Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes at 10AM to see that Ben is awake and looking out of the window as I rub my eyes and familiarise myself with my surroundings.

“Hi.” He smiles as he rolls over and cuddles me, our faces centimetres from each other.

“Hi.” I replied, making circles on the pattern on his t-shirt with my fingertips.

“Judgement day has arrived then.” I jokingly said, remembering what Tim said about Ben being put in the firing line. “I must admit, I feel more nervous than ever right now.” He says as he clears his throat, bless he genuinely looked terrified which sort of made me laugh.

“Well you’ve got me, I do feel really bad now that everyone’s going to be there but it’ll be fine. Mum and dad will baby you so much you’d think they wanted to get you a set of house keys cut, seriously they’re not scary or anything, although dad’s a fair taller and bigger than you don’t let that bother you, he’s a big softie if I’m honest.” I said as he faintly smiled. “Don’t feel bad, I’d have to meet them all eventually. It’s flattering really that they even want to be there too.” He said stroking my hair.  

We just lay there a while, whispering sweet nothings to each other as I played with his hair and time passed by, stealing occasional kisses from each other.

“I know you don’t want to talk even more about it, but I am really sorry for Monday bobble. I know that’s what was on your mind yesterday, I could tell” he sighed.

I placed my hand on his chest as I lay beneath his arm. “I know you are crumpet, and I don’t have any negative feelings towards you at all. I just didn’t think the first time I told you I loved you would be during me ranting at you as I storm out of your flat, which I’m sorry for, and pulling off my necklace in the way I did. I was just annoyed at myself for being so angry with you, I’ve felt awful about it all week. I’m really sorry, I’ve never wanted to be that mad at anyone, especially not you like that.” I mumbled, pulling myself away from him and lying on my back, pulling my half of the duvet over my face.  

Ben sighed, rolled over onto his back, placing his hand over his stomach.

“I agree, it was unfortunate but at the same time it was kind of passionate thinking about it. You’re annoyed and I’m exasperated, but love is still everywhere. It doesn’t have to be something we dwell on negatively my darling.” He said.

“How?” I politely asked, pulling the duvet off my face, rolling over to face Ben.

“Well…when I realised how heartbroken you were it made me really want to fight for your heart and I realised that you’re my world, that I love you more than anything and as bad as Monday was for the most part it just hammered into my head how much you mean to me, and I love you so much, I really do Rosalind. Even though you were upset when you said you loved me it felt so real and it hit me, and I thought to myself wow she really does love me, it's not infatuation but she really meant it, especially when you talked about it being three years since um well you know, and I remembered you not being yourself for a long time after that. I just thought well, I can’t lose her, I won't lose her, not under those sort of circumstances.” He said taking a heavy breath, smiles making their way across our faces, as he pulled me closer towards him and I rested my head on his chest. 

“Even as I fell asleep with tears in my eyes all I could think about was you and how much I love you. Sorry this sounds really cheesy but I do Benedict. I love you, very much, just as you are. And I just wanted to say that Monday hasn’t changed anything from before then, honestly you’ve given me romance I never thought I’d live to experience and I’m glad it’s all been with you.” I said as he smiled, I was thinking about the date night we had at the flat and when I met his amazing parents.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now