Chapter 1

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"I'm going to be a Hunter." Cas declared. Sam and Dean exchanged doubtful looks from across the room at each other.

"No offence Cas, but when have you ever been particularly successful at hunting?" Sam chuckled, as the last time Castiel assisted them on a case drifted across his mind. The image of the angel interrogating a rather fat ginger cat resided with him.

"I know I've made mistakes in the past, but I want to help. I want to help fix the world." Cas replied setting his gaze on the floor. "The two of you seem to be able to do it. I just thought th-"

"You thought what? What Cas? That you would ride shot gun in the Impala?What I just can't get my head around is why you would want to be like us? Both me and Sam have tried to escape, but we always get dragged back in. I don't want that to happen to you. I want you to be normal. Why would you not want that?" Dean questioned, Taking a step closer to Cas. "I know you're new to this human thing, but why would you want to be a Hunter? You can finally start a new life. Be normal! Find a girl, settle down, I don't know get a cat. Me and Sam, we were raised into this. And let me tell you; it sucks."

"You don't understand. I made the world what it is. I ruined everything. I need to fix it." Castiel replied looking Dean in the eyes. "I don't want to be your deffiniton of 'normal'. This is what I need to. I need to be saving people, hunting things; the Family Business."

"The Family business? Sam and I are brothers! What are you? You're the fallen angel who crapped up the world. You're nothing!" Dean snarled.

"I am your friend." Cas replied, sending shivers down Deans spine as he took a step closer to Dean. The two of them holding the other's gaze, like their lives depended on it. Their breaths became deeper and hitched, as neither dared to look away.

Sensing some tension between the two, Sam coughed awkwardly, braking Dean's eye contact. "Look guys, we could spend all day playing the blame game. But come on. Grow up." Dean backed away from Castiel at his brothers words. "Now I don't know what's caused all of this, but it has to stop if we're going to be working together."

Dean pursed his lips together and unwillingly said, "Look I'm sorry Cas, I know it's not all, your fault. And if you want to help us, I'm cool with that."

Sam being surprised at his brothers words said, "Right, now everyone is acting there ages again, do you want to tell me why you slashed out like that? I mean, there's always a reason."

Dean met Castiel's eye for a brief moment before looking away quickly. Cas remained to stare prudently at him.

"I just haven't had enough pie." Dean spat. He strolled over to his bed, snatched up his leather jacket, and stormed out into the rain, slamming the hotel door behind him.

Sam mouth the words 'Okay' awkwardly in the direction of the door his brother just exited from. He shrugged off Deans behaviour "Drama queen" he murmured, he sat down at the table, opened up his laptop and proceeded to look for another case.

After a few minutes Cas finally pulled his eyes away from the door. He walked to the edge of one of the 3 beds in the motel suit; Deans bed. And picked up the remote control to the battered old set in front of him, and turned the old piece of junk on. He skipped a few channels until he found NBC news.

The picture of a smiling girl filtered the screen, with the words "15 year old girl kidnaped by a masked group calling them selves 'The Resurrectors', whilst on Vacation with her family in Greece." The news report was showing the security footage of her kidnaping. The girl was walking down the street in broad day light, when suddenly a gang of hooded and masked individuals grabbed her and dragged her out of viewing point for the camera. One member was left behind. He had a spray can in his hand and he wrote the words "Η κόρη της Διώνης αναστήθηκε", the English translation came on the screen "Daughter of Dione resurrected". The masked man turned towards the camera and winked before running off to follow his others. The News reported said "It's has been 10 days since the girl was stolen off the streets, passers by confirmed that they had seen the girl talking to the masked men earlier that day..."

"Should we do something about this?" Castiel asked.

Sam sighed, and looked up towards the television. "I don't think that is our kind of case. Sorry, but it just seems like your typical kidnap. Nothing weird about it. And anyway it's in Creece. If something is up, then we'll let the Greek hunters deal with it. For now, let the police do their job." He said apologetically. Sam turned back to his computer as Cas turned back to the TV.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I mean I'd love to finally get a vacation once in a while but today's not that day. Look I think we've got a case. A group of what seems like everything is happening just two states over in a town called Rhinelander. Multiple cases of Demon's, Vampire's, Shapeshifter's, Werewolf's, Djinns... And more. Pretty much everything there is. And all accruing with in the last week." Sam said. His face dressed with concern and worry, at the prospect of every they've ever hunted in the same place all at once. "So we've got a huge nest forming in Wisconsin."

"But the question is" Cas pondered. "..why?" The both asked simultaneously.

"We should call Dean, and Garth... and everyone. This is big." Sam said picking up his phone and dialling Dean's cell. His brother picked up on the 5th ring.

"What?" Dean repiled sounding annoyed.

"We've got a case. And a big one." Sam said.

"Is it that urgent that you have to call me now?!"

"Yeah it is-wait is that music?"

"Yeah well... This is me time."

"You're at a strip club aren't you?" Sam guessed by the type of music playing on the other end of the line. An enhancing seductive rhythm, perfect for stripping.

"So what if I am!" Dean said before hanging up rudely on his younger brother.

"Typical." Sam said angrily and he continued to work on his laptop. Castiel over hearing the conversation the Winchesters had just had on the phone, looked at the ground disappointedly.

- - - -

What do you guys think? I like it. What about you? I think next chapter is gonna be about Dean, and it's gonna be a sex scene so if your easily offended by that kind of stuff just skip it. :) please vote and comment, cause then I know if you like it or not, and it gives me the motivation to carry on.

I really can't wait for this story to unfold, not only is there gonna be lots of Heavy Destiel, but Cas is gonna be involved in a love triangle. And it's gonna be awesome!

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