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By Friday, I had just about lost my mind. I couldn't stand being around him for more than ten minutes without thinking about his body without clothes on; when he picked me up behind the school on Friday, this was still true.

"Angel." He says, dropping the cigarette and putting it out with his shoe.

"James." I reply. His eyes make no attempt to hide the fact they are sliding up and down my body. I walk to the passenger side and climb in. He begins to drive me home and I stare out the window. His arm rests on the center console and I eye it before making eye contact and looking back out the window. We pull up to my house and he parks in the driveway because mom isn't home.

"Where's mommy dearest?" He smirks and I turn to face him.
"Gone for the weekend." I reply and I swallow. I swear I just saw his eyes dilate. "Um, will you walk me in?" I ask and he nods.
We get out of the car and he trails behind me as I reach in my bag to grab the key mom gives me for occasions like this.
"Work trip?" He questions as I put the key in the lock.
"Yeah... Typical." I say under my breath and open the door, walking inside and holding it open for him. I shut it and as I turn around I bump into him.
"Shit," I say as he grabs onto my waist to hold me steady and not falling backwards. "Sorry." I say. He looks down at me with those brown eyes and I shudder.
"It's alright, angel." He says and I feel his breath on my skin. As his hands move away from my waist the fire fades and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I make my way into the kitchen, kicking off my shoes and pulling a beer from the fridge.
"You don't mind, right?" I question and he shakes his head.
"I trust you." He replies, and I hand him one. "Thanks."
We sip our beers slowly and quietly, standing on opposite sides of the table. I can feel the tension but decide against saying anything about it. He looks around and I stare intently into my beer. 

"So... how often does she do trips like this?" He asks and I look up at him.

"Um, probably like twice a month or so. Sometimes she'll leave for like months at a time." 

"Interesting. What do you like to do while she's gone?" He asks. "Probably just homework I guess." He answers himself and laughs lightly.

"Sometimes. I like to read and watch movies or go on walks..." My voice fades out, I figure I'm boring him. 

"Sounds boring. Don't you ever feel like needing something... different?" He looks into my eyes and I feel a spark underneath my skin. 

"I guess I've never r-really thought about i-it." Goddamn stutter. Nervous habit. He nods and we go back to an almost awkward silence. 

"I'm going to go change." I say and make my way upstairs. I leave my door ajar and remove my thong, throwing it into the hamper next to my closet door. I begin to unbutton my blouse and I take it off as I stare into my closet wondering what to put on. I shuffle through the shirts and jump when I hear his unmistakeable voice.

"Nice room." He says and I turn around quickly. 

"We've got to quit meeting like this." I say and hold back a chuckle at my attire, the second time I've been shirtless in front of him. 

"Hmm..." He groans seductively and my knees lock. 

"I need to get dressed." I say quietly and and watch as he sets down the cold beer on my dresser. "James." I scold,  walking over to the dresser and grabbing my earring case to use as a coaster. "You can't put drinks on the wood like tha-" I turn around and he's right there. I bump into him and my chest touches his, setting of a fucking flame inside my stomach that spreads everywhere.

"Fuck, Angel." His voice is barely a whisper and it's raspy and low and I whimper.

I stagger back slightly, running into the dresser and mentally smacking myself in the face for ruining something. I move possibly too quickly back to the closet. 

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