Chapter 2

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Dean needed to get out of the cheep motel, the walls were closing in on him, he was getting hotter, it was getting harder to breath. He lied about needing Pie as an excuse to leave. He grabbed his belongings and left. He marched past Sam and Cas, without giving them a single glance. Once outside he began to notice the weather. It was poring it down with rain. He regretted leaving as soon as he shut the door behind him, as the cold night air attacked at his exposed face and hands. Dean knew that if it returned back to the motel, his brother would call him a 'Drama queen' or something along those lines, so instead of reentering the suit it had just stormed out of, Dean walked towards his 1967 Chevy Impala.

Once inside he started the engine, and just sat there taking in the cars every movement and sound. Dean had a strange suspicion that the Angel on the other end of that door was still watch him. "Freak." Dean muttered to himself.

He decided he should get some pie. He deserved pie. So he reversed his dad's old car out of the parking lot and onto the road it was situated on.

He drove and drove, with no destination in mind. He couldn't get his and Cas' previous conversation out of his mind. Dean's mind raced with thoughts of Ben and Lisa.

"What I wouldn't give to be with you right now." Dean whispered into the night. The painful memory of them completely forgetting him still fresh on his mind.

To distract himself he drove to the local strip club he had seen on the way here. He parked his car and made his was in, it was a typical low life join, perverted men all gazing at the half naked girls strutting about on the stage. Dean walked over to the bar and ordered a beer from the bartender, who was dressed in back.

Looking around Dean saw variations of men, the men up close to the stage were the either homeless, underage teens or the 'soon to be married' bachelor party goers. And the men at the far end were the older generation, these men were the club owners, sleazy politicians or business men. Everyone else was like Dean; running away from the world.

He stayed at the bar until he felt an uncomfortable vibration on his leg. Confused he groped around in the dim lighting trying to find the source. He extracted a phone from his pocket, he checked the caller I.D. and groaned at his brothers name.

"What?" Dean said hostilely to the other end of the phone

"We've got a case. And a big one." Sam replied.

"Is it that urgent that you have to call me now?!" Dean was losing his temper with Sam as never lets him sit back, relax, be himself.

"Yeah it is-wait is that music?" Questioned his brother.

"Yeah well... This is me time." Dean retorted, trying to maintain his dignity.

"You're at a strip club aren't you?"

"So what if I am!" Dean hung up on Sam, as his little brother was being too intrusive in his life. But at the same time he was embarrassed of what the people at the other end of the line thought about him.

"Great." Dean said sarcastically, and he left the bar and ventured towards one of the tables at the back. Once seated a long legged Japanese woman met him with a pen and notebook.

"What can I get you?" She chirped happily.

"You serve dinner and a show?" Dean slyly replied, smirking up the the wide eyed woman before him wearing a slutty waiters outfit.

"I'm not a performer. I'm a waitress." She said. She looked happy, but her tone of voice sounded insulted.

"I'm sorry to have offended you. Now thinking about it, your too good to be up there, having all kinds of creeps staring at you." He replied shining the waitress with his dazzlingly green eyes.

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