Chapter 9

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Friday. Morning.

Stretching as best as I could, I felt his hold on me tighten.

"Don't move" he mumbled, eyes still closed, burying his face in my hair.

"I can barely move" I whispered, a yawn escaping my mouth, my fingers gingerly pushing a few stray dark curls from his face. 

"Why?" he grumbled, sleep was clearly a priority for him right now.

"Because you've trapped me in a very comfy hug, and you know it"

"Maybe I do, what time is it?" Ben asked, brushing his lips along my shoulder, his warm breaths like time stamps on my skin.

"Early" I mumbled, stroking the nape of his neck for a moment.

"Too early then." he yawned, the warm sensation of his exhale settling the goosebumps on my chest. 

"Oh shit" I quietly moaned, properly realising the time.


"I have a conference call with my shadow manager, right about now. "Great"."


"Yes" I sulked, grabbing my phone from the bedside table.

"Does she have to see you?" he asked, propping himself up on one arm, his other palm gently resting on my chest.


"Well then..." he started, rolling on top of me.

"Hm" I smiled, my fingertips tracing his arms.

"Who says you can't work and play?" he asked, just as my phone vibrated.

"No one" I smiled, his lips caught mine just before I answered.

"Morning Sylwia" I just about said, trying not to giggle, the soft kisses he trailed down my tummy tickling me as I spoke. 


After what felt like the world's longest phone-call were I had to stifle any kind of personal joy, it seemed a shower was the next best thing, especially as the source of my giggles appeared to be in there. 

Pulling over my head the white t-shirt I grabbed on my way to the bathroom, I saw there was room for two, sliding the shower screen open.

"About time you joined me" he smiled, sliding the screen again, the warm steam coating my skin.

"Well, I had to go over a few things again because someone rendered me distracted nearly the entire time!" 

"Well, your boss should know better than to interrupt you first thing in the morning."

"Very true, I quite like being interrupted if you're my distraction though." I said, a blush rising to his cheeks. 

"Well then, I'll have to have you around more often" he murmured, pushing wet hair out of my face.

"I'd like that, a lot. I'd really like that" I smiled as did he, before I gave him a foamy nose to match the foamy quiff he had going on.

"That makes two of us then doesn't it? Come on I'll shampoo your hair for you" he softly said, kissing me once before I turned around, a smile on my face. 

"I suppose it does" I softly said, his fingers running gently through my dark locks.

Rule one of dating someone with curly hair- be gentle! I refuse to be responsible for any injuries to others caused by them yanking on my hair.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now