Chapter 6

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"I'm telling you fella's, he ain't talking." The cop said rubbing his brow with the back of his hand.

"We're trained professionals. I think we can make this pig squeal." Dean grunted confidently. The officer rose from his desk and guided the trio to the back of the station, where they had a suspect seated in a private questioning room.

They entered and found the man to be in deep whispered conversation with a blonde woman in a business suit. She turned around and the suspect amedieatly stopped talking.

"Excuse me. I'm having a private meeting with my client. What are you three? Feds?" The woman said angrily.

Castiel reached for his badge as he'd rehearsed several times over the past few days with the Winchesters. A look shared with Dean told him it wasn't necessary. No one said anything for a moment. Everyone in the room expected the other to leave. The silence was shattered by the lawyer's irritated groan. She rose from her seat and scowled at the Winchesters as she left the room. You could here her loud shouts echoing around the station in every room as she travelled to the main office and began to yell at the man behind the front desk.

"I'm gonna go make a few calls. And make sure she doesn't kill anybody." The officer said chuckling, but stopped when his eyes scanned the room and saw the man sitting handcuffed to the table. He began to mumble an apology. "Umm, sorry, I. Sorry." He also left the room quickly, chasing after the shouting woman who has just exited.

The can in handcuffs turned to face the remaining men in the room. Sam leaned forward resting his hands on the table and said. "Why did you do it?"

Castiel also repeating what Sam did also pressed his hands on the table and said "Why did you do it?" In exactly the same say. Both of the brothers ignored their friends strange behaviour as they were kind of used to it by now.

The man smiled up at Cas completely ignoring everyone else in the room. Dean crossed his arms uncomfortable at how the man was staring at Cas. It was as if he wanted to eat him.

Sam also picking up on this vibe from the strange man, stepped backwards, to rejoin his brother in the corner. They started a heated discussion about what they should do. Cas remained next to the table looking unblinkingly at the smiling man.

"Dean." Cas called silently.

As the pair were talking neither of them were listening.

"Dean. He's doing something." Castiel's eyes remained transfixed on the other man. Dean still remained oblivious to his friend calling him.

"Sam? DEAN!" Castiel began to shout as the man behind the desk's mouth became broader and his smile became more cynical as his jaw dislodged and two sharp fangs began to protrude from his once human canines. Castiel began to panic and turned find out why his friends weren't around to help him. Breaking the eye contact with the morfing man in front of him. He saw just for a glimpse of a second why.

They seemed to be in deep conversation about what kind of girls they like. Sam competing for the fair hair'd girls, where as Dean rooting for the darker types.

Castiel was baffled by this as there was more pressing things going on. Then instantly he felt pain. Like no pain he's felt before. And blood was poring our of his shoulder through his clothes and through his trench coat. He collapsed and began to shake as his body reacted who whatever had bitten him.

He was just conscious enough to witness the man with a snake face , braking the hand cuffs with little to no effort and grabbing him with one hand, jostling him into his arms and running through the wall. Castiel fainted as his head was hit with a particularly large piece of dry wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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