Chapter 25

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AN: I'm really sorry if you've been reading it as I was revising it and things were probably jumping all over the place! Thank you very much for giving it a read as we approach the end, I hope you've enjoyed it so far :0) 


Six months, roughing it (camping) at a few music festivals, a spooky Halloween, wonderfully chaotic Christmas, quite a few birthdays, abundant cheesy sweet nothings, lovey-dovey dates, and a lot of lovely Huntington-Jones-Cumberbatch-Ventham gatherings later.

Ben’s flat.


It's Andy and Fran’s wedding day, taking place at St Mary’s church, Hampstead. I open my eyes to find an almost ethereal radiance had washed over London, glowing on the face of the most perfect man I’d ever known, smiling at the thought as he looks at the ceiling. 

“Bobble?” Ben asked.

“Mmm?” I replied, looking up at the ceiling, I had never really paid much attention to it if I’m honest but the intricate patterns were pretty fascinating.

“It’s not so much a question I have but more of a statement. I’m so flattered that Andy and Fran invited me to share in their special day, I really am.” He smiled as he crossed an arm over his chest.

“They love you Ben, they all do, you're kinda amazing.” I said looking over at him.

“They didn’t invite you as my boyfriend or date but as a friend of theirs, I’m very glad to have you on my arm though, Andy always asks about you when you’re working.” I said and he smiled through a yawn.



“You know that adorable little book of boyfriend coupons you made me for our first anniversary a few months ago…” Ben said and I blushed for a moment.

“Uh huh, I take it you would like to cash one in right now?” I replied, stroking his hair. Ben smiled at me and in that moment I rolled over to grab my glasses from the side table and fell off the bed.

“Oh my god, this is so humiliating and painful.” I mumbled holding my nose and kneeling on the floor, laughing at myself, god it freaking hurts now.

“That’s a rather nice thought about Andy and Fran, shame about the sore nose though.” He said coming out of the bed kneeling on the floor where I was, running his fingers through my hair, which made me smile a little, he really is the nicest person in the world. “I still don’t know what you’re wearing; I hope we don’t end up being twins like nearly every time we take Merlin to the woods.” He said as I laughed softly, still stroking my nose.

“Oh we won’t, it is a lovely dress though, you’ll like it.” I said.

“You’d look beautiful in anything.” He whispered and I smiled as my stomach twinged a little at his sweet words. I don’t think the angels will ever leave me, they’re like tenants or something, I don’t mind though, well most of the time. 

“So where are they getting ready then?” Ben asked, leaning against the bed as we continued to sit on the floor. “Fran’s getting ready at their house with her sisters and Andy’s getting ready with the boys at mum and dads house as are we. Personally I think they only agreed to because of brunch.” I laughed.

“Interesting.” He said.

“Interesting?” I asked.

“Well, it’s just that we’ve not stayed in your room in that house properly-”

“You’re so naughty, I love it though.” I said poking him in the arm.

“I would happily jump your bones but I’m still rather tired and I’d rather just snuggle.” He said.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now