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I pace outside the bathroom door.  My head is rushing, and my white socks are crinkling at the ankles from friction.  I can't seem to focus.  Why did I offer my shower?  Can't he shower at home?  Or at Katie's... Fuck.  I hate her.  Why is he even here?  Obviously he's getting his pleasure with someone else...

What seems like hours later, I'm stuck laying on my stomach on my bed scribbling a piece of notebook paper when I hear the shower stop. I'm trying to finish up some homework so I won't have to do any tomorrow. Soft music plays from my speaker on the dresser and I'm actually making pretty good progress.

My door squeaks lightly announcing his presence. I don't look up from my equations when he clears his throat.  Judging by his angry sigh, I don't think he likes my lack of attention. I feel him getting closer so I look up. The only thing he's wearing is a towel around his waist and I unconsciously clamp my thighs together. His body is amazing. My pencil eraser is between my teeth as my eyes drag from his hips to his eyes.

He is smirking, so I look back down at my homework.

"You should probably get dressed." I remark. He swiftly pulls my notes out from under my arm and I jump slightly. "Hey! Give that back!" I exclaim, but he doesn't of course. He looks over them, pretending to be interested.

"Hmm. Math. That's extremely boring." He says, and then closes the notebook and tosses it on the dresser. I try to protest but he cuts me off. "Now," he says slyly, placing one knee on the bed in front of me, "I'm all sober and I think-"

"So you can drive yourself home then." I cut him off and smirk, moving from my stomach to my knees on the bed, sitting on my heels.

"Okay." He says, placing his hands on either side of my thighs and leaning in. "If that's what you want." I turn my head and lean back.  He doesn't get to do this.  No matter how convincing he can be, I need to have respect for myself and not tolerate his sleeping around.

"That's what I want." I say, my voice coming out as a squeak.  Shit.
He looks down at my legs and breaths deeply. I slide myself off the bed and walk to the doorway.

"I'll see you out." I say and he turns to face me, then looks back at the bed. He shrugs, and our eyes flicker from each other to random places in the room as he grabs his sweats and tugs them up, tousling his hair with the towel and then tossing it on the floor.

I huff and walk over to it, picking it up and walking it to the laundry hamper in my closet.  As I'm stuffing it away, my phone begins to ring. Nerves set in as I realize I left it on the bed. He better not touc— before I can even finish the thought my phone is in his hands and he's about to answer.

"Mommy is calling!" He says, clearly amused. "Perfect timing, hmm?" He smirks and I dart towards him quickly.

"Give it!" I yell, but it's too late. He's already answered it, forcing me to be quiet because A) I'm not in any real danger and B) if my mother hears me yelling at him she'll definitely be worried. Not that she shouldn't be worried but... she shouldn't, right? He's holding me away with one arm as he answers and chats nonchalantly with my mother. I eventually concede and sit on the floor across from him.

"No, I came by to bring you both a dinner when she told me that you were away on a work trip so we decided to eat together. I was just about to leave but her phone rang and she's in the restroom." He talks so smoothly you can hardly tell he's lying.

I stare up at him and watch the way his jaw flexes as he listens and how his bicep tenses as he runs his hand through his damp hair. He is easily the sexiest person I have ever seen.

I try to keep these thoughts down but it's difficult and my legs subconsciously squeeze together at the thought of those lips in between my legs...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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