Chapter 11

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Monday. Morning. Bed. 

"You know"


"I think you had a good point Ben" I mumbled, turning over to face him.

"And that would be?" he asked, rubbing his eyes for a moment. 

"My dress does look okay on the floor" I uttered, a husky laugh coming from him.

"It does, um Rosie." he said, pulling me close.


"I am sorry you know, about the arguement."

"I know Ben, it's alright"


"Yes, and well I didn't want to but it felt kind of good to well...say how I felt."

"I understand, I'd want you to be honest, you're always honest. Okay?"

"I know" I smiled, as did he. 


“What are you thinking about?” Ben softly asked, pushing my hair from my face, the lives of this street beginning again after a nights sleep. 

“I’m okay, you’re here and that’s all I really care about but…” I faintly said, rolling over to face him.


“I know you have to go places and do things and see people as do I but I dunno since things have changed I guess I've missed you so much more when you're not here and now all I can think of is not having you here when I go to New York and Ontario and you to Tokyo, South Korea, and Perth, then Berlin for your other work commitments, basically every flipping continent." I huffed, lying back, covering my face with a pillow. 

“I’m sorry. I sound like such a selfish, self-serving brat. Just stop talking Rosalind.” I exhaled, thinking out loud. 

“No, you sound like you care a lot about the people in your life and want to spend time with them. That’s not something to feel bad about.” He reassuringly said me taking the cushion away from me. I sat up, bringing my knees up to my chest, hugging my side of the duvet close to me. I wasn't embarrassed to be naked, I just felt like holding something close to me. 

“I just feel so self-centred thinking like that. Here I am in bed with you, I get to hang out with you when I want to some extent, we're together almost all the time now, yet you go for five minutes and I just end up I don't know, missing you too much I guess?” 

“It's not self-centred, and in all honesty I feel the same at the best of times; you fascinate me in more ways than I can imagine, you're incredibly perculiar. I didn’t want to scare you by telling you the moment I met you I didn't want to stop knowing you. And well very happily you've become one of my best friends, and now my wonderful girlfriend. There's nothing wrong with wanting to spend lots of time together, you're not needy or clingy so it's fine.” He said sitting up, I couldn't hide my smile, what a lovely thing to say. 

“It's just you know...the Cumberbitches love you and some of them may never meet you which is a great shame really and I’m just moaning about not seeing you enough, I’m sorry I’m an idiot.” I said as he shuddered at the use of the word ‘Cumberbitches’.

“They’re ‘cumberpeople’ or the ‘cumbercollective’ please, I don’t like the idea of belittling them with such a connotation, it pulls feminism back quite a few notches”. 

“I didn’t mind calling myself a ‘cumberbitch’ in a light sense of the word actually, but I can see what you mean. Correction Ben, they’re not being degraded by owning the name and creating a positive thing from it. Feminism is allowing a woman to call herself what she wants to be called and respecting her decision to decide for herself." I added, he relaxed some more now.

Well and truly Cumberbatched (To be revised)Where stories live. Discover now