Chapter 12 [Cleo]

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Dedicated to annalatham, you're wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to read my story! :3

What is it that they want? Why for some reason is Diana involved with this?

There are no trace of them as I walk myself out of the bathroom. These bright white walls are kind of a haunting aura, especially if one is alone like me. And to be honest, I did have the feeling of alone more than ever, with Eric not coming out of that wretched place, I might as well do nothing after classes–except run around hiding, trying to snoop into people's stuff.

With a sigh, I turn to see the male's bathroom door. Quiet binging inside there, it makes me wonder if boys are that much different from girls. Heck, who knows? The so popular Zach could be there. Or the same mysterious two-faced Marshall, is hanging around nearby too. Not just to pee and wash up, but to hang around his buddies that are apparently suckers who are nothing more than bullies. Hopefully, none are there.

I continue to stare at the door, wondering how I had gone through a day without Eric. My backpack has been a little more on the weight lately, it's been a while since I've had a sore shoulder. But right in the middle of my thought, the door opens on my face. Not to mention, the boy's. Right on my face, which is now flushing with embarrassment.

His appearance could've been a miracle, but it's Austin. His brown hair messy and wet.

"Oh, you," he says, one arm still holding the door.

"Yeah, me," I answer calmly.

"Were you just standing there?" He croaks, frowning with little sureness.

I'm sure telling him the truth won't make sense, it's isn't like I purposely meant to sneak up on people, without them knowing I'm here. He seems more confused than ever as I deepen our silence. "No... um, Lisa said you'd be here," I say.

He puffs unexpectedly, "I'm going now, don't worry."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he says immediately, a grin spreading across his face.

"Did you forget that you'd tell me?" I ask, tiling my head in disappointment.

His one hand still has a strong grip to the door. There's an odd chilling look while he's still in the train of thought, staring the floor, acting like my question wasn't heard.

"Are you really okay?" I try to sound discouraged. "Because if you're not, we could find some other time. Not here, but we'll figure it out."

"No! No, no! I actually figured it out," he replies, hands up in excitement.

Supposedly, I'm already puzzled. When at least there are no hushes and trembling footsteps near us, he grabs my arm, yanking me in. I stumble. The door shuts with a thud. A sudden fear escapes to my throat, and for specific reasons, my arms are crossed protectively in front of my chest before Austin could explain what is going on, crouching down to sit with my knees folded in front of me.

"We'll talk here," he says, I still see the chilling, nervous look. Whatever is going on, I suddenly have the urge to slam myself out of here. It takes a few second again until I could finally talk.

"Wait–here?" I ask.

'What are you doing, Cleo?"

"Was that necessary?" I say, flying past his question. Well, I do sound more nervous than I should. The similar echo through the deafening bathroom is not much of a difference to the girl's. But I'm still... Shaky.

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