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Thats her hero costume btw (and yes I did draw this one sorry for the shitty quality)

The next day rolled around I had just left my apartment after eating a hearty meal. As I approached the school I saw a crowd of people gathered around the entrance. When I got closer it became apparent that it was a group of reporters blocking the gate. 'Oh fuck, it's too early for this.' I saw some of my friends from my class being cornered by the press. A woman in a navy blue pantsuit approached me and violently shoved a microphone in my face.

"Miss, can you confirm that All Might is a teacher at UA?" Her insufferable screaming attracted more camera men and reporters. More people swarmed me and assaulted me with obnoxiously loud questions.

"Pardon me but I must be going to class now." I tried to push myself through the mass of people but it was just too dense. I somehow managed to shove myself through the high security gate as I saw Mr. Aizawa approaching the press, most likely to tell them to piss off. We shared a glance and we head nodded at each other as we passed and continued in our respective directions. When I was at the end of the courtyard, almost to the building door, I heard an alarm blaring followed by the sound of clashing metal. I turned around to find that the heavy duty security barrier had been activate. I wagered a guess that it was caused by the nosey press trying to sneak on campus. Walking along I made it to class without any other hitches and quietly took my seat, successfully not attracting any attention. I sat patiently waiting for class to begin, which it did shortly after.

Aizawa started with addressing last classes combat training exercise, "Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo, you're talented, don't act like a kid."

Shockingly he only grumpled out an, "I know," while holding a pouty face. 'How unheard of, the violent and temperamental human bomb held his tongue? Maybe he really did change while I was away.'

"And Midoriya, you settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya." Aizawa continued his overview of yesterday's battles. ' If Izuku really can get his quirk, under control he will become quite the formidable opponent.'

Izuku yelled out a heartfelt, "Yes, Sir!" Homeroom continued on normally, well as normal normal can be for a super hero high school, which is surprisingly pretty normal.

"Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you..." The long drawn out pause led us to believe that we would be engaging in yet another strainus test. Most of class 1-A prepared for the worst, "... Decide on a class representative." Okay so not exactly what we were expecting. My classmates erupted in an outroar, all claiming they were the best choice for the job. People were yelling over each other, it was becoming quite hectic. I even saw Izuku shyly raising his hand. Everyone was so eager to be class rep because this position would give someone an advantage in the professional field. Personally I already had too much on my plate with my extensive training and school work, so I don't want to over work myself. The classes very loud yelling was interrupted by Tenya telling everyone to shut there traps (in a more polite way obviously). He then went into a lengthy explanation of why we should choose representatives via voting. He said that the person with the most votes is truly worthy of being the class representative. So in the end each person in class voted. My vote went toward Momo because she is very responsible and can easily assess a situation to find the best solution for everyone. She is quite the allround role model. Not to mention her impressive knockers. Any way the results ended with 2 votes Momo and 3 votes Izuku, which wasn't all that shocking. (I know Momo would have had 3 votes including Ivy's but for story purposes this is how it is) What was unexpected though was that I actually got a vote. I wonder from who though? It was probably Ochaco because she had 0 votes. 'I'll have to ask her about it later'. With a few complaints from everyone's favorite hot head class resumed as per usual until lunch rolled around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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