Chapter 21

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I would be insincere if I said part of me wasn’t still thinking about Monday. I just want to forget it and yet my mind clings onto the idea; I know my annoyance made sense in the moment and its long over now but I don’t know, I guess I just hate the idea of hurting someone even if it makes sense to. 'I’m sick of thinking', I think to myself as I hop out of bed brush my teeth, and have a warm shower, proceeding to have a light breakfast and feed Merlin, mulling through a copy of the ‘Evening Standard’ I didn’t get a chance to read yesterday.

9AM rolls by and it’s one of Merlin’s favourite times of day for a walk.

Given the great British weather I decide to wear my knitted maroon jumper with my necklace hanging over it, black skinny jeans, black hunter wellington boots, and a green quilted jacket with my hair tied up in a loose ponytail. I head downstairs and attach Merlin’s leash as he sits calmly “good boy, we’re going to the woods today Merly” I smile as he wags his tail and I playfully scratched behind his ear, he loves going there, it’s like “his place” you know? Where he can just be alone for a while; I don’t abandon him or anything I just let him walk freely to do things at his own pace.

Opening the front door I smile, having seen a familiar face waiting at the bottom of the steps to join us on our walk through the woodlands near my house, wearing a black quilted jacket, black jeans, green hunters, and what looked like a white t-shirt underneath.

“Morning Holmes.” I said, gently patting his side.

“Morning Watson.” Ben replies taking Merlin’s leash in one hand and entwines his fingers with mine in the another, planting a small kiss on my cheek which makes me blush ever so slightly, making me place my hand on my stomach momentarily. “I see we’ve become twins.” I said as he laughed a little, heading down the road. We walk in silence to the woods, the sound of light rain, birdsong, and Merlin’s breathing being the only sounds I can focus on as Merlin calmly trots along close to Ben.

“What are you thinking about?” Ben asks as he crouches down and lets Merlin off his leash to walk ahead of us in through the woodland. “I’m not really thinking, just taking in the scenery, and watching Merlin.” I smile as he looks at me, and takes my hand in his again, continuing to walk with Merlin’s leash in his other hand.

“Really? Nothing on your mind? You just seem a lot quieter than usual is all.” He said, a sad expression of doubt sweeping across his face.

“Honestly, I’ve had a few mind soldering days this week, I can’t be bothered to think much.” I said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He relaxed a bit more, rubbing my hand with his thumb as we walked in our wellies on the muddy path.

“Looking forward to tomorrow?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’ve just been so excited; it’s the only thing I can think about.” I said beaming as he stopped and leant down to rest his forehead against mine.

“Adorable, I’m pretty excited too.” He smiled, planting one lingering kiss on my lips as I smiled up at him.

“I’ve missed that smile, I’m glad it’s back.” He softly said.

“Me too”, I said tip-toeing again to meet his lips for a moment, they were so warm and soft I almost forgot it was lightly raining.

“By the way, I apologise in advance if my brothers tease you, I’m sure mum and dad will look after you, as will I.” I said as we carried on walking, Merlin only a few feet ahead of us appearing to be entranced by the birds in the trees above, cute.

“I can take a ribbing if it means being affectionate towards you. Besides I went to a boy’s school, I can handle it.” He said, squeezing my hand as we walked throughout the woodland for another hour or so and my stomach lurched as the angels sing hymns let alone weep.

Merlin suddenly decided he wasn’t going to walk and became really stubborn, just as it started to rain heavily as we left the woods. I tried giving him treats and praise and encouragement, but he just wouldn’t walk, and I wasn’t about to force him to.

“Right, here boy.” Ben said picking Merlin up and deciding to carry him, I would’ve waited for Merlin to eventually decide to walk again, but in all honesty I didn’t fancy debating with Ben today. 'It’s not that big a deal if it’s just this once' I thought to myself.

“If he drools on you…” I laughed.

“My boy Merlin wouldn’t do that, would you Merly? He’s bloody heavy though.” He said, barely able to walk straight, nuzzling Merlin a bit.

“I love how you call him ‘yours’ these days, it’s sweet. He is a pretty athletic dog.” I said with a smile, I can’t imagine a life without Merlin if I’m honest.

“I’ve become rather fond of being around him like this, he’s like a child and a best friend. Besides I’ve known him since he was born, I just get to see him a lot more these days.” He smiled as Merlin rested on his shoulder, and I held Merlin’s leash in my hand. We eventually made it home and Ben put him down in the hall, and Merlin shook some water off himself.

“Could you pass me his towel please?” I asked Ben as he shut the front door.

“Sure.” He said handing me his towel from a little hamper by the front door labelled ‘Merlys little box’ and I dried Merlin off and rubbed his belly as he happily lay on his back before he got in his basket to relax, probably happy that he had a chauffeur service to carry him home.

“He’s never usually that stubborn.” I said, placing the towel on the chair in the hall, and dried the floor with a few tissues.

“Maybe he was up all night and you didn’t notice? He could just be having an off day?” Ben asked, running his hair through his damp raven locks and I tossed the tissues in the bin.

“Possibly. I know he’s missed you terribly the last few days, he’s always looking at the picture of us on my bedside table and makes the occasional pining noise when you’re not here and he can hear your voice on the phone. Maybe he just sensed you’d let him have his way just this once and carry him in your caring arms.” I said as I rubbed Ben’s arm gently, proceeding to go hang up my coat on the wall hooks and he faintly laughed.

“That’s so sweet; allow me to take your coat.” Ben said taking our coats and hanging them up. “Please, take a seat.” He said motioning me to the staircase to sit, as he took off his wellies.

He proceeded to take off my wellies for me, and placed them next to his.

“You didn’t have to do that Ben, but thank you nonetheless, and for carrying Merlin.” I said leaning back on the stairs.

“Well Bridget once said to me that I was a knight in shining armour and to go make you my princess, and well I want to do that today because you are very much so my princess and I adore you.” He said looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, as felt my cheeks get warmer and I just smiled, he's being pretty damn cute.

“Ben, you’re quite something aren’t you?” I said as I stood on the step with my hands on his shoulders, his now on my waist.

“I like to think we’re well matched.” He smiled.

“We are, very much so.” I said leaning forward as my lips fell softly against his for a few sweet moments.

“If I’m being totally honest, I really have no objections to being spoilt like a princess, should the need arise to do so Sir Cumberbatch.” I cheekily said, running my fingers through his hair as he scrunched his nose and pressed his against mine. 

“Spoiling you would be my pleasure, and hopefully yours.” He replied, and with that he whisked me upstairs to my bedroom, all that could be heard were muffled giggles and the sprint to remove damp clothes.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now