also earned rescue points of 45 and 65 and will also be able to attend Yuuei so fret not (sorry but personally I think he deserves more points so I changed it). *Cough Cough* Hope to see you there, Plus Ultra!" All Might rused the end, I wonder why he was coughing, is he sick?

Then a picture of the Practical Exam scores took over the screen. Wow I was really not expecting to do this good. I thought as a rare expression of shock appeared on my face. I read over everyone else's scores, Ochako came in fourth place and Izuku in seventh despite not earning any villain points. I'm really happy that they both made it, it gives me a lot of relief. But what slightly frightened me was that Katsuki came in second place with 77 villain points and zero rescue points, that's saying a lot. And given his destructive personality he could possible target me because I got first and not him. I just don't want to get into any unnecessary fights because that's not why I'm going to Yuuei. I'm not here to become the most famous or idolised hero, I am going to Yuuei to learn and train to save people's lives. I already made a vow to use my powers to save life not end it.

After taking in the news I felt a wave of drowsiness wash over me because of the burst of adrenalin I received while opening the letter. It was only 7:30 so I decided to eat a light dinner and head off to bed. I made my way to the empty kitchen and opened the fridge. Not feeling terribly hungry I just reheated some leftover rice from last night. Quickly finishing up I washed my dish and put it away, and before I went back to my room to get ready for bed I pulled out a yellow sticky note. Scribbling down the three simple words on the paper I stuck it to the fridge door. Reading over the note one more time I let out a smile at the simple phrase, 'I made it' marked on it, before I brickly walked away to my room.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of yummy food. Using my nose to lead me out of bed and towards the delicious scent down the hall. As I entered the kitchen I took a big wiff and laid my eyes on the wonderful display of breakfast foods assorted on the kitchen table.

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